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Posts posted by wstcoaster07

  1. When you say bend the elbow slightly do you mean the elbow that is back (the non docking one) and just cup air (as if i had both elbows back cupping air with them to slow my fall rate? also when brining the elbow down to my hip do i just bring it striahg to my hip or is there a certain movement.

    i just have a hard time with the concept of what will keep me upright if i push one hand forward without brining another back. thanks for all the help by the way everyone. cant wait to try this stuff out. and deffinitely will do soem wall drills

  2. yea, ive realized i rely on my arms too much to create my stability, didnt realize how you could stay stable in a sit without them, it seems that if you dont have your arms back wont you essentialy have a drag infront of you (legs) and not behind you which would make you flip out of your sit (or is siply arching your back with shoulders back enough to counter it)?

    I think i finaly understand when i was in the tunnel at perris why jaoa (spelling?) was having me do things like raise an arm completely over my head while sitting and reach out with an arm (elbow to my side first)

    i think i deffinitely need some more tunnel time though when i get home, just not sure what i can afford and how much i need to make it worth my while)

  3. Ok so i have a little over 100 jumps all practicing my sitlfy just forward back, up and down motion controll and feel i generaly have good cotnroll over my sit and would like to start getting into docks. I plan on doing some tunnel time over christmas when i am home from school but until then i want to get some practice in my own.

    The problem i have is that i feel any time i reach forward with one arm i start to loose stability. I can kinda reach upward with one as if to toe dock from beneth someone (by compensating through placing my oposite hand farther back) however i still dont believe i am stable enough, i have to think to hard to pull it off. So thats one problem. Problem 2 is i cant even reach out forward with one arm a bit without losing controll. Id like to learn this as well so i can dock hand to hand with somoen sitting dirrectly infront of myself.

    I have seen video of guys even reaching with 2 hands (russian freeflyer video) and yet i was always left to believe without the hands back you cant keep a sit.

    all tips as far as stability in a sit and docks would be greatly appreiciated.

    p.s. if anyone jumps at delmarva and will coach in return of me buying your jump ticket and pack job let me know.

  4. I am jumping a Sabre 190 and the biggest pain in packing i am having is with the rubber bands odly enough. I was told to use small rubber bands yet my first bits are a pain to get rubber bands around. I can barely get the rubber band through the gromet on the bag in the first place before looping it around the bit. Is there any problem with switching to large rubber bands and just double looping them around the bits?