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Posts posted by NYCFreeFall

  1. Worst thread I've seen in a while. You could have just chalked it up to "noob inexperience" and left it alone. It must feel good to point his complete ignorance in the meanest possible way.

    Also - I don't agree with most of you (and thats ok - we're not always going to agree) but I see no fault in giving a 1st time tandem a "good luck" or "enjoy the view" or "be altitude aware" or even passing on some of the limited knowledge you gained on your jump. Is there an insturctor on this forum who will complain about someone telling their student to be altitude aware?

    Its not like this guy is describing how to swoop... great overkill and overreaction on this one. The DZ will straighten him out if he is out of line....

    Note - I only have 44 jumps - feel free to flame on me if you like.

  2. Yeah, he is always in time square. Check out the one man band at port authority R train stop playing all Bruce Springstein songs or the guy at the same stop who has a mannequin that he dances salsa with.

    Even funnier is the guy at the 53rd and Lexington Ave subway stop. He yells all during rush hour how women are the cause of every bad thing that has happened to the world since creation. It might sound like bashing (cause it is) but listen to what he says - so ridiculously funny. Surprisingly, he is also very nice to all the women at that train stop.

    I love this city

  3. PT is key. I worked my arse off and it made a world of difference. I was able to get my physical therapy extended beyond what insurance was originally gonna pay. Check with your PT place and doc - hopefully they will do the same for you.

    Its been 4 years since mine was done. Don't really think about it much. It does get sore from time to time but a few advil take care of that. I can do almost anything I did before - the only difference is that I can't do it everyday. Need to space out the real hardcore knee activities. Skydiving hasn't been an issue and snowboarding is fine if I don't do it more than 3 or 4 days in a row.

    You should be ok - just do the PT.

  4. Tons of good authentic mexican food in NYC:

    Zarela - 2nd ave and 52nd or 53rd
    Rosa Mexicana - 1st Ave and 58th

    Check out - their reviews are usually pretty good. I use citysearch or zagats when looking for ideas.

  5. true story - friend goes to the doctor and gets tested for STD's. Dr. says he has gonnorhea (or something, I forget) and tells him to call every girl he has been with over the last year. He calls the couple girls and breaks the awkward and bad news. During a follow up visit the next week the doctor tells him it was a false positive and he doesn't have anything.... Good news - no gonnorhea. Bad news - told 5 or 6 girls he had it.

  6. Sounds like a good neighborhood with bored kids. At least these kids aren't shooting each other, spray painting grafitti or stealing your car. If they steal "for sale" signs or move traffic cones I wouldn't take it too seriously - it could be a lot worse.

  7. Agreed. Go to Lake Placid - lots of good restaurants, good hiking and its only 5 or 6 hrs from NYC. Plus the Saranac Brewery. You won't waste a lot of travel time. If you want to add to the trip drive up to Ottawa or Montreal for a day or two.

  8. yeah, Tom Ridge (the homeland security guy) said financial buildings in NYC are targets, and my building and the stock exchange were mentioned specifically. they said terrorists knew how thick the window glass was, how many people fit into the elevator and how many people walk by the building at certain times of the day. Helicopters flying around the building today and cops are all over.... kinda freaky.

    I know it sounds weird to talk about quiting a job over this - I'm mostly joking. Just a little stressed thinking about another 9/11.

    I only joke about base jumping out of the building. My guess is that I wouldn't have enough time to do it if anything happened. Probably better to try to take the stairs or wait for help. But thanks for the input

  9. "If you know what you are doing (static line the exit) " - don't know what I'm doing

    "you use BASE gear (and know how to fly a BASE canopy)" - nope, can't do that either

    "are you going to buy the gear just so that it'll be there for that 1 in a million chance that you will need it?" - Best plan I got so far

    "Plus how current do you plan on being with setting up a BASE static line deployment system" No idea what this sentence means, how to do it, or if its even a real technique

    Ok, so I'm sticking with my first plan - quit my job....