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Posts posted by willpenny

  1. The Canon Cameras are the present and the future

    I have been using them for about a year in the sky and the results are nothing comparable to Camcorders.

    This is the digital film revolution.

    You need to operate everything manually, which is great, but you need to know what are the optimal settings.

    There is a slight difference in the image of the 550D and the 5D, I use both. If you use a lens with an IS on it helps also.

    The real advantage here, it might seem very obvious, is that you can use a huge range of high quality glass, while having all the control of the app, speed, ISO and focus.

    The flowing vid was shot with the 5D and the 24-105 with IS on.

    The opening scenes of this one and the slomo in the beginning and end were shot with the 5D and the 550 respectively.

    This is the new generation of digital film, that will only be embraced by those who search for that different image, high quality and the brave who are prepared to spend the cash and then put the weight on your pip.

  2. It's amazing how certain companies treat their sponsored athletes. Very few, if any, seem to treat them with the respect and value that they deserve.

    All companies give mostly a technical sponsorship, ie gear only, even to multiple world champions. If you ask, you always hear the same reply "its a small industry, there is no money"

    Is this the truth, or is this what we've been led to believe for so long and we take it as fact? I'm really starting to wonder, are the big manufacturers all broke?

    At the end of the day, a technical sponsorship costs the companies very little, in return for what they receive. There are too many people who are happy to say they are "sponsored" and not enough who speak their mind and demand to be treated professionally. While some sponsors will always ask for more, it always seems to be difficult to get the minimum from them.

    I only know one company that actually pays a salary to their athletes, Turbolenza, www.turbolenza.eu.

    Why do we accept this? Has anyone even thought about this. Maybe its about time that we unite and set some standards!

    I realize most of the details 'behind the scenes' and am not expecting nor asking for a salary from the sponsors, I'm simply rocking the boat and putting this "taboo" on the table, is it ever something that could change?

    Whould love to hear some opinions on this.
    Blue skies