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Posts posted by fialachris

  1. Jan 6-8 $50 reg gets you coaching all weekend and dinner on Sat night. I also have some tunnel time for this weekend. For this camp some friends from Norway are going to help with coaching & the Elsinore Crew.


  2. It is all about a balance between how much up push your legs down to how much you push your hips forward. Your arms will naturally drift back, but more important is try and keep your chin back and have a slight arch in your lower back. (The more you push your hips forward you have to drive your legs down to maintain fall rate, due to more surface area exposed. Small movements!

  3. At the last Vertical Challenge which is an all invite event, we tried a 12-way sit at one point we had 10 on. So it is possible, we only tried it once, but we had some ringers: MX & the Lodi crew, Mike Swanson, Eli, Dusty, Tj a few others and myself! Watch out for my video coming out soon!


  4. Just got done with 3rd Vertical Challenge which is an all invite event at Skydive Elsinore. 18 flyers all from CA-AZ, we did some 8 point 8-ways, in-out facing rounds, 4-way sit rounds out the door, 16-way round and more stuff than I can sit here and type. i will be coming out with a video soon that has high lights form VC, PH, world record, tunnel and some canopy so look out for it.
