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Posts posted by stunner

  1. Quote


    I would ASSume that you jumped at ASS for your 1st jump we are not allowed to smoke nor eat and drink on the packing matt...a bottle of water may not get anyones attention..however a lit cig near the matt will.

    - snip -

    If thats actually allowed and your not a troll...........then its simple........dont jump there and please let me/us know as to never visit that DZ.

    Let me be clear I've not named the DZ with the smoker packer. Primarily I don't want to cause problems if it isn't a huge safety issue. I had a great experience at A.S.S and they didn't allow any smoking within 50' of the packing tent.


    you seem to try to project a longer time in sport
    for some one with only 2 jumps at two different drop zones and all you seem to be doing is picking them to piceses with vague information
    why dont you get some jump life up and then comment on they way you see things!
    instead of random complaints about safety