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Posts posted by herv

  1. I flew out of Boston a little over a year ago with my rig in a carry on. Even though they pulled me to the side to open the bag, absoloutley no problem. I did have the paperwork and cypress card on top of the rig in the bag, but the screener wasn't even concerned about it. He stated they had just gone through training on parachutes.

    While flying out of Phoenix, the only thing the TSA wanted to double check was the altimeter. It was among a bunch of other stuff in a bag. He wasn't sure what he saw on the x-ray and was trying to describe it to me. When he said it was something round with something that looked like gears in it, I pointed him to the correct pocket. Once I explained to him how it worked, everything was fine.

    Sounds to me like you ran into something I hate...ignorance. Too often I meet people that instead of saying "I don't know", they are too scared of looking stupid and they jump on the desk and scream "I'm in charge!"

  2. Hey Blahr, just noticed in another string that you had a break in your skydiving that is why your A number was so much lower than mine. Sorry for my ignorance and maybe I'll see you at the DZ! Blue Skies!

  3. Here's a suggestion and a question, first the suggestion:

    By checking your profile I see that your home DZ is my home DZ (I'm racking my brain trying to place who you are, sorry sometimes I forget names). A few skydivers there also do not drink beer but rather enjoy Smirnoff Ice or stuff along those lines. I don't know if this fits into the same category as beer for you or not. With all the times I have brought beer, sometimes I would bring a couple sixes of Ice instead. This was highly appreciated also.

    For the question, I've been jumping at that DZ for 3 years and my A license# is 38667. I noticed that you have 68 jumps and your A license # is A17647. I was just wondering if you arn't accidently using your USPA number instead of your A number?

    There's my two cents, hope it might help.

  4. NOTE TO MODERATOR, please remove this post if you feel that my advice is wrong.

    Normally, on a subject like this, I would defer to the more experienced jumpers and just watch the thread to learn. But I totally disagree with the "never make a sliding landing" school of thought. I agree with Skymonkey. This is based off of personal experience not just my thoughts.

    I have done many PLF's in that I first started jumping as a Paratrooper and Jumpmaster at Ft Bragg. (Often I am called upon to demonstrate PLF's at my DZ to the new students).

    About two years ago I was skydiving in some stronger (not excessive) winds. I misjudged my final approach and realized that I probably would not be able to complete my turn into the wind in time. In that split second I decided to land downwind.

    With my canopy speed and the wind gust, I was probably going anywhere from 30-40 mph. As I was doing my flare I remember thinking "Ohh, this is going to hurt" I got into a baseball slide type configuration just like I was sliding into home plate. I was going so fast that everyone at the hanger saw me touch down and slide, and slide, and slide. I wouldn't doubt that I slid 100-200 ft.

    A couple of people got in a jeep and came racing out to me probably sure that I had been injured. When they got to me I was standing there gathering up my chute with a "don't I feel stupid" look on my face. Not a bump, not bruise, not a scratch on me.

    If I had tried to do a PLF, I am willing to bet that something on me would have been broken. I was going way to fast.

    IMHO, on occassion there might be a time when doing a PLF is not the best way to go. But this would be in a basebal slide configuration. Not just landing on your ass. If you do not know how to baseball slide, I would suggest find somone that does and have them show you how to slide.

    I feel this it is better than having both feet in front of you. Your foot is under the back of your knee on your your other leg so your legs are in kind of a figure 4. You make contact with your calf, thigh and ass cheek at the same time and your kind of on your side with your upper body leaned back "so your spine is horizontal with the ground".

    Please let me re-iterate YOU MUST MUST HAVE SIGNIFICANTLY MORE HORIZONTAL SPEED THAN VERTICAL! Practice this at home by running across the lawn as fast as you can and then sliding until you are totally comfortable with this.

    I am only suggesting this for an extremely fast, (probably downwind) landing. Everything else, the PLF is the way to go.

    I am only a B rated skydiver with a little over 350 jumps, so please take that into account when considering my advice. I will not pretend to know more than the more experienced skydivers.

  5. Just flew Delta to and from Phoenix from and to Harrisburg, PA. Coming from Phoenix, they didn't look twice at the bag that had the rig with the Cypress. Went through x-ray and right onto the conveyor belt. They stopped my second bag and opened it. We were trying to figure out exactly what they saw. After going through eveything found out it was the altimeter they had a question with. Once they saw it and I explaind what it was used for, no problem. Went right through.

