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Posts posted by Maggotry

  1. Quote

    Nope, I understood exactly what you meant, you've misunderstood me.

    Alright fair enough


    I'm honestly saying it doesn't matter how "cool" something looks. Whats cool to me is the skill for each thing done. I don't care if you look like a cool FFer or a cool RWer with all matching gear and the latest gadget. If you fly like shit, you fly like shit and its very uncool. Even if you're safe, fine your safe but you still fly like shit.

    That's my opinion too. However it's a tangent to what I inquired about. Maybe my question was badly formed and stupid - I do that all the time.

    I ain't arguing with you here. I'm in complete agreement with what's been said in this thread and you've articulated my own opinion pretty well.

    I'm also aware I'm seriously backtracking in an attempt to clear up some conceptions people could get from interpreting the question in a way it was not intended but I got myself to blame for that one.

    It was a light hearted question of visual prefence wrt clothing, nothing else. You understand what I mean I'm sure. I didn't intend to imply a shitload of things.

    Heh, now I'm on the defensive for putting up a rather silly badly worded poll about style which is pretty ironic considering I have none B|.

  2. It's not about rush for me. It's about the social life at the DZ and getting better at something that's both extremely light hearted and extremely serious at the same time.

    It's hard to learn too which adds an extra challenge.

    I've had 'rushes' while skydiving. First Birdman jump I was just thrilled when I got down. When two students who'd "tracked to get home" suddenly passed me in freefall while I was under canopy, maybe 10 yards from me - I got a somewhat apprehensive then and the adrenaline came without me asking for it.

    It just isn't why I do it.

    Anyone who doesn't get an adrenaline rush when getting a big scare ain't getting a big scare. It's a natural response to a potentially dangerous situation. I'd say there are some of those in skydiving but I don't know many skydivers who actively seeks them out.

  3. I think I'm somehow misrepresenting myself here. Should have used other words.

    My question was basically the same as: 'you think a ball gown is better looking than a pair of tight jeans', but it's drifted towards 'trying to be cool will kill ya' which I in no way disagree with.

    In other words, I'm talking about static clothing, not acts as such. I agre with both Bytch, aggiedave, mospary in what they've said. It just wasn't what I was commenting about.

    Anyway, never mind. I should learn to be more precise. Just forget it :P

  4. Quote

    There is way too much focus on appearance and what is “cool” as it is. Being “cool” can get you dead, FS or FF. [:/]

    Dumb poll. jmo[:/]


    Dude, I don't mean this as being about trying to BE COOL or show off or anything. You're reading me wrong I think. You are what you are and nothing changes it except possibly maybe there is a chance you yourself can change yourself.

    F'cked up that sentence didn't I?

    It's about what *you* find more visually appealing.

    If you ever saw me in my gear you sure as hell wouldn't call me cool because of it, IF you were the type to judge such things by gear. I got some old but dependable stuff that's a bit dirty and far from color coordinated. I'm known for my lack of class and bad temper, heheh.

    Again, don't read more into this than "what is more visually appealing".

    Thank you :)

  5. Obviously this is up to individual tastes B|.

    Take a dude in this tight fitting black FS suit with all the cool nice grips and booties and eveything. Compare to a freeflier in as suit a la Da Kine. Which looks better?

    As a complete newbie I though the FS dudes were the shit. They had the cool helmet and the snazzy suit. The freefliers looked like bums that had camera attached to their skulls.

    Now that I've chosen what discipline to focus on I kinda think the FS people look like something that's on the way to a fetish party :P. Kinda style jumpers light edition heheh.

    The freefliers still look like bums with camera-craniums but that fit my personality perfectly, so now they're the better looking.

    What's is more visually appealing to you?

  6. Agreed but in free flying you're not focusing on making 20 points on your belly. The focus is different.

    Same thing with freestyle - different focus than both FS and FF.

    I'm a freeflier but I'll do a belly jump if my FS buddies want to. I'm not as good at it as they are but I can do it. It's something we both can enjoy.

    Most of them are sub 1000 jump jumpers though who're FS bums so when I've taken them freeflying the result has been hilarious - arms everywhere, running man going on. Much sitting-on-the-ass.

    I hear a lot about how FF should be able to be decent at FS to be 'real' FFers but nothing the other way around. I believe some of the FF moves could be pretty useful to a FSer. I know for sure of one AFF instructor who was happy he'd done some freeflying. He was jumping with this really big AFF student and the only way he could keep up was in a head down ;)

  7. If she knew and didn't tell she should be hung, drawn and quartered.

    In use at least until Tudor times in the UK. The victim is first hung by the neck but taken from the scaffold while still alive. The entrails and genitals are then removed and the torso hacked into four quarters.

