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Posts posted by elias123

  1. I know quite a few people at my home dizzy that jump Piranha's. They all seem to be quite happy with it. Altough I'm not a fan of the overall design the suit looks decent, sturdy, has a nice range in forward speed and a good potential for backflying. I wouldn't let someone do a first flight in it though. The armwings are just a tad to big for that in my taste. If you really are on a supertight budget then the Pirana is probably a good choice for you.
    "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

  2. Until a few months ago my main was a Spectre 120 from '94 with about 2500-3000 jumps on it. Still opened supernice, on wingsuit jumps especially, even with lines that were quite worn out. I found a few small tears in the stabiliser fabric this summer, and after a few months of jumping with ripstop tape on a few places, I decided it's time to get a new (read secondhand) one. Currently jumping another Spectre 120 from the early/mid 2000's.
    "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

  3. I actually heard from at least 3 people that the Storm they fly (or flew) with wingsuits opened in twists quite often. A good friend and ex-teammate of mine even had 3 chops on one in less then 200 jumps. Then again I also know other people who jump it with wingsuits and who always have supergood openings. For me personally, I jumped a Storm 107 for a while and always had very unreliable openings. Never really onheading and when it opened in linetwists it usually was so high that I could not fix it and had to chop. It might or might not have had something to do with the fact that I am a light person.

    I have flown an old Spectre 120 with about 2500-3000 jumps on it for the past 1000 ws jumps and it always opens good. I might have had maybe 1 or 2 (not so serious) twists in the past 500 flights. Can't really go wrong with a Spectre in my opinion. I already have another one laying around for when my current one blows up over my head or when the lines need replacing.

    I have a friend who jumps an Epicene and he really loves it. Opens and flies great, but a rigger told me that you won't be able to do as much jumps on it as you would on a normal new ZP canopy. Also not the cheapest 7 cell out there. Just my 2 cents.
    "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

  4. I feel the Carve is a bit to big for me I think, or maybe to much to handle as I am quite skiny and don't have to much muscle. Also, I've never been a big fan of large suits. Maybe it's the fit that's a bit to big, I don't know really. When I fly with the normal Havocs of two specific good friends of mine, I notice that they (their normal Havocs) are much more manoeuvrable then my own Havoc Carve. I have a much greater feeling of control and agility over the suit. Also, the Normal Havocs are, again in my own experience, more reactive when flying on the belly. But who flies a Havoc on his/her belly right? :) Also, when I jump my own Havoc Carve, at opening I need to do a kind of weird movement, otherwise often I experience funky openings or twists. I haven't had twists or bad/weird openings in over 400-500 jumps, except with those Carve openings. If I jump the normal Havocs of my friends this is not an issue at all. I mean, the Havoc Carve is absolutely a very nice suit, I'm not trying to diss that model or anything! I just prefer to fly with the normal ones for reasons stated above. As for jump numbers, I don't really keep count of how many jumps I have on any given suit, but if I'd venture a guess, I'd say I have about 100-150 jumps on my Carve and about 25 on the normal Havocs of my friends.
    "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

  5. If you go for PF I personally would opt for a Phantom. I've flown both the Shadow and Phantom extensively and find that doing acrobatic manoevres are just as easy in a Phantom as in a Shadow. The upside of going for a Phantom, for me, is that you have a bit higher performance and more potential for forward speed. I can't speak for a Swift/Hatch as I haven't flow those yet.

    Just my 2 cents :)
    "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

  6. Depends on what you're doing really. The guy's main discipline is speed skydiving (he trains shitloads for competitions etc.) so he's always the first out the door (on many an occasion I have seen him land while I was still breaking off/opening up) and also the last one to board the plane. True, some dropzones won't let you manifest unless you are geared up and ready to go. At the DZ I'm talking about this is not the case. Plus if he does land out, and he misses the flight, then he still has to (and will) pay for his slot. He knows this and accepts this. Plus, in all the years I've been jumping there, I've never seen him land out (hich of course doesn't mean it can't or won't happen on his next jump). And even if he does, he earns more then enough to pay for the missed flight :)
    "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

  7. There's a guy at our DZ who does this as well on some days. He jumps, lands at the boarding area, and is packed just in time when people are boarding the plane for the next load. If he wants he can be on every load of the day. When he's not stressed for time, the guy usually packs in about 3 mins. 7000+ jumps with no reserves. I wanna know his secret :)
    "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

  8. Gonna fly with a friend who has a ordered a Funk, which should arrive soon. We're about the same size so we'll be switching suits, because we both want to see what the other suit can do. Will get back to you if I don't forget.

    "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

  9. Quote

    Is why? Seem like eccellent suit to me

    You just answered your own question :) I've sold a few Havocs on here and they were gone pretty much the same day. Even weeks after I still got messages from people asking if the suits were still for sale. That's why you don't see them for sale on forums, their owners are just to happy with theirs suits. I now have my own Carve since a week or two and am quite sure I won't sell it, ever. Just like my Phantom3. I only got to make one jump on the Havoc yet, which was a rodeo, so can't really speak about how it flies yet. But if I can believe what others say about the suit, whose opinion I very much appreciate, I'm quite sure I won't be dissapointed :) Just trying to cranck up my backfly tracing skills now so hopefully one day I can do cool things like the pic posted in this thread!

    Eli :)
    "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

  10. It's very difficult to see what happenned, and I have to admit I have no idea what went wrong, but to me it looks like he might have approached with a bit to much speed and got low, then stalled while still having to make the turn. I personally don't think a gust of wind had anything to do with it, but it's still a possibility.

    When I saw the last episode of the WWL webseries where they talk about what the race course would be like, I already got scared at how technical and demanding that jump was going to be, especially in a competition watched by millions and a 50,000 dollar prize at the finish line. Sad to see that fear has come true.

    I also thought from the very beginning, when the first WWL was announced, that wingsuit proximity racing for big money is a bad idea. That's just my personal opinion.

    Robert made a nice statement on a thread going on on the ProBase Worldcup Facebook page, with which I tend to agree.

    "Whole format need to be reconsidered. F1, downhill skiing, Reno air race .. all this sports events has way out and margin. Terrain flying WS races does not have margin, especially in combination with ''all in'' approach by jumpers from jump 1. It is not question of the GPS, choper, meeting , etc... it is about pure fact that as community we arent there , we arent ready yet to implement and fly lines which has traps. I have feeling that people kinda forgetting that WS is the flying toy , but very limited flying toy!"
    "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

  11. Asked a rigger for a new and longer bridle, bigger pilot chute and ff handle for wingsuit flying. He knew the setup I had/have. My rig is an Atom 00 container from Parachutes De France.
    "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

  12. I have double tabs on my FF handle. One goes under the container flap and the other one, which is twice as wide, goes in the BOC. Very secure and never a problem with deploying.
    "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"