  6. Anyone interested in linking up with a skydiver from PA this Saturday (May 10) at Skydive Arizona? I'm coming into Phoenix on Friday and expect to have all day Saturday to jump (Hopefully). Just looking for someone(s) to have some fun with since I haven't had much chance to jump this month (I think we are still in winter here in PA) [:/] .

  7. I flat pack my Sabre 170 and have great openings. I have about 230 jumps now and was slammed only twice (knock,knock,knock). The first slam was before I started tandem rolling the nose. The second one, who knows. I will tell you that practically everyone at my home DZ flat packs. But you get the idea.

  8. Can someone please tell me where each person is actually positioned in a 4way team? ie. head, inside center, outside center, tail. Is this based off of a basic 4way round? I know this may be a stupid question but I don't get the inside and outside center part. Thanks

  9. I'm at work now and don't have access to my latest Parachutist. I am trying to find out what dates the 2003 US Nationals are supposed to be in Lake Wales, Florida. I don't know if Parachutist had it or not but does anyone know?

  10. I am cross posting this along with the Photography and video forum so that I can get as much input as possible:

    I want to start putting a camera helmet together. I really don't know what requirements to look for as far as a video cam goes. Sears has a video cam on sale until tomorrow and I wanted to get opinons on it. If this is not a good video cam for skydiving, could anyone responding please explain why so I know what to look for:

    Sony Digital8® Camcorder, Handycam® with 2-1/2 in. SwivelScreen™ LCD Monitor

    The DCR-TRV140 packs top notch digital performance into a surprisingly affordable package without sacrificing stunning detail, clarity, and video performance, even when shooting at night.

    Connect USB terminal to PC and broadcast live video with audio, capture still images, more
    USB Streaming only (System requirements: Windows® 98,98SE, 2000, ME, XP)
    1/4 in. Color CCD, 290 effective pixels
    Super NightShot™ with Color Slow Shutter
    Steady Shot® Picture Stabilization System
    Up to 500 lines of horizontal resolution
    i.Link® DV interface (IEEE 1394)
    S-Video Output
    Interval/frame recording

    Thank you and Blue Skies

  11. I want to start putting a camera helmet together. I really don't know what requirements to look for as far as a video cam goes. Sears has a video cam on sale until tomorrow and I wanted to get opinons on it. If this is not a good video cam for skydiving, could anyone responding please explain why so I know what to look for:

    Sony Digital8® Camcorder, Handycam® with 2-1/2 in. SwivelScreen™ LCD Monitor

    The DCR-TRV140 packs top notch digital performance into a surprisingly affordable package without sacrificing stunning detail, clarity, and video performance, even when shooting at night.

    Connect USB terminal to PC and broadcast live video with audio, capture still images, more
    USB Streaming only (System requirements: Windows® 98,98SE, 2000, ME, XP)
    1/4 in. Color CCD, 290 effective pixels
    Super NightShot™ with Color Slow Shutter
    Steady Shot® Picture Stabilization System
    Up to 500 lines of horizontal resolution
    i.Link® DV interface (IEEE 1394)
    S-Video Output
    Interval/frame recording

    Thank you and Blue Skies

  12. I am just wondering if anyone out there might know how to contact a former Golden Knight by the name of Bill Godwin. I believe he was with the Knights around the early 90's. I didn't find him in the Dropzone database.

  13. Last summer I was on a load on a C-185. I was getting out at 3,000 and this young college co-ed happened to be positioned right behind me with the TM behind her. During the ride to 3,000 she's giddy and talking and acting like this was great but she wasn't scared. Anyway, i've got my had on the door handle which is in the center of the door and twists to open. I was at my spot and was getting ready to open the door (she was not aware that I was getting out at 3,000) when I hear the TM say something to the girl and I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look over my shoulder and this girl hooks her thumb to the door and says "Get out" with a big old smile on her face. In probably less than a second while still looking at her I opened the door and dove out. The funny part was when I saw the video. Apparently the TM had told her to tell me to get out of the airplane. You could see she was thinking "This is funny". You see the tap, see me turn toward her, see her thumb hook towards the door, see me exit. Then you see the scream, her eyes come out of her head, her hand goes to her mouth. She was a great sport and within a couple of seconds she realized that she had just been the one the joke was on. You see her on the video mouth the words "I can't believe he did that". On the ground while watching her video she asked "Did you jump just because I told you too?" Of course being the responsible, safety concious guy I am I replied with "Well....yeah"

  14. If I remember correctly, this kid after 9/11 was heard to say that he supported bin Laden and that we deserved 9/11. Somebody tell me if I am incorrect but I think I remember reading that. That sounds to me like someone that wasn't really commiting suicide.

