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Posts posted by Luck

  1. Velocity VC90
    I jump it all the time on terminal with the removable slider from PD, not the full RDS. HMA 500 lines, wingload 2.5
    I have no problems with the openings, not fast at all smooth and almost always on heading.

  2. I owned a Demon 100 and put a competition lines on it afterwards. Also owned a 90 with competition lineset (wingload 2.2).
    Standard, these steering lines are very short so easy to stall the canopy. Therefore I made the steering lines 5 inches longer (24" risers)
    - packes big due to the double coated fabric.
    - openings are fast but not hard, the first 100 jumps onheading, afterwards..; that's another story ;-)
    - Flying, very responsive on toggle turns.. didn't liked it very much for backriser landings. (to direct on backrisers)

  3. Hi,
    I owned two Standard Velocities 90ft² and now a VC90.
    Openings are the same on the competition velocity as on my other velocities.
    The openings are almost always onheading and with a nice snivel. At terminal a bit faster then when I do hop & pops. 50% of my jumps are freefly, the other 50% are hop & pops for swooping.
    I always pack my canopy with care so maybe that has to do something with it ;-)
    Same wingload on the Standard one as on the Competition Velocity.
    - Wingload is 2.6. I only use the removable slider (so not the full RDS).
    - Lineset is HMA500

  4. Hi,
    I owned two Standard Velocities 90ft² and now a VC90.
    Openings are the same on the competition velocity as on my other velocities.
    The openings are almost always onheading and with a nice snivel. At terminal a bit faster then when I do hop & pops. 50% of my jumps are freefly, the other 50% are hop & pops for swooping.
    I always pack my canopy with care so maybe that has to do something with it ;-)
    Same wingload on the Standard one as on the Competition Velocity.
    - Wingload is 2.6. I only use the removable slider (so not the full RDS).
    - Lineset is HMA500

  5. VC90 loaded at 2.5:
    Deep in the toggles until 820ft where I start diving on double fronts for about 3 to 5 seconds. Then I start to initiate my turn via harnass input and let my frontsrisers go very smoothly.

    JVX74 loaded at 2.82:
    Same procedure but I start diving at 950ft

  6. I had 3 Velo's 90ft², very nice openings... now I own a VC90 and have the same nice openings.
    Position of the slider is very important for a soft on heading opening.
    Wingload between 2.2 and 2.5. At lower wingloads the snivel is longer

  7. Argus is from Belgium, they are located in Wavre (near Brussels).

    Vigil is also from Belgium.
    Karel (from Aviacom) was even co-owner when Vigil was brought to live. After a few years he stepped out of the company and started producing the Argus.