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Posts posted by DoctorNic

  1. This, to thank Wendy & Sarge for their amazing reports. I can smell the sky and Chris Gay's socks!

    Though strictly a dinosaur when it comes to what you are all doing, my heart is there.

    Joe left while doing what he loved. As long as you remember him, he is there.

    Smooth skies, and smiling starbursts!

    Doctor Nic o' Them Toadsuckers

    Doctor Nic o' Them Toadsuckers

  2. Beezy !! It has always been your way to do ANYthing to get attention, but this time you are taking it a tad too far. Please get your butt up and about at your earliest convenience. LUV, Doctor Nic ;) Oh, found this old picture of you....attached below.

    Doctor Nic o' Them Toadsuckers

  3. Yes, this has the stench of religion. America as well has a leader who thinks he was sent by Yahweh or Allah or whoever. Remember, this Iranian leader (as one of the young leaders who took the American embassy in 1979) was created by America, just like Kohmieni, the to-be-expected result of our having backed the family of Shah Reza Pahlavi, another cruel despotic creep like the family of Saud next door. JFK (mentioned a few postings back) and his predecessor Ike supported similar disgustos down south, notably Fulgencia Batista of Cuba...thereby creating Castro, a to-be-expected result, and Anastasia Somoza of Nicargua....thereby creating the Sandinistas, a to-be-expected result. America supported the Diem/Nhu family in Vietnam, thus creating the perfect atmosphere in which to grow Viet Cong. So far, few if any of America's duh clumsy actions in the mideast have had surprising results. If America invades Iran, then (in addition to the Iraq Sunnis) we will face roadside bombs created by Shi'ites who so far have held back since we seemed to be helping them. Our great legacy will be to have united the Shia, the Sunni, the Wha'abi (who hate each other) to become allies against our boys and girls, of which over 2,200 have been seriously killed already. I'm a McCain man myself, but at this point miss Bill Clinton something awful. I would happily have the Oval Office occupied by Kaptan Kangaroo. Embarrassing, Bush is, as well as scary, especially when he sez "god bless america". I've got a sick feeling that the god in Bush's head is as nasty, peevish and vengeful as is the god in the head of the Iranian dude.

    Doctor Nic o' Them Toadsuckers

  4. Hop & pops are also an excellent way to 're-enter' if you haven't made a jump in a few weeks...gets your head (and equipment) right without endangering yourself and your friends...which is what you are doing if, after a no-jump month, you do a sequential freefall involving 4+ people. This applies no matter what your experience level. Additionally, anyone should be able to leave any aircraft in any position and acquire face-to-earth flying into relative wind instantly. As for boring, I have yet to experience a boring jump. I like hop & pops best from about two grand. The compressed time of the jump as well as the compressed time of the aircraft climb makes one attentive, situationally-aware... which is the most important characteristic of a good skydiver.

    Doctor Nic o' Them Toadsuckers

  5. Met Bill in Clewiston, 1963...he and DZO Paul Poppenhaeger (D-47) had arguments from which I learned much. Was fortunate enough this past January to have Bill press me into service pushing his wheelchair around the Jax convention as we exchanged stories, insults and such.

    Bill now needs no wheelchair...nor some stinkin' airplane to make the Sunset Load...I can feel his freedom grinning.

    Doctor Nic o' Them Toadsuckers

  6. JERKOFFS AND SUCH, by Doctor Nic

    You know, between 1974 and 1992 I found myself in three war zones. I've never been in the military, so it seems I am always the last one to realize that there is a war in progress.

    Portugal, Beiruit, each instance, the first thing I noticed was the absence of the sound of children. All wars have but two is ALWAYS the Adults versus the Kids.

    Back to this concept in a few paragraphs, but for now:

    Such mean and foolish blather always comes from someone that has become overwhelmed by what we folks down south call "toad"...that nasty stuff that wells up in each of us from time to time, and causes racism, misogeny and anger at other drivers and even at jumpplane pilots. Such pitiful folk can only be helped by one o' Them ToadSuckers... someone grandiose, such as me! A true ToadSucker will listen to or read their stupid stories, buy them a beer, introduce them to a decent woman, take them to see "Hitchhikers Guide"...whatever it takes to help them get a grip, help them realize how amazingly unlikely was their birth. attached.

    Imagine that we all woke up tomorrow and found no more children could be born. Nothing else changes, just that. At the floor, this means that in one lousy century, there will not be a human being on this otherwise-jerkoff planet. What would be the purpose of doing anything? What would be the purpose of laying a water line, of building a school or a jail, of teaching a young woman how to walk with swivel hips, of teaching a young man how to say the dingdong words that such women need to hear....what would be the purpose?

    Now, as promised, back to the initial concept:

    I'm sitting at the end of a swimming pool, soaking up sun and margaritas with the "grownups". At the other end of the pool, kids are going NUTZ! Some are laughing, others are flirting, others are fighting. Water guns get us, too.

    Some butthole such as yourself says "I don't know why these kids parents can't make them behave, or even why these kids are allowed at the pool!". The presence of these kids makes such buttholes angry. One can only assume that they are mean or that they are stupid. Either way, let us hope that there are never any kids of THEIRS...not at the pool, not anywhere. Such kids truly WOULD suffer from a pathetic parent.

    Me? Noisy brats in the pool? Hearing kids laugh and yell and cry means (as Bach put it) that "sheep may safely graze". Sooooo....

    While the bungholes get angry, yrs trly gets sleepy. Very sleeeeeepy. If we can hear kids being kids, it can only mean that it is safe enough to take a nap.

    Thus Spake Doctor Nic

    Doctor Nic o' Them Toadsuckers