  15. I wonder how many students drink themselves to death every year compared to the number of skydiving related fatalities. Just a thought.

  16. Hey People,
    Just wanted to let everyone know about my new Protrak. I loved it! I got one for Christmas and this past Saturday was the first time I used it. (I know, BEER!) Anyway, even though I checked it on the ground, when I exited I had pretty much forgotten I had it. It was my first jump for the season (MORE BEER!) and I was concentrating on other things. I had it set for the first warning at 4,000 where I usauly turn and track. On this day I decided to pull at 4,000 to shake the dust off. Right when I was reaching I hear this beep, beeping and for a split second I think "What the hell was that?". Then I realize and I think "Ah-ha! It works!"
    Anyway, made a few more jumps and at the end of the day when I was filling out my logbook, it was so nice just having to cycle through the jumps and get my fall times and totals and everything. So, as of this day I would highly recommend this to anyone who is considering buying one.

  17. I have two thoughts on this. First in my job, I have instructed hundreds maybe even thousands of people on rappeling. 9 out of 10 times when I got those people at the top of the 60' tower for their first long rappel their eyes were the size of dinner plates. Some would stay silent and follow the directions and complete their rappel. Some would let me know EXACTLY how terrified they really were. I found it to be extremly successful to say to them "I would rather have someone up here that is scared then not. The scared ones are the careful ones and I know you will be safe. By you being scared, I know you will be allright. The boneheads that think they know it all and come up without a care in the world are the ones that scare me. They arn't careful." This would seem to relax the person because now they realize that it is totally normal to think it is wrong to step backwards off of a 60' tower. So it is your decision whether or not you jump again. But if you do and when you get that fear thing going, just tell yourself this is good, here's how I arch, here's how I reach, here's how I pull.
    Second, when I went to Airborne School in the Army, I remember doing the Airborne Shuffle to the door (it's not a dance) thinking I can't believe I'm doing this, I can't believe I'm doing this, I can't believe...AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! one-thousand, two-thousand, three-thousand, four-thou..Woomph! Canopy inflation! They told us to stay quiet in the air but I couldn't help but yell with excitement! (Neither could anyone else and we payed with push-ups. Oh well, strong minds, strong bodies LOL) Anyway the whole point is that you were shuffling to the door with people in front of you and people in the back and you just kept the flow going. If I had had time to stop and contemplate, maybe I would have froze in the door. Of course back then I would have probably had a little friendly persuasion by some crusty-weather-beaten-hard-as-a-rock-black-hat-wearing-jumpmaster. Who used a great training aid commonly known as the Kiwi Injection. (I don't think they do that anymore, wouldn't want to upset mommy or the congressman) I agree with everyone about the tandem. Having that little extra push out the door might also push you past that bone-locking fear.
    Besides with the time you have been off, (and I am assuming you have an "A" license) by the SIM Manual paragraph 4.25C you have to do: 1 IAD or Static line jump, 1 five second freefall, 1 ten second freefall, all under the direct supervision of a current and appropriatley rated instructor. This would be like a jump-refresher for you. You would spend more money but, if you love this like I do it will be money well spent.
    I only have 128 skydives, but I think the day I stop getting butterflys in my stomach is the day I should skip the load and sit back and remind myself what I am doing.

  18. My GF is soon probably going to ask me what I want for Xmas and I am thinking of an audible altimeter/ computer. My Q is this. I wear a Bonehead Mindwarp helmet with the external pouch for the audible. Does anyone know which altimeter works best (as far as fit) with this helmet? Thanx

  19. I too Donna do try to be objective as possible about stuff before I run off my big mouth and I sincerely respect your thoughts on my view of corporal punishment. I would like to explain to you why I disagree. But, after I wrote my original post, I thought that maybe I shouldn't have used the dropzone forum to express my views so strongly. I would like to respond to your comment (don't worry, maturely) via your email on your website, if that would be allright.

