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Posts posted by shredder

  1. My husband and I were at the race last night and from where we were sitting it looked like he was trying to avoid one of the ground crew who was running over to catch the flag. That combined with the squirrely winds made for an interesting landing:)

    Learn from the past - don't live in it!

  2. You got tickets to RICHMOND??????????????????
    I got a left nut I'd trade you for it!


    Sorry, I think I'll keep it. I hear there are tickets still available though!

    Learn from the past - don't live in it!

  3. I never like Nascar until I saw a race in person in Dover, now I am hooked! In fact, we're going to Richmond in a couple of weeks and I can't wait!! Let's go racin' boys .....

    Edit: Hi John, say hello to Valinda for me :)


    Learn from the past - don't live in it!

  4. My dvd player won't record it either - keeps saying it's protected. I've heard quite a few other people have had problems recording it too. I just have to stay up late and watch it!
    Learn from the past - don't live in it!

  5. Dewey was truly one of the kindest people I have ever known. He was one of the "rocks" of the Blue Skies family and helped out whenever we needed him, whether it was teaching other jumpers, doing tandems or running manifest. I will really miss him. Thanks for everything Dewey. Good bye for now until we meet again one day.

    Wendy Williams
    Learn from the past - don't live in it!

  6. Quote

    You can usually rebuild a large part of a log through manifest records...the rest is kind of a honor thing.

    Definitely ask manifest to print out your account for you. We used to print out records from JumpRun all the time - one or two for lost log books - more for "I just don't have time to log every jump so I wait for a rainy day to do it!"

    Learn from the past - don't live in it!

  7. That's a terrific story! We still have my father's diary from WWII - he was a tail gunner on a B17 in the 351st Bomb Group out of Polebrook, England. There's one entry in it where the plane gets hit over Germany and goes into a nose dive. It takes both the pilot and co-pilot to pull it out of the dive and when they finally do, all of the instruments are broken and the rest of their group are gone. They flipped a coin to decide which direction to fly to get back to England. They made it back safely later that night. He writes that he couldn't sleep and watched the mechanics work on the plane, called the Dottie J. throughout the rest of the night. Next afternoon they got sent back up in the same airplane on another mission! Gives me goosebumps just reading it, but I am so thankful we have it to read and can pass on the stories to others.
    Learn from the past - don't live in it!

  8. My sister adopted a pit bull that had been used for "bait" for the bigger, stronger, pit bulls to practice on. He's missing one eye and all scarred up, and when she first got him he was terrified of everyone and everything. I didn't trust him at all! Everyone thought she wouldn't be able to do anything with him, but within six months, and a lot of love and patience, he truly became a different dog. She gave him a new life full of kindness and he has thrived. He's not aggressive toward humans, BUT he will attack another dog if it comes after him. I too would hesitate to have him around any small children though, just in case. Once they bite into something they don't let go and they are extremely strong.
    Learn from the past - don't live in it!

  9. Your right, my "maker-of-small-pieces" friend,

    Lol! Thank you for tirelessly answering the same questions over and over again. So $200,000 in $100 bills only weighs 4 pounds? Hmm... I will keep this in mind when I win the lottery.
    Learn from the past - don't live in it!

  10. You write it in past tense, I still go on and on about the money. If Cooper did this and his primary focus was a grudge it wasn’t much of one. If someone puts their life on the line to make a point they at least make one. Cooper never made his point; he never brought to light what it was he was so angry about. So then you have to default to the money making the point for him.

    Well, that was not much of a point if it was solely a grudge. $200,000 to Northwest was not gong to be a blip on their radar. So if it was a grudge, then Cooper was not just an idiot, he was a flaming idiot.

    Boy howdy that was fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What if he knew that $200,000, in the denominations he asked for, (or was given) was all the weight he could carry and still be able to jump and land safely? I'm probably giving him more credit than I should, but that amount of money had to weigh quite a bit. Maybe some of the more experienced jumpers would know if he would need to worry about wing loading on that type of canopy???
    Learn from the past - don't live in it!

  • Ckret - has the FBI ever thought about giving Cooper amnesty? I know, it sounds crazy, but IF he is still alive and came forward with the story of how he did it, it might be worth it!!!
    Learn from the past - don't live in it!

  • (1) he planned to jump from the start, ie
    jumping was his plan of escape, experienced or not. This implies he was looking for an exit (and exit strategy) even before boarding the plane. (2) He had a chute on and wanted stairs down even before the plane lifted off at SEA. He pressed to have these
    basic requests filled but then when the stair request could not be met he gives up (almost without a word) .... and goes to plan B?

    I have been following this thread from the beginning and must say it has been very entertaining! Does anyone here know what the regulations were back in Cooper's day as to carrying your own rig onto the plane? We know that jumpers today, for the most part, take their personal rigs on the plane with them. If Cooper had this so well planned out, why wouldn't he carry his own rig on, one he knew well and could depend on, instead of asking for rigs that would be "unknown" to him. Makes me wonder if he planned to jump from the beginning, or if it truly was his second choice, or just his last resort.
    Learn from the past - don't live in it!

  • Depending on how much time you have, you could drive into Washington DC, or drive to the Springfield VA Metro (train) station and take the Metro into DC. Walk around the monuments and Smithsonians. (They're open according to the websites) You're only 33 miles away in Manassas and it's well worth the trip! Or, go visit the Manassas civil war battlefield and see where Stonewall Jackson got his name!
    Learn from the past - don't live in it!

  • You could always call the company and asked what Emma's last name is, along with her title. Her assistant or the receptionist should be able to give you the information. If they ask why you want it, just be honest and tell them you are sending her your resume and just wanted to write a cover letter with it. The company might even have a website that lists their employees. Good luck!
    Learn from the past - don't live in it!