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Posts posted by taryn

  1. Did anyone else just see the segment on the Today show about the first time AFF student who survived a 3500' fall? Is that right?!? If I understood correctly it was a static line jump in Seattle area.....Survived with a broken leg and jaw...That man is officially today the luckiest man on the planet! I guess sometime miracles do happen!

  2. That's right all....My first hybrid...first time landing out and first time flying my canopy through 2 pine trees as opposed to landing in them! I was the "little canopy that could" yesterday!

    Anyway, after all those first....beer was deserved!

    Vinny, lets do another hybrid again and maybe this time us girls will let you be part of the action!!!;):D

    Thanks for organizing it!!!

  3. I turn 30 in November and I have mixed feelings. I am in total denial that this is actually happening....I don't feel 30 at all....With that said, I have planned a trip to Vietnam and Cambodia to mark the big landmark! I hope to be sitting on an elephant in the jungle somewhere....far far far away from reality on the big day!B|

    What did everyone else do to celebrate the long kiss goodnight to their 20's and HELLO to their 30's?

  4. I have a funny video that is 3600KB that I would like to share on DZ.Com...it is too large for me to upload. How can I reduce the size? Any suggestions??

  5. I don't know if you guys were aware that this movie was based on the book by Ronald Dahl. The book is darker than the orignal movie with Gene Wilder. Apparently back in the day, Dahl was very upset with the Wilder movie because it deveated from his book. I don't believe Depp's influence was M.J. I think that Depp is quite possible one of the greatest character actors of our generation and he used a combination of Dahl's character and his own imagination to complete what you see on screen.

    Fantastic Movie!

  6. As a native of Pensacola I feel for you! I was just remarking at work that the Panhandle is like a MAGNET for hurricanes. I went through countless growing up there. But, down here in the Tampa Bay area....were keeping a watchful eye....considering all the TS and Hurricanes we got last year. Good luck!!

  7. Once was in a relationship with a guy who lived in Australia......trying being involved with someone who lives in a different DAY than you, different hemisphere. Obvisouly didn't work out! But, on the bright side....spent a month traveling around Australia! Anyway, I'll never do that again. New rule: if I can't get there by car in 2 hour or less...not worth the effort or heartache.

  8. Stiner, & JumpJunkie....

    Stiner first.....think you can make up an excuse to get out there Friday morning?? I'm devising a plan...don't know if it will work but, trying to "take my dog to the vet" Friday morning!!;);)

    JumpJunkie.....instructors are great at Zhills and you can't go wrong with any of them. My suggestion to you....get there first thing in the morning because Saturday is going to be busy. At least call and give them a heads up to let them know that you are trying to finish up AFF and to be expecting you.