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Posts posted by skygypsea

  1. Todd -

    AWESOME !!!!B| Sounds like its gonna be a blast !! I will be there as soon as I get off work - probably later than earlier. Wish I woulda known ya'll were out there working yesterday - I coulda helped out.....Ya'll ROCK for all ya'll do !! And who knows ? Maybe it WILL be the start of something new !!


    The Longer You Look At The Ocean,
    The More You See.

  2. HELP - HELP !! I seldom post, but always enjoy reading. But I have a question if anyone could offer advice. In several weeks, I will be traveling with my rig for the first time. With all the security at airports now-days, what is the best thing to do, or what do I need so that I can get through security ?? I've heard horror stories from several people concerning reserves, etc. I've heard some people say they take their rig on board, while I have heard others say they ship it ???? What is best to carry it in ?? Thank you so much for whatever advice any of you have !!!:)
    The Longer You Look At The Ocean,
    The More You See.