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Posts posted by caseflyer

  1. Marion's Birthday was/is Tuesday. If for some reason I didn't have your email or it didn't get passed on:

    Thursday May 24 (this week)

    Red Robbin 6pm Brier Creek
    then 8pm Shrek 3 at Brier Creek
    following movie cake and icecream at our house
    my email is [email protected] if you have questions or need directions to our house or Brier Creek.
    Will be an awesome night with lots of fun and great time to hang out with everyone and celebrate her birthday!!! Yeaaahhh!!!! hope everyone can make it

    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  2. Quote

    I could bring a couple of waffle irons.

    oh that's great :D:ph34r::D 'cause you always need a "couple" of waffle irons. hhahahahaha yeah I'll talk to you tonight anyways but I should have breakfast under control but it would be nice to have the help and idea's. ........" of waffle irons" that's great hahahahah
    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  3. thank you everyone for coming and hanging out this saturday night. It was alot of fun. The weather was nice during the day and I got alot of really fun dives in. It was great to see everyone. I missed you guys.

    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  4. Wow, i've been gone for a long time. But I've haven't read this forum in a few weeks. SOOOO way back about the Pieing issue Thud, let it go. There's no need to make your life missurable. We can all live happily in our quite little home if everything is forgotten. It's too late anyways, I don't even know how many jumps i've got so no way I'm going to know the next hundreth jump I make. hahahaha

    the tent village thing sounds cool. How did it turn out. Like Frenchie's village a year or two ago.

    oh and I couldn't get on the computer that day so I'd like to take a lonnnngggg moment and say I still can't watch one sunset thinking how beautiful the colors are and looking to the sky with out thinking of one of best men to ever walked this earth and how he taught me to look at each of them like that. Thanks for all of the sunsets you gave me to look at while I've been here to keep reminding me of all my great friends I have back home. Your still in my heart and I miss you. I'm a month late posting but I know everyone took a moment that day too. blue skies forever--to Steve

    Love and miss all of you guys

    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  5. congrats Eric on your tandem and congrats to Matt on 300 you still can't skydive but at least you're racking up in jumps. jk ;) Miss ya'll and see you in less than 3 weeks. Here I come North Carolina.

    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  6. Quote

    Why would you be wearing granny panties when you have that camo thong with the bullets attached to the side? :P

    hahahaha Weren't you there for the "Duck walk" presentation at the party for Darin and Matt before I left? It doesn't work to well with thongs. And although they're camo, we have the new camo print now so I don't think during inspections I would get away with that excuse as to why they're in my locker.

    Miss you too'

    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  7. If I was going my vote would be yes on the jeans.;) What about army camo's though? Army green socks that go up to your knees, granny panties, sports bra, brown high top boots, hair in a bun..........Is that trampy enough? So can I get a yes or no on that? I've got bling, bling too it even has my name and info engraved on it. Top that for looking good. But alast I will be wasting my outfit by wearing it out to the field this week, not the club. >:( hahaha :P

    Love ya'll, have fun!!!!!! I'll be out with ya'll in April or May.

    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  8. darin,

    What tha, you should've stayed with Matt and I this weekend!!!!:P You know how careful of a driver I am........righttttt.....thank God Matt was driving and Marion. Of course, it would have been a really tight squeeze to get 4 people in the bed. BUTTTT we would have been warmer and maybe Marion wouldn't have had to cover up in the bedskirt to stay warm!!!!!hahahaha. I will give you a call tonight and see how you are doing. Ait seems to be a lot different than Basic but we are in the first week where they are giving us he*l so we don't have big heads about it. So soon things will hopefully settle down and I will have time to return calls and get on the internet more frequently, right now it's hard b/c we are still adjusting and getting situated still in the rooms. Class is really fun though. The weather has been awesome down here and it's killing me that I can't drive just an hour up the road to Chester and jump. Wish I was home and jumping at CSS but until a weekend off post pass (looks like at least 4 weeks) I can't get up to home and Chester is only 1 hour right now compared to 4. It will have to do until April. I forgot about the Chili Cookoff, good luck if there's a competition (Melissa????).

    Keith and Melissa, I miss you guys too, I will give you a call sometime soon. Love you and do some jumps for me, I'm done here and heading back home Friday April 13. I'll be jumping that weekend. And The TaiL FockEr has here C license. I the last one or does Outer Focker not have his yet either. Got it in the mail this weekend. Wanted to tear up b/c I can't jump right now. Tell Michelle I miss her too ya'll.

