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Gear Reviews posted by tuck

  1. short and sweet kids..... this helmet rocks. if you want a glove like fit, take boneheads advice and bake the liners. its the best fitting helmet ive worn to date (including skateboard, snowboard, moto, ect...). buy it, live it, love it.

  2. I bought a suit from these clowns and it took forever and a day to get.
    I couldn't understand a word that my customer service person was saying (im not even sure if it was english), and trying to track my order was a joke.
    The zipper blew out in 50 jumps and my cuffs are staring to fray every wear. I also ordered a gear bag with my suit which took even longer to get and now I'm scared that that thing is gonna crap out as well. It too has had some major fraying issues already and the zipper looks very poor quality. if you buy from these scam artists your gonna get ripped off.