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Posts posted by docrw

  1. Tink,
    I couldn't agree more! It seems the sport has changed so much, that a reflection on the past of the sport has been completely overlooked. I for one have ALWAYS respected the elders (of all genres) and especially in skydiving since I lived thru some of the ground breaking years. I've known many of those people you talk about, Bob Sinclair and Roch Charmet (world record holder for most jumps) lived at my DZ in the 80's and it was a honor to know him, and seeing him in the 90's was rewarding for both of us. I've actually had the pleasure and honor of giving a couple of veteran skydivers there first CRW jumps since that's what I was known for.
    God bless the elders of our sport, I thank them for the many good memories they have given me and others a like.

  2. Brett Martin,
    I couldn't agree with you more on your comments of Zeke Lenn. Everyone that didn't jump at Ralphs or Jesse's were enemies. He also was using his position to exert force on jumpers they didn't like or that they saw as an economic threat, i.e. new DZ's, demo jumps. Sheridan was the best DZ I have ever jumped at, and some of Ralph lost his jumpers to Ted, because they didn't want to be controlled so much. I did enjoy (somewhat) my days at Ralph's but would never jump at a place that was run like Hitler owned it again.
    Life's to short for that or cheap beer.

    I didn't vote for Zeke. Is it true that Zeke died?

  3. I'm glad I was able to find this discussion on Bob. I've know Bob since the early 80's and have been able to run into him in the mid 90's a few times. He starting me as a camera guy and I still have the equipment he gave me from way back then. I was doing a search to find him again, and that's how I found this forum. Does anyone have any idea where he might be these days? Last time we saw each other was in Oregon.
    Any help would be great.

  4. I've resently bought some used gear, and was told it had a fresh repack but the seal and thread look odd. Can someone tell me what the seal should look like and why some have letters and numbers and this one only has 3 letters. How are these numbers given out by the FAA? Is there a list of riggers that can be checked using the riggers number?
    Thanks in advance!