    Was pretty commonly done to traitors.

    It's only fair.

  8. Quote

    It is my understanding that in Speaker's Corner we are all entitled to post our beliefs as long as we remain within the rules of this site.

    Yeah, my points wasn't about posts on this forum but rather general behavior. People act according to their beliefs and those are expressed here.

    What I'm saying is that you can tell a Catholic girl it's wrong to have an abortion, pretty much without passing judgement on her but rather just stating a fact since you have the same or close to the same religious values. You interpret an action according to the same rule book so to speak.

    But if you take your rules, your faith and start applying it to people who just don't believe, then you're passing judgement. You're in essence saying that your beliefs trumph those of the other person. They're more right. Would you have a problem with your values somehow being enforced on the whole population?


    As far as 'pissing in your house', it is my understanding that this is HH's house and his guests include people of all different faiths. We are a very diverse group in that manner, which is what makes it interesting.

    Again, my comments weren't about this forum. It was about the issue at hand. HH is Da King here - he's puttting up a free service we may use at his discretion and he should be commended for it.

    I'm just saying that if you push your beliefs on me (or more generically, if the Catholic values are pushed on non Catholics) you're in for a fight. I'm not gonna stand back and let sugared up version of the Inquisition/Sharia/whatever gonna happen. Dude, we simply have spent too much blood trying to ensure diversity is possible to just have it removed.

    As for judgement, I agree with you completely. I have never passed judgement on anyone and do firmly believe that I will stand alone before God and account for my actions and omissions. Just because I oppose abortion does not mean I am condeming anyone who doesn't to hell. Passing judgement on others is considered to be a very serious sin in the Catholic faith.

    Yet we do it every day. Making judgements is what we humans need to do on a daily basis and that includes judgements on other people. Is that person reliable? Looks like an axe murderer, acts like one too. Is his moral values compatible to mine? Can he be trusted?

    I dunno if there is such as a degree of sin as in small/big ones. I dunno if there's right and wrong in anything but a relativistic sense. I dunno if that's important or not either.

    I know that all these judgements are done because of pragmatical ethical or moral values. Or a host of other reasons but we make those calls cause we gotta.

    I don't see how you can go about life without judging people. Some would call it 'assessment' but they're synonymous and that is sorta a semantic question.

  • Quote

    Now you're arguing semantics. I think it is pretty arrogant of you to try to trivialize a person's faith.


    It'spretty arrogant to force feed your own personal beliefs down the throats of other sentient beings, too.

    I mean fine. You're Catholic. You and your brethren don't do the abortion thing. All is cool with me.

    But when you start messing around with nonbelievers, heretics and heathens that's when the coolness stops.

    We don't piss in your house, you don't piss in ours, that's kinda the peace deal we have. You do your thing and let us do our thing and everything is fine.

    Don't let your personal faith invade the privacy of other sentient beings. That your faith is organized and wide spread adds nothing in terms of validity in the eyes of heathens. Your faith is just that, your own. Only you will stand accountable for your actions. You are the one who will be judged. You aren't the judge.

    Let others do their thing; they too will be judged, in this life or the hereafter.

  • But the US doesn't have an official language (23 states do though), so which are they to learn? Arabic? Chinese?

    One could argue that the majority should decide; but then if it was that easy, English would have been the official language already.

    Other than that, I agree with you 100%.

    Assuming it was a communication problem that caused the shooting, I still don't get the two extra shots after the man backed off. I dunno much about US laws, but aren't you supposed to be in immediate danger to use deadly force?

  • You gotta admit you'd be pretty pissed off in the French snatched your mother/freefly buddy, beat 'im up for five month and then dumped him in Bulgaria, right?

    I guess the question to be asked is this: would you think it was fair if it happened to you or a loved one?

    I dunno why there's a distinction based on race/religion/nationality/ethnicity. People are people. Same hopes and dreams, most of 'em.

    You dudes fought like hell to get the nazis outta Europe. Dontcha think it's sort of wrong to use their methods? I mean I can see the need for good intel in the fight against terror, but to use any and all means?

    Slippery slope, that is. Ain't too much of a step going from torturing foreign nationals to using persuasive methods on Americans.

    I might be wrong though dude. This just doesn't sound like the way to fly to me.

