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Posts posted by kista

  1. Ok, I basically lurk these forums and rarely post. But this has upset me so much, I just have to say something. The idea of one of my friends going in makes me want to throw up. These people who are teaching me, hanging out with me and generally being great people mean the world to me, and I hope that I never have to witness anything bad happening to them skydiving or otherwise. You need to think before you open your mouth, or turn on your computer and start typing. You definitely need some sort of help and I hope you get it before you go back to your DZ, if you have one to go back to after what you said.

  2. Please visit (I don't know how to make a link) There is a picture on the front page of a 17 year old girl named Joy. She is a friend of ours. She has been missing since Wednesday. I know all of you live all around the country, and if you could just keep your eyes out for her, that would be great. If you do see her, call the police immediately. This is not getting national attention, but the circumstances do not add up to runaway. Thank you all so much. -Kista

    I will update as soon as I hear anything.

    Edited to add: We are in Birmingham, AL. She is missing from Huntsville, but could be anywhere.

  3. Quote


    So tell me about it fun/scary/all of the above. I am so excited for when I am able to start. I have to say that I am a little scared thinking about it. Any advice?

    As far as advice, I'll just say, have fun. Don't beat yourself up if you don't nail everything the first time. (I certainly haven't:)

  4. I do that in a salon and you need to know that your natural hair is going to be screwed after you've done that. Totally screwed. So, if you just want something temporary, you might want to look into something else. Oh, and do you really think you could fit those giant dred extensions under a skydiving helmet?;)

  5. Don't get discouraged! I started my AFF in July, and I only have 5 jumps. It sucks sitting out at the DZ waiting and then not getting to go, but every hour spent out there doing nothing is worth it once you do get to go. Plus, you can learn alot just by talking with the other jumpers and your instructors while waiting for the winds to die down, or the clouds to go away.

  6. I've never jumped and I'm doing my first jump tomorrow AFF. I was suppossed to do it last Sunday, but they were only able to get one instructor. What I'm saying is, it depends on the DZ. Have fun!

  7. I'm scheduled to make my first AFF jump in 2 weeks. (Sunday Aug 22) I'm so excited I can't stand it! I've been visiting this site for a while. My husband did a tandem in June at Alabama Skydiving Center in Pell City. I had never even considered this as something that I might like to do until I got to the DZ. The people and the atmosphere there were incredible. I was so bummed that we couldn't afford for me to jump that day too. Anyway, if any of you will be there that day, let me know. Also, if anyone has any tips, I'd love to hear them. Thanks!