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Posts posted by Stiner

  1.'s like Baghdatis said before the match...he's the bad guy (as is anyone who goes against Agassi in this last tournament). But to see him (Agassi) play with so much's inspiring. He's an icon (not the rig...;)), as much as I'd love to see him go all the way, it's unlikely. However, to see him play his heart out every last match...what more could you ask for....

  2. I went every summer growing up...and most recently last summer. I've stayed pretty much everywhere from Southern Shores to Corolla Light. My favorites were Pine Island (between Duck and Corolla), Ocean Sands (which technically may be Corolla) and Corolla. As someone else mentioned, things are booked way in advance. If you have any questions about specific areas, feel free to PM me.

  3. Scarlett - you missed a hell of a jump

    Gail - you did awesome and I had a blast jumping with you! Can't wait to see the pics...if they are half as good as the video, they'll be great!

    Tami - thanks for the jump, I look forward to many more :)

  4. if they have the same process and the rescue group i used, they'll be calling to schedule a home visit after you pass the first screening :S it's kind of a crazy process, but worth it if you get him, and if you don't, you'll atleast know that he went to a place that better suit his needs.

    btw, it was great to see you this weekend :)

  5. holy, crap....he's quadrupled in size since i saw him a week and a half ago! i knew it wouldn't take him long to outgrow that box in the corner of manifest. he's too cute :)

  6. Hey, girl! I'm so sorry to hear this :( Just wanted you to know that I was thinking of ya and as Kramer said, if there's anything I can do, let me know!

    Hang in there,

    -BTW, I'm still laughing about how many people asked me about my foot this weekend......ah, right, the other tall blonde :D:D

  7. I used to have a gunner (recently sold it and went to a full face). I thought it was a good helmet...comfortable and quiet. I never had a probelm with the chin strap, although I did put a small stitch in strap to ensure I didn't have any problems with it loosening.

  8. Sorry to hear, Em. You know, if the weather had been crappy, my first guess would be to expect a ransom note with a return address of the dz....gotta watch out for bored skydivers!

    But, hey, since the weather is going to suck, now we have something to do this weekend....let's hunt the bastard down!

  9. Unless something has changed since I got my own gear, you need a license to rent from the sunshine factory. But I'd contact them for a definite answer.

    As for what to expect, everyone else summed it up pretty well. You'll have a blast, it's a great DZ....I'm not biased at all ;)

  10. I've used paypal a good bit in the past and feel totally safe using it. As was previsouly mentioned, some sellers will not accept it or atleast CC payments from it because of the additional costs. I don't think you can make payments to paypal, but maybe the person wants to pay with thier CC and make payments to that.

    I, personally, wouldn't have any reservations using it for selling a rig. I, actually, prefer to use it because it's much faster (waiting on mail, going to the bank, etc). However, I would factor in the additional costs (I believe it is around 3%) to your sale price.

  11. Dear Tropical Storm Katrina,

    Please go away. Why must you and all your depression, storm, and hurricane friends grace us with your presence on the weekend? Would you please consider making a hard right hand turn and going off to sea to play by yourself? Or, if you must pay south florida a visit, could you atleast slow down or speed up so as not to ruin the entire weekend?

    Looking forward to not seeing you,

  12. I ended up at the airport painfully early today, so I broke out my laptop and figured there had to be something on there to entertain me for a while. When I booted up I realized that I had a wireless connection. TIA offers free wireless internet anywhere in the airport!

    Do a lot of airports do this now? In the past, I remember seeing designated places where you could plug in, but you had to pay.