    [edit] last lines for mark, not you trent :)]
    Oh yeah; about Europe: if you *really* want to be good at extracting info from terrorists, talk to the French or the Brits. They've had terrorism for decades and are pretty good at doing the dirty job.

    I've got friends in Iraq wearing nice camo fatigues right now. Your words are pretty strong considering a good deal of us (Euros) actually supported and support the overthrowing on Hussein and the overall war on terrorism.Our guys are dying over there too.

  • The thing about baby seals are that they're cute. It's easy for a human to see "human" emotions in them. Little soft furry things, quite defenceless.

    Of course, rat kids are little soft furry things too. Except most don'tthink they're cute.

    Pretty sad that an animals inherent worth is proportional to how cute or human it is.

  • Yeah it's weird. Now that the egocentric generation has grown up and have teenage offspring they expected eveyrone else but themselves to raise their kids.

    Kids go to school to be taught, not to be raised. A good percentage of parents forget this to some degree.

  • Oh, it's mainly the position of your legs. You can fly with your legs straight and apart to the sides (spread eagle) or daffy, where the legs are positioned with one forward and the other backwards, out of the burble of the arms.

    Uhm, mucked up that explanation, but I hope you get the picture :)

  • Hey, you just gotta remember that you're the canopy's bitch, not the other way around. It saves your life not the other way around and it knows this B|.

    Soothing words and lots of compliments seem to get the canopy in the riight mood but every now and then it just wants to show you who's the boss, heh.

  • It's cold up there in the winter. Was -22F at 13k today.

    I did a freefly jump and came down with very cold hands and face. Got warm again and then did a pre-birdman training tracking jump. When I was about to land after that jump my fingers were so numb I had trouble telling whether I was holding on to the toggles or not. And I'd gotten the frost bite bug in the face too - now there's a clear demarcation marking where my goggles have been. Rest of the face is reddish with some nasty looking woundish things.

    Then did my beer birdman jump. Cold wasn't as bad but it didn't exactly help to improve my face.

    I've tried wearing a balaclava (sp?) but my goggles fog up (got several; the ones that fogged up the least are the cheap and reliable Flex something ones.)

    I'm jumping a normal FF helmet and ain't planning on buying a full face one, especially after a friend having a cypress fire after an icing up of visor/dislodged reserve handle incident.

    What's your tips for keeping your face if not warm then at least free from these ugly and uncomfortable frostbite things?

    Dude, they're gonna laugh at me at work tomorrow...:P

  • Pretty long time if you're an average skydiver. Bit shorter if you jump a lot.

    I've been working on my HD since around jump 280. Right now I can transition to HD from sit/back to sit on heading, regulate my descent rate somewhat and fall down the tube, basic turns and modest back/forward movements. Can't fly daffy yet (haven't tried much to be honest) and that all relaxed "dude, this is soooo easy" pose is still very much far away. I mean basically I can be HD and have all the Sierra Hotel fliers fly around me and mock me. Sorta like an AFF student compared to a hot 4-way team :P

    Best advice is to get good instruction. I had Tim Strauss take me up for 10 jumps and then had another three with Juan Carlo from 1st School. Learned more from them in those jumps than I did fumbling around on my own.

    Look in the freefly forum - there are a number of threads on this issue. There are several things you must take into consideration before attempting to go HD - it's well explained in those posts. HD may be stylish, but it does add danger, to you and others, especially if you're new at it.

  • Heh, I know what you're saying. Got a brand new Safire 2 119 and am trying to fit it into container built for something slightly smaller.

    It's a matter of technique - took me an hour the first time, but I'm down to 15 minutes now. Still more than with the old canopy, but good enough.

    You'll get there. Mine looks like sh|t while I'm bagging it but once it's in, it looks alright and so far has opened good.

  • Heh, yuo caught some. Doubt you'll hit 200 posts though. Your lure is good, but not *that* good.

    What we have here ladies and gentlemen [shows item] is a classical example of something that seems inherently absorbed in itself, comes across as arrogant and might possibly have an inflated opinion of its worth - at least superficially. Well, that is probably a bit from the truth. But amusing, so I'll leave it at that.

    Go a bit deeper under the layers and it is apparent that the need to converse in this manner stems from a need to be recognized which is funny because it's in conflict with the exaggerated belief in itself. Now, it isn't the classical thong wearing bikini attention seeker - much more sophisticated and entertaining than that.

    Fear not! A discussion will not change anything, no matter what words are said or written. This, my honored audience, is a case of WWI trench warfare. There'll be no budging the border, but Battle of the Bulge's aplenty.

    Aaah, at least it is entertaining to the generals B|