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Posts posted by Pablito

  1. Send the Passenger harness to the UPT rigging loft, FYi UPT holiday shut down starts on wednesday and it will re open on january 2nd.
    Cielo Azules

    "If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
    Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

  2. The best thing to do is to do Bromocresol green test on all your system.
    If you ever transport any batteries, never put your rig there.

    "If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
    Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

  3. Could you please send me Pictures of this so I can take care of it.
    Cielos Azules

    "If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
    Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

  4. The crystal Ball goes only on the Tandem Vector 2 and the sigmas equipped without a Skyhook.
    If the sigma has a skyhook the crystal ball is highly recommended to remove it.
    Cielos Azules

    "If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
    Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

  5. Pablito is Pablito, I happen to work for RWS, and I'm not representing RWS on this discusion, I never said as an RWS employee I think bla bla bla.
    THe flag that I waved was the Pablito flag not the RWS one.
    If there is something in concern with RWS the right person will do the post.
    Mick Have a great day. and look at my signature. doesn't say RWS employee on it.

    "If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
    Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

  6. having 2 pilot chutes, one that could get in between your line groups and give you a bag lock? well that really sucks. I wish that that never happens to anyone.

    "If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
    Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

  7. the topic of the post is about horshoe mal on reserve, there were several topics discuss. This is not about my believes or yours.
    You can think what ever you want Mjorsparky

    "If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
    Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

  8. Well as you say it does, but the concept of it is simple.
    The service bulletin was done because if the skyhook is not properly install on the bridle they you can't continue your packjob.
    Life is good brother.
    If you want to can try overanalyses everything and then you will never get anywhere. The important thing is to understand what you are doing.

    "If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
    Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

  9. Well I don't pack racers by choice.
    The skyhook is simple, that is the beauty of it i like packing it.
    Cielos Azules

    "If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
    Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

  10. question for you? why will you like to make things more complicated? simple things work much more better.
    I refuse to pack catapult systems, becuase there is a chance of bag lock. lets see hypoteticaly speaking. if one in 50 makes a bag lock, now i'm bringing the rate of malfunctions down, why will I do that?
    some ideas work, other don't.
    Cielos Azules

    "If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
    Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

  11. Well if you are driving and you are going downhill and there is a storm approaching, the chances are slim but it could happen.
    If the unit is on and you slam the door of your car and is a tight seal car, it also could happen
    Cielos Azules

    "If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
    Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

  12. FYI, this could be for all AADs to.
    17. What happens if I forgot to shut down my Vigil when I travel in a moving vehicle (Train, Car, Bus...) ?

    Vigil is the most accurate AAD on the market. It becomes operational in a zone of 150ft/46m above or under takeoff level. To avoid unexpected firing, you must switch OFF your Vigil before traveling in a closed vehicle (boot or trunk) due to possible air pressure variation.

    Cielos Azules

    "If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
    Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

  13. Go to your Dropzone and ask a packer to teach you how to pack,
    Pay him/her 20 bocks and they will spend the time to teach you.
    Its not hard but its about control.
    Cielos Azules

    "If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
    Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito