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Posts posted by squirell1

  1. everything is ready for the Flop.

    No pre -reg $25 when you get there( same price for the past three years)

    Dinner is include with reg(sat)
    there will be food on site all weekend
    what kind you ask*FREE AND COLD
    costume contest sat nite(cash prize)
    DJ sat nite
    tracking dives,hoop jumps, HOG FLOP COMP,organized loads.Foam Pit Party, Free BEER.Electric 8 way,half naked college girls,SKYVAN,Free BEER,TDS Dives,Muff Bros Dives,Hell Fish Dives,Raffle Prizes,Free Beer, Bragging rights for the winning HF team, free camping,cornhole tourny on friday sponsered by Falling Gators(cash prize)Free Jumps*,Pig Roast,a couple of skydive vendors if they show up,Free BEER,nite jumps on friday (MOON must be full and i dont mean stacey's ass).

    See Ya there....

    *free jumps available after a $24 donation per jump
    Team Dirty Sanchez President:Team HellFish #645 Muff Brother #3546

  2. Quote

    Maybe stop looking so hard , when you least exect it youll meet THE ONE !


    to Jason, your a good friend of mine who offered a lot of emo support thru some rough times for me, you're a great guy, the lucky girl will cross your path in due time....:)
    Team Dirty Sanchez President:Team HellFish #645 Muff Brother #3546

  3. My daughter was a total monkey nearly from birth, She took a nose dive out of her crib at around 3 months old...no lie... She is ten now and a perfect beautiful angel. My 6 yro has been a dare devil since toddler age, his multiple dives off any thing he could get on that was remotely high has left permanent knots on his head.... his doc has told me he fine, repeatedly.... squeak is right..... kids are friggin tough....;)

    Team Dirty Sanchez President:Team HellFish #645 Muff Brother #3546

  4. Here is a preview of the Hog Flop event shirt.

    I need to know how many to print so i have enough.

    Let me know if anyone wants one or ten.

    16 days to go, see ya there...
    Team Dirty Sanchez President:Team HellFish #645 Muff Brother #3546

  5. HOG FLOP TIME.....Team Dirty SAnchez Style...

    Sorry for the delay,but I just wanted all info in place to post. With that said.

    October 31st-Nov 2nd , Skydive Palatka and Team Dirty Sanchez will host the 13th annual HOG FLOP.

    We will have the Skyvan and Caravan on the flight line.

    A halloween costume contest will be held saturday nite and a cash prize of $100 will be awarded for best costume.

    The Hog Flop comp will start saturday morning so please register early so all teams can compete.

    Scotty and Tammy Carbone will be cooking on site all weekend for your dinning pleasure.

    This years registration will be $25 ($5 cheaper than last year) and you can register @ www.teamdirtysanchez.com

    B|FREE BEERB| friday and saturday nite.

    Saturday Dinner free with registration.

    Freefly org..Tom Hayden (world record holder)
    RW org.. Lyle Presse and Jeff Guy
    Wingsuit org..TBA

    Foam Party will be set up if it's not too cold or if Bolas will promiss not to get naked!!!!!

    The Falling Gators will be hosting a friday Hit and chug for prizes.

    As with all of Team Dirty Sanchez events to date,a charity will benifit from money raised with the raffle prizes. This year it will be the U.S.O. Let's Help Support Our Troops....

    Hog Flop comp
    Hoop Dives
    Hit and Chug
    Foam Party
    Halloween Costume contest
    Great food
    Old friends
    New friends
    DJ friday and saturday
    And much more to be announced....See you there
    Team Dirty Sanchez President:Team HellFish #645 Muff Brother #3546

  6. I am reaching out to the DZ.com family.

    I need a graphic artist or a cartoon artist to create this years TEAM DIRTY SANCHEZ'S Luau BOOGIE III T-shirt

    I have a few Ideas but can't get them out of my head and on to paper. The boogie is in March sooo I am looking to get started right away.

    If you are an artist or know one, please contact me.

    Blue Skies
    Team Dirty Sanchez President:Team HellFish #645 Muff Brother #3546

  7. I want to thank everybody that came out to Hog Flop . I could spend the next hour naming everybody involved but they know who they are.

    Over 1,000 jumps were made and no injuries. One cypress fire and 3 cut aways. $1,500 was raised for TDS member # 1 to help with medical costs.

    I was awesome to see old friends and made some new ones.

    I hope Palatka asks me to do this again next year.

    It is now up to all of you to return to your home DZ'sand spread the word!!!!!!!

    Blue Skies
    Denis Neal
    Team Dirty Sanchez
    Team Dirty Sanchez President:Team HellFish #645 Muff Brother #3546

  8. Quote


    I know we talked about it, but I can't remember what we decided; is there going to be beer there?

    *** Why not make this an alchohol free boogie, a percentage of the women attending are already fairly attractive.

    Hey, Every woman that attends a Team Dirty Sanchez event is Beautiful..beer or no beer.......B|
    Team Dirty Sanchez President:Team HellFish #645 Muff Brother #3546