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Posts posted by chuck.reilly

  1. Mel, Hamo, Karl, and the entire SDE staff Thanks for an EXCELLENT boogie!! The weather was great, the skydiving was fantastic, losta planes ,granted it was a little crowded on the packing mat but hey it just made for a lot of nice conversations and I made a lotta new friends, the party was most excellent the stuff of legend, overall an unmitigated success, can't wait for next year!!
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  2. Why would you want to downgrade your Android to an inferior OS?
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  3. I had a Cypres 1 that reached EOL, replaced it with a Vigil that proceeded to ground fired after it's third jump and being on the ground for 20 minutes, I returned the Vigil got my money back and bought a Cypres 2, I also have a Cypres 1 in my back up rig.

    Nothing against any other product but as a safety device you get one shot and if it misfires due to a sensor error indicating that the temperature is 2000 degrees, then you've lost my business.
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  4. I've jumped Elsinore and Perris, like 'em both, that said Elsinore is my choice but then it's all a matter of perspective.
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  5. Thanks for an awesome boogie Rich! We met a lot of great people and had way too much fun! We were barely wheels up out of Belize before Lauri was talking about doing it again next year.
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  6. Cool. We're bringing scuba gear in place of my second rig, my wife isn't current so we'll do some diving in place of a water jump.
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  7. Four rigs! must be nice, I've just got my one that I'll be bringing.
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  8. Mel,

    Thanks for and EXCELLENT event! The work of the entire team at Elsinore was evident on Saturday in the short lines at manifest, the 3 Otters and the Skyvan allowed you to get as many jumps in as you wanted, the very attentive load organizers got you jumping with a lot of fun people , the night swoops were great, dinner was good and the party was AWESOME! All in all just a great time and an excellent vibe.
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."


    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! ! !
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  11. Thanks for the offer, however my team is competing in the SSL at Elsinore this Saturday.
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  12. If I might make a suggestion, make a road trip to SoCal, pull up to Elsinore DZ, if someone doesn't hit you up to jump then ask manifest who is LOing, you'll be jumping with others in no time. We love jumping with people of all skill levels, mixing newbies with more experienced jumpers.
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  13. My all time worst is Boys Don't Cry…what a colossal waste of film! I watched it after it had won an Oscar, thought hell it must be good it just won an was I ever wrong! Poor story never cared a bit about any of the characters and it just droned on and on. That is 2 hours of my life I will never get back!
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  14. My bad, I meant to congratulate nerdgirl and everyone else that has debunked this neocon pipe dream, however I messed up and clicked on the wrong reply to link.

    Oh well feces occurs!

    I'll go back into lurker mode, sit back and enjoy watching right wing heads explode as they realize how insignificant their hate filled fear mongering has become.

    Peace out!
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  15. Aw now you went and burst their happy little right wing bubble, they were so hoping that they could either get a third term for W or have a do over on the election and steal it for Caribou Barbie.

    Amazing how quiet they've been since you presented them with actual facts. :)

    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  16. 52 & 10 1/2
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  17. From the Associated Press -

    Candidates meet 'natural-born' test despite rumors By ANN SANNER, Associated Press Writer

    As John McCain and Barack Obama vie to become president, certain fevered voices persist in saying they should not even be allowed to try.

    In an argument popular on the Internet and taken seriously practically nowhere else, critics of the candidates argue that each does not qualify to run for the White House because he's not a "natural-born citizen" as the Constitution requires.

    Obama plainly is, because he was born in the U.S.

    McCain qualifies, too, although the circumstances of his birth — on a U.S. naval base in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936 — were unusual enough to merit a review.

    In California, U.S. District Judge William Alsup threw out a lawsuit seeking to remove McCain from the state's ballot because of his birthplace.

    Alsup ruled in September that McCain was essentially a qualifying citizen two times over — first, because both his parents were U.S. citizens, which satisfied eligibility rules of the time; and because a law passed a year after his birth retroactively recognizing people born in the zone as natural-born Americans.

    McCain's father was stationed in the Panama Canal Zone with the U.S. Navy.

    The Constitution requires that only "natural-born" citizens hold the presidency. But the Founding Fathers did not elaborate on the term, so bloggers and others have had a field day.

    Theories abound that Obama actually was born abroad and that his birth certificate, proving he was born in Hawaii, is a fake.

    Obama was born in Honolulu in 1961, two years after Hawaii became a state. He is the son of a Kenyan father and a mother from Kansas, who met and married in Hawaii. After the marriage failed, a 6-year-old Obama left Hawaii to spend four years in Indonesia with his mother and Indonesian stepfather. In 1971, when he was 10, Obama's mother sent him back to Honolulu to stay with his maternal grandparents.

    In response to the allegations, Obama's campaign in June posted the Illinois senator's birth certificate on his campaign Web site,

    The nonpartisan Web site examined the original document and said it does have a raised seal and the usual evidence of a genuine document.

    Even so, a lawsuit challenging Obama's candidacy was filed in August in a U.S. District Court in Pennsylvania and is still pending
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  18. He is just as much a citizen as John McCain, who was also born outside of the US but of US parents.
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  19. Quote

    Had you attended weekly Lectures by those Nobel prize winners (Like Obama did with Rev. Wright) for 20 years, I would think you might have learned from them. Had you choosen to attend those lectures above all others, I would think that you must believe what the lecturer is saying more often than not.

    You mean like Sarah did with the witch hunting


    Had the Billionaires help launch your career and have done so from their own living room, I would suspect that they share similar philosophies to yours.

    Now you're just spouting the Sean Hannity/Faux News lies. Check your facts before posting, a good site to do so is
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  20. Here are the links you requested, however you'll probably deny them since they aren't to Drudge or Newsmax.
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

  21. And you support Palin whose husband was a member of a secessionist movement whose goal is to have Alaska secede from the union? Whose leader said he didn't want to buried under the United States flag? Palin who recorded a video for the same secessionist hate group?

    Sorry I know facts can be confusing to the small minds that are easily diverted from the real issues facing us in this election.

    corrected spelling
    "There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."