  20. You know the fact that everyone here is able to express their views and the hippies are allowed to demonstrate without fear of reprisals is what makes this country the greatest. But now I will exercise my freedom of speech and you can choose to read it or not. This subject really gets me going so I will try not to ramble.
    First of all the hippies would understand more if they would take their rose-colord glasses off and face the HARD facts of life. No sensible person wants war. In my 16th year in the military I have no wish to see innocent people die. But unfortunately it is a fact of the world life and you might as well wake up to it. During Desert Storm it was reported on CNN that Saddam was hiding higher level HQ's in hospitals and schools hoping that we wouldn't attack those places. The world knows that Americans are the first to try to prevent the losss of innocents. That includes the military. But, unfortunately it does happen. It's a fact of life.
    To remove a cancer you must damage or even destroy healthy tissue in most cases. The world is full of cancers.
    While I was too young to realize much about the Vietnam War, I have done extensive research on it. General consensus is that if the politicians had kept their nose out of it and let the generals do their job, we would have won. But the politicians were being pressured by the hippies and pacifists back home. So, therefore many soldiers lost their lives because we weren't allowed to bomb this area or attack that area. In other words, IMHO, the hippies assisted the NVA in killing our boys. What kind of shit is that!
    (Now I'm working myself up) You friggin hippies are so quick to preach your peace not war. Do you really think that the USA gets bored and says, "Hey let's go invade a country today". Can't you realize that every other option is attempted first. If my son attacks my other son I may scold him or place him on restriction. But if he does it again, I'm going to spank him, he gets the message and stops his bad actions. Well, these coutries like Afghan need to be spanked.
    (Getting more worked up) All of us love our country and the freedom we have. Like hippies getting to walk around bashing my military. Well you have those freedoms thanks to the military. You want to have your cake and eat it too. I think one of the worst things ever done is the discontinuing of the draft. Everyone wants to enjoy the luxiories of being an American, but only some are willing to sacrifice to earn it.
    I'm a recruiter for the military and I see first hand the attitude of both teenagers and parents to the thought of going into our all-volunteer forces. Some choose to do their part and spend some time in the Armed Forces. Most do not want to be bothered with it. They would rather continue to live their cushy little lives and let someone else protect their freedoms for them. How can you look at yourself in the mirror?
    The day after the WTC attacks I was so pleased to see the American people pulling together as one. The flags flying and the anthems being played . I thought "Wow, we got a wake up call and Americans young and old, black and white, Republican and Democrat are answering the call". I also wondered if when I got back to work if their would be messages from all these patriotic people seeing how they could help serve their country. There was 2. Both people had been in the military before and wanted to see about coming back in. That's pretty amazing. 2 people that had already done their part previously and deserved the oppurtunity to enjoy the fruits of their labors, wanted once again to carry the load of the entire Country.
    But, not one call from what we call a non-prior service. That to me is sad and disgusting. I even had someone that was scheduled to enlist this month change his mind due to the tragedy. His response to me was that he didn't want to go in right now because he doesn't want to go to war and die. What? We in the military have a death wish? Hell no. (Of course since I skydive some whuffos would tend to disagree) But we in the military realize that the ultimate sacrifice might have to be paid if we are to protect our Nation and our way of life.
    To me it is a sad state of affairs when the military has to spend millions on advertising, give free college oppurtunities and give $12,000 bonuses just to try to squeeze a few enlistments out of the high schools.
    In my lifetime I probably will not see world peace. Unfortunately, It is going to take the hard realistic steps to hope that my sons may see it in their lifetime. My oldest is 16 and he can't wait for 17 so that he can go into the military. I hope he never has to put himself in harms way. But I realize that it may happen and I am very proud of the fact that he of his own choice wants to do his part for his country. I refuse to pressure him and have let him know that whatever he chooses I will support. He cannot fathom why anyone would not want to do their part to protect their country.
    To all of you that have served your country, you have my utmost respect and to all of you hippies, get off your dead asses and do your part. We in the military shouldn't have to carry you on our backs anymore. Of course in the words of Dennis Miller, "That's just my opinon...I could be wrong"