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Posts posted by justaman

  1. The DZO sets the tone of the drop zone.
    Makes you wonder what they sound like.

    It is also fair to say that there are those (DZOs) that have no ideal because Instructors have not told them or the instructors have no ideal themselves.( or don't care?)

    I hope that all this will bring something that will make ISP work. (or be worked)
    Do or do not

  2. As you have said Mr skymonkeyone. All that happens.(you right you right you right) I heard the saying from a DZO Oh don't worry about that you can jump here and we'll take care of that for you. All that really happens is the student jumps there gets mad because the card is not being taken care of and leaves.
    Now the student is wondering if every place is this way.
    ISP followed this is not an issue
    Do or do not

  3. I went there and jumped as part of the Golden Knights RW team. I do not have any pictures.

    IT WAS AWSOME. We had an Air Force Air Guard C-130. We travelled from Pope Air Force Base NC in the C-130 trained from it jumped with the EOD guys and also had lobsters that we caught from the sea to supplement the Navy chow.

    It realy rocked.
    Do or do not

  4. I hear force alot. I would hope that want to do would come to be the reality. (optimistic?)

    Retraining for pilot chutes and two handles. I have heard out of DZO's mouths (will not be metioned) why do that it has been ok before. Along with why move the pilot chute from the leg it's only a problem some times. Real reason money. Back to it. Well begun is half done. Retraining is a long road. We have the ablity to train them right the frist time and it is better. Reason. People will revert back to what they learned frist in a stressful situation. Unless the have had a serious amount of training.

    Tracking. ISP Category F lays it out as does the A license proficiency card and A license progression card.

    Train them right. Train them to standard. Hold to the standard. It is in there you have to know it before you can teach it.
    Do or do not

  5. Your asking for a tell me what is this or that.

    Please Please do not take this wrong but, do you know that if you sit down and go through the ISP with the A card it will be very clear what is going on. I'am glad that your really asking questions about this and your asking what is going on but, do you teach the whole of ISP or just what fits for you ( I may be should not say that ) If you really go through the ISP there are 14 jumps (you really have to go through it to find them) Then at the end of going through that you can see what the porgam is about. you may not agree but, you don't have to.

    sorry again not meant to be mean. Please let me know if I made it better or worst. I'am looking at this like I'am a idiot. That can't talk.
    Do or do not

  6. It is not just Jumpmasters (old term) but. it works. The DZO sets the tone of the drop zone good , bad, right or wrong.

    It's more of what can WE do better not what is done wrong.
    Do or do not

  7. If i made a statement that sounds like it can't be done please forgive me. Small Cessnas and tailgate aircraft . It is true that you can exit without the filps.

    As far as my profile Sorry I choose to have it that way. There are many things that I would like to put in but, there was no place for them. If you realy want to know I can send it to you.
    Do or do not

  8. Remember. Your having fun !!!!! Smile it is easy to relax when your not all worked up. It's hard to be worked up with a smile. If you can think back to a part of your skydives when every thing was right averything was cool and there was not a single worry. It was all good.

    That is were your mind or soul (if you will) should be. This will allow you to perform. It is your happy place and will let you do all those things that you have been trained to do. Happy place. sounds funny but it works. Think about what your going to do with this frame of mind when your training and when your in the plane. Nice deep breaths help to, hold'em then let them out. I'am pretty sure some one has said this to you.
    Have fun
    stay in your happy place
    you'll do just great
    Do or do not

  9. I used to wear a frap hat loved the thing but, dragging my heels I changed to a bone head. This was after a few nasty stories and some videos. I kinda think that the computer controlling ride ( hope its controlling the ride) needs all the protection it can get. If I'am not throwing the droge. Well I think we get the picture.
    Do or do not

  10. Well most of the time it is half brakes to full flight. that way I can put it where I want it. Like shooting accuracy. But if it is one of those times when I need something else. I do what needs be done. I do fly with my hands on top of the toggle and the lines running between the frist and middle finger.
    My percentage of stand ups is very good. As long as the equipment is in good shape. Not new just good. I have worked for DZOs that could care less about what anyone thinks about their gear and they don't jump it themselves
    Do or do not

  11. AS an old guy to an old guy. Some times it's not broke there is just a better way.

    I think you can remember those that were trained only with the static line progression method because that was all there was.Then AFF came along. Are there pros and cons with each? I think so, do I think that you can end up with a skydiver at the end of both? Yes.
    Things do change for the better if we ensure that they do.That is a proactive approach.
    Do or do not

  12. Being an old timer I'am glad you think we are not ignorant.
    Any ways. I know that I have had a few changes in my thinking over the past 20 yrs. All of this due to getting out away from the same old thing. I do this for those that are up and coming. I try to give them the knowledge that was given me or that I sought out. There are better ways to do things. We should find them. New things come along and that is not say that they all are better but, at least take a look. Try them out. I find it very hard to say anything bad or good until I get in there and give it an honest try.
    Do or do not

  13. Thanks for the input but, I'am trying to get the program to work. Work for the people learning to skydive.
    I find that it is more productive for them if all their goals are well understood and at the end they have their A card all done. They are happy they have become full on skydivers and that is good all around.
    Do or do not

  14. Yes I agree with you. It is simple and it is all in the book. Where the issue is, is that the folks( the old school types) that thinking that this way works why change. along with it is to many jumps and it costs more, and so on.
    Do or do not