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Posts posted by flyingmonkey

  1. There are a ton of coach jumps required at the DZ near me. It is the AFF program which ends up totaling over 1500$. I know that I should go through the program anyways so that I become knowledgable and safe. I am curious how you only did 2 coach jumps as well as how you are only charged 40$. I must go to the wrong DZ.

  2. I am very very new to the sport and think it is the best thing that I have ever done. But I have a few questions. My first is... why should I get my A liscense? What purpose does it serve? I am a college student with little money but I love jumping. What does an A liscense let me do that is different than just jumping? Like I said I am new to the sport. If anyone can help me, let me know how I should progress into being a weekend skydiver taking in all that I can.