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Posts posted by westcoastchica

  1. hey jason

    is there any way to bid on the auction items via phone like we did for the burnout? i can't make it by the dz this weekend, but i want to participate in the fundraising for todd.

    and what happened to the chicken poopy thing? i was all about buying a few poop squares?

    let us folks who can't be there know how we can participate pretty please.

    miss you guys out there...



    dude, ward, so glad i could help keep that spirit grrovin'! you rock!! B|

    to all the girlies steppin' up to be auctioned... kickass! that is so cool! very proud of you chicas! ;)

    haven't had much time to spend in the forums but i just came in to check on this thread. you all are doing great keeping that positive attitude up!! :)

  3. Quote

    Okay people, you can stop. This was a joke and now you're all starting to embarrass me.

    no fair...i haven't been able to keep up in the forums and i didn't get to chime in!

    oh well....I LOVE MAR! ;)

  4. Quote

    Shameless, shameless bump

    nothing wrong with that wendy! ;)

    dude, i haven't been able to lurk lately and i can't believe i am just now seeing this thread! :o

    you guys are just doing great! congrats on creating such an awesome fundraiser! the burnout benefit we had at elsinore went really well for us, and i am sure that you guys are going to have a great turnout as well!! keep up the awesome work...all of you!!! :)
    i can't be there for the event, but i wanted to participate some way. i can definitely afford a plate at the dinner. is there someone i can sponsor? like you or val or ward or anyone that is helping to organize the event, so that maybe one of you could use your $25 to throw into raffle tickets or something? that way the money is still going to the event, but one of the people that are working so hard to help organize can eat for free and have a better chance at a raffle prize? what do you think?

    with the event fast approaching, i am sure there is lots of excitement. keep up that spirit!!!

    big hugs to you all and lots of lucky wishes for the future!

  5. Quote

    Hey, can we do the hit and chug if we're not yet qualified to land in the grass? (No B-license yet...) Maybe have a second target with beers in the student landing area or off to the right of the grass?

    HAAAAAAA!! great question jen! we haven't even figured out all the details for this yet, so maybe we can come up wtih something so that you can play too! remind me and marie tomorrow and maybe you can help us come up with the rules for the game. we definitely want everyone that wants to participate to be able to play in some way, shape or form!!!:)

  6. friday bump!

    okay party people...the clock is tickin' down. we're all working hard on the last minute details so that tomorrow morning we'll be ready to rock and roll.

    remember that you can stop in and register and pick up your t-shirt and bag anytime on saturday OR sunday...AND...be sure not to miss the sunset tag team hit-n-chug, pizza at 6 and finally THE RAFFLE at 6:30...also, auction all weekend!!!

    we're going to have one hell of an event here people, and with all of the profits going to the instructors, it's just going to be something very special.


  7. picked up the cases of snapple today for the event bags...LOTS of snapple! thank you chaz!

    these event bags are going to be full of so much stuff!!! we were excited at the thought of having t-shirts, and now we have beverages, pens, pull ups, stickers, candy and more! very fun!

    REGISTER NOW! 909.245.9939! let's see....39 hours to go?? woohooooooooooo!

  8. Quote

    either that or make Jake drive home

    unfortunately it's unavoidable for the two of us to have seperate cars out that day, and i have things to attend to later that evening, so i can't crash out at the dz. BUT, i know i'll have tons of fun that day/night even without the tasty jell-o shots. it's going to be a great event with tons of neat peeps out to hang with.

    besides mark, sometimes it is way more fun to watch the aftermath of the jell-o shots than to actually be the entertainment yourself. :P

  9. awesome huh!? B|B|B|

    i seriously cannot believe how well this all came together. this event is going to really rock!

    i know i will be totally out of control when it comes to buying raffle tickets...but i can justify it to myself because i know people who need that cash will benefit from my nuttiness. :P;):)



    Gift certificate for 35% off a Performance Designs canopy
    Gift certificate for 35% off a Performance Designs canopy
    Gift certificate for 35% off an Icarus canopy
    Gift certificate for 35% off an Icarus canopy
    Gift certificate for 35% off a Mirage container
    Coach Jump - RW, John Hamilton
    Coach Jump - Freefly, Elsinore Eclipse
    Coach Jump – Canopy Connection
    1 Free repack - GroundZero
    1 Free repack - GroundZero
    1 Free Repack - Jake
    1 free Repack – Bryan
    1 free Repack – Yoyov
    1 Custom Helmet Airbrush Job (Value up to $300)
    1 Custom Helmet Airbrush Job (Value up to $300)
    1 Custom-edited personal jump video with Leif (2 jumps max.)
    1 Full day of packing from Anniken (no jump limit, 1 rig only)
    1 Full day of packing from Grasshopper (up to 7 jumps, one person only)