    Miss you too, when I get back we'll have to shut down tramp night too. Marions got some awesome ideas.

    Marion, I'll get with you about those idea's. Thank you again for coming next time I will have sleep and be able to stay up as long as Dave can. Thanks girl.

    And thank you Thud for coming and spending the weekend and putting up with me. Although Marion was the one up late this time not me, I was in and out of sleep at about 11:00. (Sorry)

    ......mmmmmmm IHOP.............

    Casey aka tess aka TaiL FocKer
    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  9. hey guys, I miss you all and hope everything is going good. Keith did you go to Raeford and if you did did you go to the CAsl thing a ma bob? Well graduation is over and I leave for AIT tomorrow. oF course i seriously just drive about 5 miles or less across base to get there since mine is on the same base as my boot camp. I might see you guys sometime soon. Miss you lots and i have my phone back for now and hopefully will have internet access for all of you (dave, Lyle) who are computer junkies.

    Casey aka TaiL FockEr aka Tess
    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  10. I've been gone a month and there's only been a page and 1/2 of things to say????? What's going on, did ya'll miss me that much/???

    Hopefully I'll see everyone Thursday at around 7ish for the Css Christmas party. Pot luck or bring some beer but MAINLY just BRING YOURSELF and have a good time with everyone.

    By the way, the last load of the day today (Sunday) was absolutely beautiful. The susnset was awesome and I'm glad I got to jump with everyone today. Next time i'll get to will be next April which sucks.

    Til Thursday
    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  11. I second that. If I actually don't ship due to not getting the labs back in time then I will be there as well. Not sure what I can get to wear in such short notice that would be any more trampy than what I wore last time though. hmmmmmm This is exciting, Wed. I'll either be a recruite or a tramp.

    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  12. Quote

    so i'm not as lucky as Matt and Melissa to be back in the (cold) blue skies, but I do have a quick update...

    i'm looking down at my feet right now, and guess what...MY SHOES MATCH!!

    i'm still crossing my fingers for the Thanksgiving boogie...but for now i'm just stoked to be out of the boot!


    congrats girlie, TRAMP NITE soon
    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  13. Fair on Thursday ya' if you're coming or email me. There's a bunch of us going and I heard from a spider (marion, you're the only one who would get that) that a bunch of others are going on thursday as well.
    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  14. Dave, you got TWO bags of skittles out of the deal!!!!! AND an introduction to SMORES.

    And I (and everyone else) heard you laugh at the movie that recieved only 24 %

    Hope ya'll get to see the really good one tonight.

    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  15. Alright, nobody else jumps........Right now we've got one Tramp and one Pimp, a Virgin, a FocKeR, some WicKed Liquid what else are we adding???

    Hope everyone is recovering well.

    Melissa, Whitney, Matt call me if you need anything

    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  16. Quote

    heck yeah you can...but just so you know, if you get too snotty and runny i will be forced to stick a tampon up your nose...

    Awwww Marion those words above bring a certain guy to mind for us huh. He used one for a bloody nose didn't he??? hahahha

    Whit, I know you'll heal fast as well as Melissa. But just for you at the next "Tramp Night" everyone will wear sandals just for you so you won't have to feel alone. It's a sacrafice I'm willing to make.

    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  17. I finally have the internet again. I no longer have to use my phone and friends computer to check email or get online.

    Ok now i'm going to bed, it was a verrryyyy fun night and I am ready to pass out. All the girls looked amazing at Tramp night out. See ya'll soon.

    Melissa I sorta got your voice message but Keith's post helped fill in the blanks as to what you said on it. 2-4 months dude that sucks. Miss ya girl, try to catch you early tomorrow and come veg out.

    Casey aka TaiL FocKeR
    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

  18. hey ya'll

    I think I may try to make that Game too. I may bring some people so I'll let you know. I have an "emergency" bar meet (if ever there were such a thing) at 5:30 so it will depend on how late that wants to go on.

    Harry, hope you get better soon. I know you weren't in here to gloat (not quite sure of the spelling) but to let some dz buddies know you were ok while telling the story so we all have it right. Everyone makes mistakes and stuff happens sometimes even when we are cautious. See ya out again soon. Knock the 9 months, you'll be back before then, nobody can stay away from Paul and Nancy that long.

    --------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------