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Dropzone Reviews posted by Zettel

  1. I've been there for two weeks to the X-Mas-Boogie in 2004/2005. The Porter was there and Jan's Beech99.
    I was really annoyed by the fact, that they had promised much more than they could realize. No baloon-jumps, no heli-jumps, no bunkhouses, no parties,... too many "nos" to the things I was looking foreward to. Anyway it was fun to jump there, but the group needed a portion of cynicism to get over some facts.
    Lillo, the small town near to the DZ is not a nice place to be. It's a poor town, not offering much to tourists. You have to take a closer look to find nice restaurants, bars and people.
    I know the staff at Lillo tried to do a good job, and maybe they are doing so in the meantime. I hope so, 'cause there was a noticeable breeze of potential to be better than that. Some people there really tried their best and did a good job in cutting lillo's losses.

  2. I did a tandem there years ago, and went back there for a jumpy weekend after i got my license last summer.

    The scenery is really pictorial! They have a Pilatus Porter going up and down all day: No midday break, as at most other german DZs. They jump weekdays, too.
    What was really noticeable, is the friendliness of the staff. They were striking helpful in any aspect, without charging extra-money. Highly professional, but not commercial by hook or by crook.
    Big packing area with lounge, restaurant and bar. Qualified, professionally acting Staff, Instructors and Skydivers. Even a
    well equipped rigger is there with a little store for all the items you may need. There's a camping area at the DZ, and a hotel nearby.

    I really recommend Leutkirch as a beautiful DZ with people that are still down-to-earth, even if they skydive all day ;)