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Posts posted by skymak

  1. To everybody's surprise Shital has taken her maiden static line jump on north pole. India is a hot country she must not even had encountered a 0 degree celcius, but still at -35 she has done a magnificient work. Also in India which is quiet reserved for womens and there are very few who take skydiving. Against all odds what she has done is really really appreciable.

    just go through the link to read the full story

    (Edited by slotperfect to make the link clicky):)
    Some Men See Things As They Are And Say Why? I Dream Things That Never Works And Say Why Not?

  2. i have got one mini surfing game from it is nice game with excelant control on the surfer. i was searching for a similar kind for skydiving.
    Some Men See Things As They Are And Say Why? I Dream Things That Never Works And Say Why Not?