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Posts posted by jloirsdaan

  1. Yep, LTG Vines was commander of MNF-I in 2005. COL Carlton B. Reid Jr. of 17th FA BDE was the base commander, he was also my brigade commander. He took command in September 2005 and continued on until Sep 2006. :)


    Go Fast, Dock Soft.

  2. Yep, Oakland has a 9.95% sales tax on the medical cannabis dispensaries already, and it used to be less than $2 per thousand in sales....it's now right around $20 per thousand. It was already being taxed, they just increased it. I've been a medical cannabis patient for almost a year now. Just more money out of my pocket......like I said, we were already paying taxes. However, I am pretty sure this law includes all sales of marijuana, in other words, if it is ever legalized for all, the tax is already in place.


    Go Fast, Dock Soft.

  3. Ah, thanks.....that's why I left the question mark in. I didn't know other than from my experience.

    edit to add: Actually, if you count my 2 years in Iraq....the first time I went was Feb 2003, once we got on a FOB, it was just our battalion, so I guess our Lieutenant Colonel would have been the commander. The second time in 2005, was on Camp Victory.....the base commander there, believe it or not, was "just" a Colonel. :)


    Go Fast, Dock Soft.

  4. Quote

    Isn't a base commander likely to be an O6?

    More like an O8, O7 at the least I'd think?

    edit to add: My wife is on a tiny Coast Guard station, and the commander is a Rear Admiral (O8). Every Army base I've ever been on was a Major General.


    Go Fast, Dock Soft.

  5. Sorry, I stand corrected.

    However, I drank underage as well. Have gotten speeding tickets, etc. So, I've broken laws myself, I'm not a law abiding gun owner either. If we use that definition.

    I think you take yourself out of the class of law abiding gun owners, when you break gun laws, or laws that would, after conviction, bar you from owning guns again. None of which would come out of the said case, you can not convince me he would have been given a dishonorable discharge for this. And even the order "No guns anywhere but the Arms room" doesn't constitute a gun law. All I am saying, and its all just my opinion. :)


    Go Fast, Dock Soft.

  6. If it is a lawful order, and I am not saying it is or isn't. (I wasn't a barracks lawyer, nor was I part of any MOS that would require me to know these things) Then sure, its disobeying an order.

    But, even then, it has nothing to do with US gun laws. The original statement that started this discussion was to the effect of "Guess that takes you out of the group of law abiding gun owners" and even if you were nailed to the wall because of violating the commanders order, it still wouldn't have any thing to do with his right to own guns, and keep 'em where he sees fit.


    Go Fast, Dock Soft.

  7. Hey, I was just a lowely SGT when I got out. I know that ton's of soldiers get Article 15's for drinking under age and other crap that really doesn't amount to much.

    Which, I'd imagine if you just had your weapons in your OFF BASE quarters and were caught, you'd have some pay taken and be working some late nights for a few weeks.

    So, I don't have a clue where you are going with that......but ignoring that rule has really nothing to do with the US gun laws. :)


    Go Fast, Dock Soft.

  8. 13B here as well. Don't be a smart ass, you know full well what I meant by Article 15 if you aren't full of crap about being in. ;)

    edit to add: I can play the name that unit game as well.

    C Btry 3rd 18th Field Artillery and HHB 17th FA BDE.


    Go Fast, Dock Soft.

  9. Look, if you weren't in the military, you really have no clue what you're talking about. While ignoring a base commander's rule might not be the best idea.....really the most that probably would happen if he'd been caught is an Article 15. And while these are no fun, it isn't the end of the world....nor will anything happen to his right to keep and bear arms.

    edit to add: While this wasn't the rule on Ft. Sill....I'd have ignored the rule as well. There is no way in hell I'd put my guns in the Armory. Guess it was a good thing I joined the Army already a married man. :|


    Go Fast, Dock Soft.

  10. Quote

    Yes, I've been to Atlanta. Very nice place.

    You must haven't gone downtown, ;).

    I've been to both Atlanta and New Orleans a hundred times, Atlanta is just as bad as New Orleans in places....just as there are plenty of places in and around N.O. that are very nice.


    Go Fast, Dock Soft.

  11. I'm from Clover, SC....near Charlotte, NC and Rock Hill, SC. I have family members in the Klan, and grew up with racism all around me. Plenty of black people lived in my town, and the others around, they covered all levels of education, from high school dropouts to people with college educations.

    I worked in a prison for just over a year there. So, don't go there with me my friend. I am just a poor southern boy, that knows racism does nothing but destroy people. >:(


    Go Fast, Dock Soft.

  12. I was a bit hot under the collar my first few posts no hostility was meant, on my part, to anyone. I think this is an important debate. Funny how politics can get under a person's skin so quick.

    I am off to bed now, done with my rare day of posting on dz.com. If I offended you, Jerry, or anyone else. My apologies. :)


    Go Fast, Dock Soft.

  13. Nope, I just don't have a Phd in arguing on the internet apparently. I never said anything about the 40% that don't. Have no clue if that's correct or not. I'll take your word that it is.

    I mean, that everyone pays taxes, some more than others. I hate paying them just the same as the other guy. But, that I think this is too important of an issue to just say "we can't afford it". As well as just saying a bunch of other things. I don't have a hidden agenda, nor the desire to keep arguing.

    I am in over my head anyway, I have no edumacation really, and just think the way it is now is "jacked". :)


    Go Fast, Dock Soft.

  14. And you by far have the strongest argument against.

    I don't know the answers, if I did....I'd run for public office. I don't think you should do it for free. Nor the farmer, Nor am I saying that said program is the only form of health care. I hear the arguement, that if the government steps in, the rest of the insurance compainies will go belly up. I guess, I honestly just don't think that'll be the case. Having now spent almost 10 years in the military (between my wife and I) I know how crappy the government can be at this. But, even at its worst, it was still much better than the situation we were in for just under 2 years. No health insurance, and two kids.


    Go Fast, Dock Soft.