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Posts posted by donkeyboy30

  1. I have all sorts of socks, except white....but all the rest have different color hills or toe bits, and everytime I just grap the first 2 that are reachable at the stupid hour I get up, so I'm always wearing odd socks........I find it has turned into a talking point when I take my shoes off, people say that it shows dis-organisation in my life........but at the end of the day.......socks are socks!!!......whats wrong with wearing odd socks if you can't be arsed to shufle through your draw......(or am I alone here)

    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"

  2. Very varied then, when it come's to people's job's..........So far we've had 1 pizza delivery, although part time (I just knew it), no mayor's and advertising/media seems to be the industry to be in to be able to afford skydiving.

    On that note, I'll get typing my letter of resignation B|;)

    (Thanks for your comments)

    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"

  3. Fill the stomach mate.......Then by this afternoon your be ready to hit the bars again, only to feel exactly the same again tomorrow.....but at least your be more propared for your hang-over.........Happy drinking!!

    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"

  4. But what about the taste if you kiss someone afterwards and your not a lover of the vegemite (marmite), it would make my stomach turn........Your right about the smell.....[:/]. (No offence intented to any marmite lovers)

    Jimmybb.........Chip Buttie??.....It would be rude not to

    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"

  5. Marmite (vegemite)...........You either if love it or hate it.......Peanut butter is a winner for me

    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"

  6. Ok, Good question about our education.....but more importantly what jobs are we all doing to fund are addiction.....

    I'm very new to the sport and looking at getting a 2nd job to raise the capital for my own rig/AFF course??......for example do we have Pizza Delivery guys earning a crust (excuse the pun) jumping out of planes (very likely) or your local mayor (and were paying for them to jump via our taxes)???......I'm a Risk Manager (funnily enough) earning the average UK wage.

    I don't mean to get up anyone's nose's etc, just curious.


    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"

  7. I always find just your normal toast (to absorb the remaining alcohol) and a good old cuppa does the trick.......The only other option is Hair of the Dog.......

    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"

  8. Yeah, I'm considering abroad only because of the weather factor.....I wouldn't won't todo levels 1-6 and have to wait another 2 weeks for the unpredictable english weather until I can complete the levels 7-8......I'd be biting at the bit to get my wings so to speakB|

    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"

  9. I live in Witham, which is located in between Chelmsford and Colchester in Essex, I went to Old Buckenham yesterday but that was still a 2hr drive, worth the drive mind.......What ones can you recommendB|B|

    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"

  10. Yeah I'm thinking about going all out and doing it in Spain via the Freefall University, at least the weather will be in my favour and I can get a holiday out of it to, plus met more friends etc.

    Alot of people have gone on about Netheravon??, why is that??

    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"

  11. Hello again piisfish......B|

    Thanks for that......still have my head in the sky from this website is so addictive to;)

    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"

  12. Has anyone been trained via the Freefall University in Spain??, if so I was just after your general thoughts about location, staff, value for money as I'll be coming from the UK??

    thanks (hope this is the right forum to post)

    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"

  13. When I complete my AFF does this entitle me to be the jump master whilst doing a tandem or do you require higher levels/different licence??

    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"

  14. Nice work, it makes you stop and think about life and how special it is. It's people like you to who put the smiles on the kids face's also remember.

    Keep up the good work friend!!!

    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"

  15. Congrats on your first jump, I did mine yesterday and my family had there concerns too but came round once they saw my face and buzz that it gave me.

    A tandem skydive will convert anyone, and yes I believe the statistics show that you are more likely to have an accident on the way to the DZ!!

    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"

  16. yeah Andy is still there, he went up with another bloke and I had a guy called geoff!!!. Yes they still have that little Cherokee stalled on the runway twice before we took off.

    I also got a freeview of Snettadon Race track on my way down.

    I'll be on the beers after the 2nd July, I have a bet with a few mates I can stay off the drink for 6 weeks, by then I would of done 2 jumps so I will diffinately be celebrating:P

    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"

  17. Well, firstly thank you all for your comments and help left on my original post.

    Well, earlier today (26th May) at 11ish I was no longer a virgin to the skys....."He Came, He Saw, His Hooked".

    I cannot compare the experience to anything else that I have ever done.....Skydiving has given my a new buzz in life and just at the right time.

    My instructor was the best, there wasn't a cloud in sight and after the initial "O'my god, my a*se is hanging out of a plane at 10,000ft" feeling of helplessness, which lasted only a few seconds....I relaxed and took in the views.

    I've even booked to go again in the next month and if this gives me the same buzz then I'm going for my AFF.

    Thank you all again and look forward to sharing more experiences with you all!!!

    P.s How long until my hearing comes back, still haven't popped yet.....:ph34r::ph34r:

    "What goes up, must come down, but in style"