    Harley Ride and Breakfast with Lob
    Surfing lesson with Sean Hanlon
    Private yoga lesson with Ashley – 1 hour
    Professional massage with Jaclyn – 1 hour
    Professional hair cut and beauty treatment with Crystal
    2-night stay at the Lakeview Innv Bath and body pampering gift basket
    Glen Ivy spa day package (value of $75) includes:
    1 admission pass to the spa
    1 vouchers for lunch
    1 admission passes to The Grotto
    Glen Ivy spa day package (value of $75) includes:
    1 admission pass to the spa
    1 vouchers for lunch
    1 admission passes to The Grotto
    Kokoro Gift certificate - $20 X 2 = $40
    Irvine Marriott gift certificate - $$ (pending)
    AMC Gift Pack – Admission for 4 plus ? (pending)
    AMC Gift Pack – Admission for 4 plus ? (pending)
    Gift Basket from the Elsinore Outlets (pending)
    Adult Entertainment Gift pack – 2 DVD


    remember, we'll be alternating each ticket drawn, one prize given from the "pre-determined list" and then the next will be CHOSEN by the winner from the "pick your prize list" and we will alternate every other until all prizes are gone.


    Katana back-pack (small)
    Katana back-pack (small)
    Katana back-pack (small)
    PD t-shirt
    PD t-shirt
    PD t-shirt
    Relative Workshop T-Shirt - Long Sleeve
    Relative Workshop T-Shirt - Long Sleeve
    Relative Workshop T-Shirt - Long Sleeve
    Kokoro Gift certificate - $20
    Kokoro Gift certificate - $20
    Kokoro Gift certificate - $20
    Kokoro Gift certificate - $20
    Kokoro Gift certificate - $20
    Kokoro Gift certificate - $20
    Kokoro Gift certificate - $20
    Kokoro Gift certificate - $20
    Annie’s Gift certificate - $10
    Annie’s Gift certificate - $10
    Annie’s Gift certificate - $10
    My Buddie’s Gift certificate – 1 large item
    My Buddie’s Gift certificate – 1 large item
    My Buddie’s Gift certificate – 1 large item
    Sizzler – 1 All you can eat salad bar or Sunday brunch certificate
    Sizzler – 1 All you can eat salad bar or Sunday brunch certificate
    Guest Pass to The Movie Experience – Admit 2
    Guest Pass to The Movie Experience – Admit 2
    Guest Pass to The Movie Experience – Admit 2
    Guest Pass to The Movie Experience – Admit 2
    Don Jose Gift certificate - $15
    Don Jose Gift certificate - $15
    Don Jose Gift certificate - $15
    Mirage t-shirt
    Mirage t-shirt
    Mirage t-shirt
    Mirage t-shirt
    1 custom made hemp closing pin necklace
    1 custom made hemp closing pin necklace

    and now onto the next post...

  12. Quote

    and can someone please post the list of items being auctioned? How can anyone know they want to call in and bid on something if they don't know what's out there?

    the confirmed items up for bid are listed at the top of this thread. a few other items have been offered up, including things from mjosparky and michele, and have been added along the way.

    i'm hoping anniken can get an updated list posted or to someone to post. ;) she has really been working hard to get this coordinated.

    i wish i could be a better help, but i've posted all the info i have. :)
    the best way to find out ALL the details about the items already mentioned and any other items that might be available for auction is to call the dropzone at 909-245-9939. they will definitely be able to answer any and all questions. :)

  13. Quote

    In fact, there are many individuals, organizations, DZs, and manufacturers on the list that we are compiling and we are sending out personal Thank You letters/emails to.


    those are the key words here. everyone is really trying hard to get a complete list together of everyone (companies, dropzones, individuals, etc) that donated. it's really tough because you never want to forget someone on a list like that. there has been soooo much generosity flowing elsinore's way. it's just been downright inspirational.

    it's a very special event when you have so many people to thank that it takes you pages and pages to actually compile a list. thanks to all of you out there that pitched in to help skydive elsinore and its family get back on their feet. you are all angels!!!

  14. Quote

    I thought it was supposed to be a silent auction...?

    ed, i am not sure how anniken is running the auction. but it may be that it is not-so-silent. :P ha ha ha!

    (the only silent auction i have ever participated in was run with open lists of bids on a paper and you had to keep checking the paper to see if the bid had gone up and thus you could leave it, or write down a new higher bid. in this case, anniken is running the bids via phone calls, so it is different from what i am used to.)

    there was some chatter about open bidding so that there would be a battle for higher bids, thus, more money for the fund. i don't know. i just wanted to get the word out about the items...

    again, anniken (who is working very hard and doing a great job) is in charge of this and will hopefully be able to post a bit more about the items and minimums and *maybe* current bids.

    stay tuned for updates! :)

  15. Quote

    Uh, do you actually think we can compete in our "borrowed" equipment??? Heck, he can barely get that Stilleto to the grass, let alone the peas

    well it's a team thing, so either the instructor or the other team member has to be on the ground with the beer. i know borrowed gear left back in the packing area won't get in the way of you chugging.:P


    (Jake knows I'm kidding, right?)

    it's not jake you have to worry about...you know i can pack a punch when i need too. :P

    ANYWHO....just to keep focussed here..

    saturday night at the burnout benefit: hit-n-chug...followed by free pizza....followed by big fat honkin' raffle...and auction to continue through sunday. (with a recent addition of another galaxy from sparky ;))