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Posts posted by airdave98

  1. Hi, I'm a new rigger and need advice on which sewing machine to purchase. I need something compact, inexpensive (of course), and capable of sewing through several layers of cordura and jumpsuit material. So, all you riggers out there, what's the biggest bang for my buck? Thanks :-)

  2. For a short time, my locker was across from his. I was just starting out shooting video. Nobody wanted me there, taking some of the business. Robby was continuously nice to me and always full of encouragement and helpful hints. Even when others at Lodi wanted me gone, Robby always showed me respect and kindness. He taught me how infectious a smile can be and how far a kind word of support could go. He showed me how to welcome students and newcomers into our extended family… nurture them, and help them grow. You can’t buy class and Robby was one of the classiest guys I’ve ever known. He knew how to help a person see the light within themselves. Ever since I left Lodi, I’ve been trying to help others through kindness, laughter, and smiles… just like Robby did for me.

    To all of his friends and loved ones… from all of us in Byron… our hearts ache with yours tonight.

    We’ll miss you, Robby. God speed, brother.

    - Dave “Skinny” Bick

  3. Quote


    Sorry Scott, it was -15 at altitude today and I too cold for me, so I flew my plane around all day with the heat on........ :D

    Maybe tomorrow. :)

    Some of us braved the fridged weather for a Mach 1 flight today at Lodi. However, I'm still a bit of a newbie and wouldn't be able to give as comprehensive of an M1 review as papa Ed... but I was all smiles under my face mask. B|

  4. Okay, maybe I misunderstood him about the sustained 19 mph. After all, when he was talking, I was staring at his suit and drooling on myself. He did say something about having the same glide path as an open tandem. Anyway, I found it all very cool. :)

  5. Jeff is in Lodi this weekend. I got to see one of his new prototypes... the Mach 1. It has bigger wings than the Nebula and Jeff was able to get a 19 mph vertical speed and a 140 mph horizontal speed out of the thing! I immediately switched my order from the Nebula to the Mach 1.

  6. Quote

    Maybe see if you can have someone else fly your suit a few times, and check if he/she also gets the same flapping?

    There aren't any other flyers at my DZ who are near my size, but I'll try the other leg positions... thanks. :)

  7. Quote

    Was your GS1 made for you or is it 2nd hand? Any body size/suit size matters may be interfereing with its correct inflation.

    The suit was made for me. I'm a big guy (6'1" and 250 lbs) but the suit fits me well.

  8. Thanks for the input! I've checked the leg inlet with a rigger and a very experienced BMI. Everything seems normal. No inlet blockage. I unzipped my leg wing and did a jump, but my right leg zipper blew out! I don't know if this is related to the removal of the leg wing. Although, I was able to "re-thread" the zipper and it seems to zip up correctly now. Due to bad weather, I haven't been able to do any more jumps to see if the zipper problem was just an isolated incident. Here is the video of the zipper blowout. My right leg was fully zipped and secured prior to exit. I think it happened during or soon after exit... as the suit was pressurizing. Any thoughts?

  9. Have any of you other GS1 flyers out there had a problem with the leg wing not inflating? If so, have you figured out what the problem is? I need to get it fixed because the flapping is damaging the wing. Until then, I've had to remove the leg wing to prevent further damage. :(

    I've asked for some help from the nice folks at Jii-wings, but they are a little too busy to get back to me right now.

    Any advice?

    Check out the video and let me know what you guys think.

  10. Quote


    I don't know of any insurance company that will cover damaged equipment done, by the user themselves.

    Be safe

    Ed is right. Insurance companies won't payout for gear damage or loss due to illegal activities. However, I just got $7500 of skydiving gear coverage from State Farm. It covers damage caused by owner brainfarts :)

  11. Quote

    It is positively destroyed. Arm wings shredded, leg wing shredded, torso shredded. Thankfully, Macca has that sporting good insurance that they offer in the UK, so his loss is totally covered.


    Does anyone know if that UK gear insurance company will insure U.S. citizens on U.S. soil? I can't find any U.S. insurance companies willing to insure skydiving gear... except for renter/home owner insurance, but that's for vehicle or home theft of gear only. Any ideas?

  12. Quote

    I want numbers! speed, lift, fall time, distance

    I'm not the best person to give numbers because I'm a fat guy, but I can tell you that flying in a relaxed position in my GS1 gives slower freefall speeds than maxing out my GTI. Also, I seem to have a fairly good forward speed, but I haven't jumped with anyone else yet.

    Ed, have you jumped yours yet?

  • Yes, it's got the mesh. All the other birds at my DZ have migrated south for the winter, so I don't have any video to help diagnose the problem. I'm not sure, but it just feels like the leg wing is flapping a bit. Most likely just pilot error.

  • Have you jumped it yet? I got mine about a month ago. I'm having trouble with the leg wing flapping. It's probably just pilot error, but please let me know if you have the same problem. Thanks. :)

  • I'm sure I'll be criticized for this, but I think that pure jump numbers don't mean shit. I've met skydivers with a bunch of jumps that suck and folks with very few jumps that are great. I think the recommended jump numbers for wingsuit flying should be just that... a recommendation. The decision to jump a wingsuit rests with you and your wingsuit instructor, that's it! If you both feel your ready, then do it. B|

  • Has anybody heard about possible designs for inflatable vertical stabilizers on the aft, dorsal side of a wingsuit... kind of like the tail of an aircraft. Maybe one on the backside of each leg. It might add lateral stability when maxing out a suit. What do you guys think... stupid, or intriguing?