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Posts posted by chri

  1. I had an new Safire 2 with a build in turn. My rigger test jumped it, and found the same.
    When we informed Icarus, i got a brand new stock canopy, until they test jumped mine.
    1 month later i got a message that they found nothing, but i could keep the stock canopy anyway!

    I call that customer service!

  2. Quote


    What i find funny is some peoples out there use the same size canopy regardless of conditions and currency, myself i will hire a bigger rig for a jump if i'm uncurrent and than downsize throughout the day, if i'm nailing my landings.
    I have never seen anyone else do that???
    why is that?

    Oh! You will hire bigger rigs, because plenty dropzones won´t let you jump your new cool rig! [:/]
    Thats money that you could save for a gear change years later! :P

    Good luck not to hurt yourself with that poor decision!

  3. Also I am planning on buying a new rig when I get a new canopy, so I want to wait until I can get a 120ish no matter what type so I can get a little rig. That might sound silly from a newbie, but if I'm gonna spend that much money on a rig I want one that will last a looong time.

    You could also buy an 7-cell canopy like a spectre, i think they usually pack 1 size smaller.;)
    But thats an individual choice if you like the way a 7-cell flies.
    IMHO, it would be worth a test jump

  4. Next are really nice rigs, well build and looking really awesome!
    Their reserves are pretty common in our club, heard nothing but good about them!
    Balance are also fine student canopies, if you a looking for a canopy in that category.
    Cant say much about their other canopies, jumped a faqtor once. All i know, it has a huge slider to slow down their brisk openings.

  5. Thanks Bill for this great posting.
    Hard to remember when you have never tried it and you need it!
    I have had to make a flat turn the first time approx 100 ft. I´m on final, look down at the landing area , look up. Shit, whats this? A canopy on the right side coming straight against me. The following things were more brainstorming than thinking about it: I need only 5-10 feet to the left. Left toggle, get away from here (other canopy passed at this moment). Right toggle, don´t let the canopy dive too much at this height. Some altitude left, gently let the toggles up, gain up a little speed for my final flare.
    There was not very much energy left for the flare but i ended up only pissed about the grass strains on the leg straps of my brand new rig.>:(
    I wished i had tried this turn you describe up high before.

    btw, beer was free at this evening;)