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Posts posted by nvanduyn

  1. The recurrency issue will be the only concern. According to the sim, it is recommended that you have a recurreny jump after 30 days of no skydiving. This is not a BSR, but just a recommendation, this might be something your home DZ may enforce.

    This same recommendation is 60 days for an A license holder.


  2. Dang, but I guess thats why the reserve re-packs are required, and a general good idea. Gives you a chance to inspect you entire rig, even the parts you don't really want to open :P

    Anyway, to the original topic, do I consider what I should do if I do have a double malfunction? Yes. Do I spend my entire skydive worrying about have a reserve malfunction? No.

    If you practice your emergency procedures, you know what you need to do ahead of time. Then the fear of "OMG What Do I Do?!?" tends to go away by itself. Afterall, if you've got a giant ball of shit above your head there are always things you can do to help yourself.


  3. hah, didn't know you guys were still talking about this guy...

    Well relatively my first jumps without that much incident, except for my first AFF. I deployed alright and spend way to much time looking up at my canopy making sure it deployed correctly. By the time I was done and looked for the DZ I had flown away from the DZ, and to make matters worse, I was downwind. The thought "oh shit!!! where the hell is the DZ" came to mind. As I started to make it closer to the DZ, I saw these little black lines that were in my line of flight, and then the words, "Those are POWER LINES, you are NOT going to make it over them!" came over the radio. Anyway, I was forced to do a 180 about 400 ft in the air and land downwind in a field with cactus...ouch.

    that was about it though.


  4. Quote


    When I get some more money I'll be enlisting some help of a canopy coach.

    Put aside some of your jump money and do it now instead of later. It'll be the best money you'll spend in skydiving, guaranteed... and what you learn just may save your life someday.

    I agree, I saved up about 400 bucks and one weekend when scott miller was out at our DZ I became a student again :) Took both his beginner and advanced courses

    I was having some issues with timing the flares on landing on smaller canopies, he fixed everything. I have to say, best money I have ever spent.


  5. HAHA, did you charge them a Prioity Time Fee or something to that effect?

    Yep, I started off learning everything from scratch when I was just a wee child. Its good to know, generally the code produced by Web tool is most of the time sloppy and not technically correct.

    oh and javascript and asp are evil:D , learn php and mysql. Its suprising how much people will pay for a custom database and custom coding in PHP. ;)

    Cause not many people know how to truely do it.


  6. Well I'm not sure how much experience with HTML, but for now I will assume little.

    You can start off by heading over to Wikipedia searching "HTML" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML That will give you all the information about HTML's background, and has a lot of very good resources for people that want to learn. Read all you can, and learn to do it without Web development tools, I usually create stuff with notepad for html, or a more advanced text editor for PHP and MYSQL code.

    When you feel that you have reached the limit of HTML, use the same site and look up PHP. Wikipedia has a lot of information for ya.


  7. You really should take the time to get in depth with HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). There will be times when Dreamweaver/Frontpage ect. won't do exactly what you need, and you will have to hand edit it anyhow.

    Then when you get good at that, look into PHP and mysql, that will keep you busy for a while. ;):P


  8. Quote

    According to the rules, who is allowed to disconnect/reconnect canopies and rigs? I mean if the risers are left connnected to the canopy and all that is being disconnect/reconnected are the two three rings.

    According to the SIM 5-3 M. pg 111 states
    "Maintenance and repair of the reserve:
    Repairs to the reserve assembly must be done by an FAA certified rigger only."

    "Maintenance and repair of the main:
    A. Repairs to the man may be done by an FAA certified rigger OR by the the owner IF he/she has adequte knowledge and skill"

    So I guess that means either you if its yours and you know what your doing, or your rigger.

    As to the check, that sounds like something I am going to have to include when I pack.


  9. Quote

    Yeah, I know, still fun to poke at you for skipping out on a great jump day for work.:D:P

    If you want, when you come out tomorrow, after you jump I'll make a step through and show you how to fix it. Not only that, but I'll show you a couple of tricks and such on how to keep it from happening after you've got everything bagged up.

    Yeah, sounds great thanks.

    I did like 10 spirals in a row just to lose altitude. That 200 was fun but time was ticking and I didn't really want to get fired, cause that would end my skydiving funds right there.

    Anyway, see you tomorrow.


  10. I'm thinking this is what happened actually, because I still remember the lines and risers lining up perfectly, just like my other packs. I do however remember that I was moving the pilot chute out of the way of some....lines. I had no clue that would have resulted from that, something so simple. Oh well, better that I learn it now and not do it in the future.

    Oh and Dave, the reason I left in a hurry was because I was actually late for work. heh, load didn't get up in the air as fast as I thought it would so I had to haul ass out the door. Hey and thanks for all those questions I've got answered from you and the rest of the guys out there. I'll be there wednesday, for more packing practice, the exam and maybe a jump or 2.


  11. well I didn't mean I was disregarding the lines, that was my 5th pack for myself and the ones prior had all be great. Thats why I couldn't understand how the heck this one got screwed up. I am thinking I might have done something going from the bag to the container.

    Again like I said, I want to take care of this issue now, so I don't have to worry about my canopy (or to a lesser extent).

    edit: I am pro-packing them


  12. alright, thanks to everyone that replied. I guess next time I'm packing I'll slow down and make sure the lines are right. And if they are and I get the same stuff again I'll have a talk to the rigger and see what I could be doing to screw the pooch.


  13. I would go get the PhD, skydiving while doing it, then after do the DZ bum thing. :p

    I would get the PhD just so I could force people to call me DR. Say go for what you really want to do and have the money for.


  14. Alright, well I jumped earlier today and packed myself. Anyway, I went up to altitude for a jump, planning on pulling high (9 grand) to get some more experience with front risers, diving the canopy, ect.

    On deployment, it was a little harder than I was used to, had a few line twists, and the front riser was apparently looped around the back. I did the standard steerability check. The canopy flew just like it normally did, so I flew it in and landed it, without problem.

    I was talking to the DZO about the risers and how the front was twisted around the back, and he told me that I apparently backed myself a stepthru. Only odd thing is I have no CLUE how I could have done this. The first jump I did not step thru the canopy at all, the lines were all lining up without any twists.

    Anyone have any ideas, I have been told that it can be survived (without chop) with larger canopies, but it starts to become an issue with the smaller ones. Thanks.


  15. well I highly doubt you did it intentionally and everyone at the DZ knows this. Learn from your mistakes like everyone does and move on.

    Also, remember to replace what you break :p I somehow broke a packing tool of a staff memeber learning how to pack, and felt horrible. She refused to let me buy her another so I went to the DZO and had money deposited into her account.

    Stuff like that will go a long way. :)
