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Posts posted by Punky_Monkey

  1. Here's the dealo...Been out of the sport for a while got scared shitless to jump? Not sure why? Still am but I can't stand looking at the sky and knowing I was there and want to be there. So decided to bite the big one and give it another try this summer.:)
    I have moved to Indianapolis, Indiana and am looking for a DZ that has patient instructors or an instructor who has already dealt with this situation or will not be to fustrated to try to deal with it.

    Can anyone reccomed a DZ for me?

    Punky Monkey
    You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

  2. S/L might breed devicice dependence...

    I learned by S/L and hated the damn thing...I actually never trusted it. Control issue? Things can go wrong with a S/L jump and you need to be on top of your game. I still cringe when I see other S/L jumpers...
    Punky Monkey
    You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

  3. I need infromation on storage for my rig...I can't jump this season (due to a surgery I need Not skydiving related) so need to store it for about a year.

    The main in currently packed in the rig and the reserve is in the bag and box I got it in.

    I would appreciate any advice on storage..

    Thank you.
    Punky Monkey
    You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

  4. Deareast egrrbeavdiver,

    I am not whining!!! I am asking for support and suggestings because I do know a lot of people have gone through what I am going through. Some not as severe and some worse.

    And also for your information no matter how freaked I am I have always gotten off the plane and jumped. So in your own words I do "suck it up".

    I do hope for your sake that if a time comes (and I believe it will) when you have gotten freaked on a jump that there are people who will support you, and encourage you.

    But then again, what goes around comes around.
    Punky Monkey
    You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

  5. Here's the story...

    Started jumping hated the door open and would freak out about it. Got used to it and really started to enjoy jumping.

    Had a bad jump due to the coach I was jumping with. It turned out that this jump has me freaked. And I mean freaked. They couldn't get me back on a plane.

    So I left and went to Florida for some tunnel time and to try to jump. I did manage to jump once. I had tears in my eyes and was freaking out. I loved it once off the plane, under canopy I was yelling out of pure happiness.

    Have a friend who just got hurt skydiving and it is making me more scared yet.

    So, I am back off to Florida this coming weekend to battle the "Door Monster" and more tunnel time. I can get on more loads in a day.And days in a row. I am working with an instructor who I think will be great for me. (Sean MacCormac) I have talked to him on the phone a couple of times and he seems so positive and up beat. And yes, he does know that I am freaking out.

    I just hate the idea of getting on a plane again and everyone seeing me freak out. They must think I am a total loser.:( But I love freefall and canopy to much to stop the fight with the "Door Monster".

    That's my story and I guess I am just looking for some words of encouragement and support right now.

    Thank You...
    Punky Monkey
    You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

  6. 23 jumps so far and landed off 6 times...

    I got the award at our x-mas party for having the most off field landings. Personally I love them. Always a challenge and don't know what your in for.

    Due to winds (very low wingloading on canopy) and line twists ...Have to pay more attention to what I am doing after I pull. I induce my own line twists...
    Punky Monkey
    You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

  7. No it wasn't a demo jump and she has OVER a 100 jumps. I don't know the exact number but she is always jumping every chance she can get.
    Punky Monkey
    You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

  8. I am so looking forward to reading your "I Finally Made My First Jump" post...

    Your doing good, just keep up the good work...
    Punky Monkey
    You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

  9. I work with this guy who told me when I was starting skydiving that he used to be an instructor.

    Well, I wore my closing pin necklace to work the other day. My friend asked him if he saw it. He said ya, why is she wearing a fishing lure around her neck. He actually thought it was for fishing.

    Today he was talking to me about flaring my canopy. I had been having problems for awhile. He told me to start my flare at 40 feet above the ground. (I think he wants me dead)

    I laughed in his face and walked away.

    This guy is a total lier about everything....
    Punky Monkey
    You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

  10. I also have a few friends that have had this done. It might be something to consider is you have been struggling with your wieght for a long time. They don't regret doing it. They say it's the best thing they could have done for themselves.

    Also please do not give it up. It is a dream of yours to skydive. Do whatever you need to do to achieve that dream.

    I truly believe everyone who has every skydived struggled with one thing or another at one point. Be it "Door Monsters" (that's me), flips, barell rolls, what not.

    You just have a little struggle before hand. Just think how excited you will be when you get to do that 1st jump. Just think how much more it will mean to you.
    Punky Monkey
    You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

  11. yep, already read the Five People You Will Meet in Heaven...I loved it, it really made me look at life different.

    I picked up the Tuesdays with..hoping it will be just as good. I guess we shall see.
    Punky Monkey
    You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

  12. Alaska is beautiful but like my cousins up there say...

    Winter is Prozac season...:P
    Punky Monkey
    You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

  13. It's My Life by Bon Jovi

    yes, a typical song for jump video...It was on my tandem when they showed me walking out to the plane.

    Whenever I hear it I remember how excited I was for the first tandem.
    Punky Monkey
    You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

  14. Let's see for me so far and still not an "A"...

    3 tandems
    ***$175 and 2 @ $99

    S/L first jump course

    22 jumps at DZ after that...not sure of cost started
    helping out at DZ and was given a break on cost.

    1 trip to Florida
    ***flight, hotel, tunnel time (30 min) and 1 jump

    Another trip to Florida this month
    ***flight, car rentel, hotel, tunnel time (30 min) and
    will be 17 jumps.

    Hopefully return with my "A" and used gear that I can jump now...

    Does it really matter as long as you are having fun doing it?
    Punky Monkey
    You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

  15. Very good information here. I went through the fear thing, got over it and then winter came in WI, so I didn't do much jumping.

    Now the fear is back and working through it again. I know I can get through it again.

    I would suggest to anyone going through this to jump and not put so much time between jumps. I am learning this the hard way. I am determined not to go through this again so am looking for a snowsuit I can jump in this winter.

    It also has caused me to pay for 2 trips now to Florida so I can jump where it is warm and get enough jumps in to get calm with the nerves again. It's only in the 50's here yet.

    If it is something you truly want you will find a way to get past it. It may be hard but you need to fight for it.

    I have been freaking out on the plane lately and know everyone is watching but, the minute I get to the door I am ready to go. For awhile I didn't want to jump because I didn't want them to see me freak out and think what a loser. But you know what, I may freak on the plane (won't be forever) but I do jump and I have a feeling that these people who watch me freak out and then jump are actually proud of me.

    Something that also helped was when I was at a DZ in FL People with over 100% more jumps then me told me there stories.

    If you want it bad enough you can do it and will do whatever it takes to do it.
    Punky Monkey
    You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation

  16. Cinderalla had winds of change on their album called Heartbreak Station.
    Punky Monkey
    You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation