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Posts posted by firewater

  1. Thanks for the great replys. I've been at the gym a bit, but recently twisted my ankle something rough. should be better in a few days but still annoying. [:/] Going to try a Yoga class when ankle heals, I hear great things about it,
    UCSC's very own FLYINGSLUGS!

  2. In my limited experience (just about to get AFF started), Tandems are great ways to get ready for the feelings of freefall without the added stress of COAs, drills, ect. That said, it's also a good way to learn basic canopy control before doing AFFs. Hope you have fun!
    UCSC's very own FLYINGSLUGS!

  3. Hey Ed, thanks for the welcome. I was able to make my 4th tandem on Saturday at SMB. It was a positive blast! Such a great location. Weather was perfect for it, got a great view of the coast. I made my jump pretty early (around 10ish), and made it from the Otter. Actually got to go to 14k as opposed to 10k! Don't know why, but I was MORE then happy. I believe my instructors name was Jim... but I pretty much met him just as we were loading the plane so my memory is a little fuzzy. He did teach me to do turns in freefall which was pretty sweet. None the less, he was a great instructor ;)
    The staff seemed very nice and welcoming, and it was a fantastic experience. I can't wait to go back :ph34r:!

    My instructor in Mercer was a guy named Jamie. Very funny and a fantastic tandem instructr. Heading back to NZ in next winter, hoping to have passed AFF and be able to make a whole bunch of jumps up in the Bay of Islands as I hear it's fantastic up there.

    Anyway, good to meet you!
    UCSC's very own FLYINGSLUGS!

  4. From what I've been hearing, streching is the way to go. Any specific areas which should be targeted? I'd figure legs, back, and arms would be key for a good arch and safe landings. Any kind of regular skydiving regimes practiced regularly by the pros? Thanks again for all the great feedback, this seems like a fantastic forum :)
    UCSC's very own FLYINGSLUGS!

  5. Thanks for all the great advice all. I'll check out that Body for Life book. When I was working at a bookstore it was pretty popular. Anyway, great feedback folks :) Heard great things about Yoga too, so I'll give that a look. Many thanks!
    UCSC's very own FLYINGSLUGS!

  6. G'day all! Just wanted to pose a quick question to all you knowledgeable folk. I made my first tandem dive two years ago, and have made 2 more since. I'm finally going to be in the position to do an AFF course at my local dropzone this summer.

    I've been somewhat inactive for the past few months and I've found myself somewhat out of shape. I joined a local gym because of a sweet deal, and I'm wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to what kinds of things I should focus on in order to physically prepare for a successful AFF program. I'm not what you'd call exceptionally athletic, but I'm no couch potato either. Anyway, any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks much
    UCSC's very own FLYINGSLUGS!

  7. Thanks for the welcome! The DZ in New Zealand was in a little town called Mercer which was about 2 hours from Auckland. Jumped from 12,000ft and the view was stunning. I was able to see both sides of the country, as far north as the tip, and as far south as Lake Taupo which is pretty much in the center of the country. Amazing experience, it's a truly wonderful country!
    UCSC's very own FLYINGSLUGS!

  8. G'day all! Just wanted to give a quick little self introduction, seeing as I've been spending what might be considered a less then productive amount of time reading these forums.

    I'm just getting my feet wet, so to speak, in the sport of skydiving. I've made 3 tandem jumps so far. The first two were in Upstate New York at Finger Lakes Skydiving. My most recent jump was in New Zealand, where I was lucky enough to find a ride down to Mercer and jump there. Was great fun.

    Living in Santa Cruz, CA at the moment, doing the college thing. Going to make my 4th tandem on Saturday, at Skydive Monterey Bay (weather permitting of course).

    Planning on doing my AFF this summer when I can afford the time to do full time work.

    My goals in the sport are to get a license (naturally), learn to Freefly, and (in the VERY distant future) perhaps learn to fly a WingSuit. Anyway, this became longer then I thought, so I'll wrap it up.

    Good to meet you all,
    UCSC's very own FLYINGSLUGS!