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Posts posted by freefallmama1

  1. Quote

    Interesting, but in the last 20 minutes while reading this thread, your jump numbers went from 6 to 15. ASC must have aircraft the put Mullins's King Air to shame.

    well i havent change my profile in a while so i got to looking at it and i saw that it didnt match my log book so i changed it. it would have be 13 but i made two jump this weekend

    Live Life to the fullest and have fun doing it.

  2. Look take skyride out of the factor at this point! Okay Look i do my job as you do and i do it to the best of my ablity the same as of you would. Yes I work for ASC and I love my Job Skydiving is like a dream job i mean it is awesome.

    And as for Skyride I dont care what they do because it does do any good know does it. I cant bitch and complain but it doesnt get me anywhere.
    Live Life to the fullest and have fun doing it.

  3. well i only wish i was him and had that kinda of money dont you!! Wow think about i could buy a New Car and New House. But i dont and i am not.

    Damn but i guess a girl can wish right. I tell you one thing that my kids would be happy wouldnt they!!
    Live Life to the fullest and have fun doing it.

  4. you know what like i said before i dunno and i dont care what you think about skyride or what you think they have do for you.


    Im make the reservations( manager of reservations office) and work checkin window thats all. I cant fix all of you problems but feel free to email me and i will try to help you if you think i can!
    Live Life to the fullest and have fun doing it.

  5. look i dont know what skyride does all i know is if i dont get a gc or if the paperwork is not filled out the way i want i call and talk to the vendor relations department .I dont know nor do i care what they do. all i am trying to say look at all side before you start cuting down people.
    My job it to make people happy and make sure every customer that comes through those doors have the best time of there lifes and that is what i do . You cant Hate me for that. Because you would do the same if it was your job.
    Live Life to the fullest and have fun doing it.

  6. First of all you should now that since i have been hear alot of things have changed and will continue to change, But like i said before if you have a beef with skyride call them and ask to speak with vendor relations they will help you and answer any of your question. And if you dont belive that we just a vendor of skyride call and ask. they will most likely tell you that i am the biggest b*t*h in the world and i throw fits with the best of you guys so like i said if you have a problem tell them i am sure they will talk to you and help you understand of address your concerns
    Live Life to the fullest and have fun doing it.

  7. nope i am not ashamed of anything. Yes it is. And i just dont understand why you are so against it? its not like they are hurting you nor is skyride hurting me. The point of it is that it doesnt matter where i work because we are just vendors of skyride.
    Live Life to the fullest and have fun doing it.

  8. well please help me understand how you can call it wrong when really they are doing nothing more than anyother company does. If they had nothing to do with skydiving you wouldnt care. What they are doing is not wrong they are just bring people to skydive. and that is want people want when they call.
    The DZ could get the business if they wanted all they have to do is take the gc and for any instructors on here no one complains when they get paid. all i am saying is that if you thought of it you would be proud and you would do the same thing. so bitchin about it will do you no good.

    please remember i did say before stealing is not right but i am not the one to judge and neither are you.
    Live Life to the fullest and have fun doing it.

  9. I'll work against Skyride any day of the week. I think Ohio is down to 1 DZ that was accepting them and they might have quit by now. Skyride-Free is the way to be! ;)

    so what beef do you have with skyride what did they do to you? Do you own or manage a DZ?
    Live Life to the fullest and have fun doing it.

  • if you think positive then there is alway a silver lining

    Listen It is apperant that skyride is here to stay so we can either work with them or work against them and at this point it is better on the pocket book to work with them instead of working against them.
    Live Life to the fullest and have fun doing it.

  • i never said stealing is good and to behonest i am not the one to judge them.

    and there is no need for you to get bent at me. we are all in this together i'm just trying to see the silver lining on the clouds of gray. You might try to do the same.

    If you think they are stealing from you call them and tell them! Tell them if thay want to use your picture they have to pay for them.
    Live Life to the fullest and have fun doing it.

  • If you owned a business for ex: we will use office max: so lets say you own office max and a customer called you and said I want to buy the stuff to set up a home office and they lived 20 miles away but you know that a staples was alot closer would you tell them no I don’t want your business please take it to my competitor so that they will make all the money and I will lose out. NO I DONT THINK SO!! You would let them travel those 20 miles down the road passing Staples, Office Depot and any other place so you could make that money. It all the same that is Business and that the way life works.
    So with that being said the Drop Zones that are with SkyRide wins and gets more money! Simple logic if you think about it.

    Futher more all i am saying is that if we take the GC we get the customers and we get paid and so does the tandem masters(so we eat)

  • First of all I never said I owned a dz I am however a manager of one and there is no need to get all worked up over it . You can say what you want but all of it is just talk and that’s the truth is you know it.

    AND ABOVE ALL YOU KNOW THE TRUTH BEHIND THE MATTER IS THAT IF YOU DONT TAKE THE TANDEM STUDENT FROM SKYRIDE SOMEOTHER DROPZONE CLOSE TO YOU WILL AND THERE YOU GO LOSING OUT AGAIN. So just deal with it I am sure if you have the issues with get your money or the way the business is done then call them and talk to them i am sure they will take the time and talk to you and address your concerns.
    I know that it may sound redundant but we really need to just stop the bitchin and think about what is important and that is the new comers to the sport and the enjoyment they get out of there first skydive and the way they act when they land and the excitement you see in there eyes and the thank they have for the tandem master and the Employees at the Drop zones all over the us. If I am wrong you can correct me but I think that is what it is all about. FUN!!!!!!!!!!!
    Live Life to the fullest and have fun doing it.

  • I would like to go on record to say that SkyRide is not all that bad. Many people don’t think about it but no one is bitchin when they are getting those fat checks when they take up a tandem student that comes from SkyRide. and to be honest with you, you have nothing to lose when you sign up with them I mean yea you might give them a discounted rate but so do you if a group comes out to jump and I know for a fact that SkyRide send out enough student to each dropzone that they should get the discount rate my dropzone has taken many Gift certificates and we are very pleased with it I mean we make about 35% more money now than we did before we join the SkyRide network. And I can’t complain about that. So let’s stop thinking with our ass around our shoulder and think clearly it is very smart business wise to take the students from them because if you dont there are just other DZs that will and they will just bypass the one that doesn’t and you will lose money that way because that student has already paid and they are not going to pay again to come to a DZ that don’t take the GC. IM SORRY I LIKE THE MONEY. And so does the fun jumpers when they come out and they pay less for there left tickets because of all of tandems student we get up. Everyone on here know with a king air 2 tandem can pretty much cover the cost of all fun jumper and the DZ still make money.
    Live Life to the fullest and have fun doing it.

  • Katie ,

    I just wanted to take a few minute to let you know that my thought and prayers are with you and everyone else. Nate is one in a million! No matter what was going on i never heard a negative thing come from him . I count it as a privilege to have known and work with him for the past year. Just let me know if you need any thing.[email]
    Live Life to the fullest and have fun doing it.