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Posts posted by cguest4

  1. The usa! Having just done the UK end to end I can confirm that is only about 900 miles. They are starting in blaine and going all the way down to the Mexican border

  2. Hi all,
    don't normally post much and know this is a bit of a long shot. A couple of awesome guys I know are cycling the length of the west coast (1900 miles), starting 1st August, in 14 days. They are doing it to raise money for a UK charity, Action Medical Research, in memory of the loss of one of the guys baby in 2005, see
    I'm not looking for donations, but they need to rent an rv to follow them down the route and to stay in and they are expensive. I wondered if anyone had any contacts who could do them a good deal or just suggest a company they know that does good deals.



  3. This all sounds awful. However, I am surprised that people have paid all that money up front to a dealer. When I bought my rig some years back I paid a deposit to my UK dealer and then only paid the balance when the rig was completed, which was when he had to pay it himself.

    To avoid anyone losing their money in the future can I suggest you do this, particularly if you are using a dealer based in a different country.

    I hope this situation does eventually work out for everyone, even though it sounds highly doubtful right now.

  4. Jakee I completely agree with you and am not being nationalistic. It seems that the poster wanted to be sensationalist and draw attention to his post with the inflammatory title. Why not instead raise a post like the other one that was raised and ask a more sensible question like yours - is tracking given enough attention?

  5. Quote

    "Is opening separation given more emphasis in other parts of the world, or is it just coincidence that there were two collisions this weekend on FS jumps in UK and Italy."

    Why on earth would you think that in Europe we give less consideration to opening separation? That would be stupid. As already posted they were 2 tragic coincidences, and one of those spent his life teaching everyone to skydive safely and bringing people on in the sport.

    All the talk in the post doesn't answer the original question - which is that no, we don't give it less consideration.

    And yes it does sound like you feel superior that Americans are better because they have not had one of these accidents recently. In a radio interview today, Dave Hickling, co-owner of Langar stated that he had seen a similar incident in the states, but thankfully they survived. So, it happens in the US too, but fortunately not recently. Be thankful, and take the lesson that you always have to be aware as bad things can happen.

  6. Airkix are going to be awesome. It looks like there are quite a few teams that will be competing for the other medals in A too - Rage, Army, Boogie Pimps, Havoc etc.

    I'm sure AA will be just as tough, what with that Damn Zebra team competing!

    Counting down the hours until I get out of work today so can get up there.

    (Bodyflight Storm)

  7. Try it and you'll find out! Severe pain - the blockage prevents the pressure in your ears from equalising causing agony.

    The effects can be pretty severe, such as perforating your eardrum.

    I have got away with it with mildy blocked ears/nose with only minor discomfort. If I have any symptoms I take decongestants, but if it's bad I don't jump.

    Bodyflight Storm

  8. Quote


    Proximity. In the sky there are no walls/net to reference off. In a tunnel there are and in the tunnel it shows how little distance you have to travel to do to make a block the most efficient.

    One of the biggest problems with learning blocks in tunnels is that you use artificial references such as the walls and net to keep the block tight and as soon as you get in the sky you lose these and have to make them tight all over again. There is no reason why a larger tunnel will have any negative effect on blocks.

  9. Before Bedford opened I had at least 12/14 hours of tunnel, all done in the US or Paris. I am not a coach or anything, just done a couple of tunnel camps and a bit of team training. Once you start doing things like 4 way the time really racks up. There are a lot of UK jumpers who already have lots of tunnel time through team training, more than you can count on 2 hands.