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Posts posted by steellex

  1. Quote

    I'd go with a more secure set-up than a Pro-tec helmet. Something that doesn't move around -at all- on your head in freefall.

    Does this mean that the ParaMount System 3 does not give a firm fit?

    Like I mentioned, i'm just trying to utilise my Pro-tec as a backup camera helmet. But given the relatively low price of the ParaMount Sys 3, I might as well just get one and save the hassle of fixing one up myself.

  2. If your intention is to capture wide-angle shots, the 1.7 focal length multiplier (aka crop factor)will work against you. Cause you will need to get a wide angle lens of at least 16mm in order to capture the 28mm equivalent.

    However, if you are shooting with tele lens, the crop factor will effectively increase the zoom factor (your typical 80mm lens will end up as a 136mm).

    As a commercial photographer who has used Canon digital system for more than 5 years, I was quite impressed with the Foveon X3 sensor used in the SD10. Color rendition is very accurate and images are very sharp.

    However i must add that I have no prior experience using a SD10 in the sky so I won't knoe how well it holds up.

  3. Any of you guys out there using Pro-tec as a camera helmet? Please send me pics of your setup together with any tips and advice if any.

    I have an old Pro-tec lying around and i intend to modify it into a backup camera helmet. I shoot mainly stills with a Canon D60.

    Thanks in advance!

  4. Like I said, I was taught that a reserve should be retired after 6 years from DOM, I just wanna clarify if there are any deviations to the rule. And based on the various replies I received, it looks like the rule of thumb I was taught does not apply.
    It never hurts to ask when in doubt.

  5. I was taught that a reserve lasts up to either 20 jumps or 6 years from date of manufacture, after which it should be changed. I have a Tempo 170 manufactured in 1995 with 0 jumps on it. If the statement holds true, I'll have to get another new reserve, but it does seem a waste of a good canopy. Any repercussions if I continue to jump with the 'expired' reserve?

  6. Gath actually produces snowboard helmets too. They have 2 versions, one with retractable visor and one with a fixed half-visor version. The design of the helmet is exactly the same as the Gath freefly helmet, 'cept with the visor. I've got a visor version which I'm using for wakeboarding. Maybe one of this days I'll try it out in the air.
    Check out the helmets at:

  7. Let me get this right. The Gelvenor coating only affects the lifespan of the canopy, but not the performance in flight, rite? I was told also that an old ZP canopy can be sent for re-coating. If this is true, where can I find such services?

  8. I have over a 100 jumps on a Hornet 170 and have the intention to move on to a Heatwave 150. However, my chief instructor, who had jumped a Heatwave 135 before, advises me not to. He mentioned that on numerous occasions, the Heatwave he jumped became unstable especially in cross wind landings. Also, he insists that the canopy material will deteriorate before I can get 500 jumps on it. He suggests a Stiletto 150 instead. Has anyone experienced the problem of canopy instability during cross wind landings? And will the canopy last 500 jumps? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  9. Did my first heli jump in Dec 01 during the inaugural Sri Lanka boogie. Exit height of 11K for only USD$12!!! Climb to altitude on board the Russian MI17 was just under 20 mins. We leapt off the ramp door and the feeling was absolutely AWESOME! Much like jumping off a Skyvan with less forward speed.

  10. Hi, I've done nearly 50 jumps on a Hornet 170 (loading at 0.88) and had no problems handling it. I'm considering downsizing to a Hornet 135 (loading at 1.12) Will that be too big a leap, or should I just play safe and get a 150? Can someone please advise? Thanks.