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Posts posted by DirtyDon

  1. QUOTE---Thats rich...We ALL think we will be around, but the numbers of members of the USPA keep dropping every year. People who die don't think they they will not bounce.

    I always find it funny when some guy with a few years says he will be around in "X" years....The simple fact is you have no idea.

    Don't feel bad, I said the same thing back then.

    I think one measure of "experienced" is when you realize that skydiving is not life. That the whole world does not revolve around jumping and when the giddyness has worn off. Until then you run around on a high thinking you will always jump and life only begins at 12 grand.....

    Ron, I don't plan on skydiving forever, But I will right now. And I don't jump thinking that it can't kill me cuz it can and I know that , everytime I exit an aircraft .
    And my life doesn't begin at 12 grand, it only complements it.
    Finally,...what does this have to do with the topic.

  2. I think that saying other or experienced skydiver's land like crap is an ego thing. I land my spectre better or more efficienlty than a friend of mine with twice as many jumps. He's also older, and has different life experiences. He and other's know skydiving stuff that I don't, and vice-versa.
    at almost 6 years in the sport and jumping pretty much every weekend. I'd rather stay humble and teachable and consider myself still a baby.

  3. I agree with UntaimedDOG.
    For the simple fact that I have been jumping at skydive san diego pretty much every single weekend from the time Buzz moved there from brown field. It got to the point that there wasn't really any fun jumpers going to SSD before Andy took over. The way Skymiles explained it at the begining of this thread is exactly how it was.
    Hey rus speer, how come you don't ever hang out with the fun jumpers, I barely even know who you are.