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Posts posted by chaz1234

  1. Macaulay, interesting post here. I've definately had my relationships affected by my skydiving. Something I'm still kinda sorting through. Mom & Dad suprisingly have been completely cool with it. When I told them I was doing it my Mom said she'd always wanted to try it, and is looking to do a tandem when they come out to Cali! Who knew? Dad on the other hand, was slightly upset about it, but changed his tune once he saw how much fun I was having, by watching my AFF videos. He'll never try it like Mom, but he doesn't give any grief. So on the parent front, I'm in a good spot. Especially since at the DZ I hear horror stories of parents who want to "guilt-trip" their kids into giving up skydiving. My parents only comment was, "do what you love, because it's your life." Coolio! :)Now, whuffo friends on the other hand...WHOLE different story. I've gotten the full spectrum, which I'm sure you all are familiar with: Indifference to skydiving, "You're completely crazy" comments, "How could you do this to those who care about you" statements, etc. I've found that when I do spend time with these whuffo friends, it's not like it used to be, because I'm not like I used to be. They don't want to here any of my skydiving stories, and that's all I can think about! Now that I'm on a four-way team, I'm sure the obsession is only going to get worse...and I'm 100% cool with that. When the weekend comes, I'm usually at the DZ, so when I do spend time with these friends, it's almost like a high-school reunion, where you gotta "catch up" on what's been going on in each others' life! So where does that leave these whuffo friends? Well, still working through that. Fortunately everyone at the DZ is so cool, and fully supportive of our shared skydiving addiction, new friendships can easily be forged.
    Now on the dating front...FULLY, COMPLETELY another story! Dating a whuffo chick, IMHO, is ASKING for trouble! On the flip-side, there aren't that many skydiving women of color in the sport (Hell, there aren't enough women, period!), so a black skydiver like myself could be waiting a LONG time if he limited his options to only skydiving chicks! This is why I'm impatiently waiting for Halle Barry to get interested in skydiving! ;)
    Anyway, Macaulay, to answer your original question, if anyone (friends, family, girlfriends) put pressure on me to chose them or skydiving, they'd quickly have to go. (How fast can you say, CUTAWAY?!)
    Blue Skies

  2. Quote

    Chaz - the pond seemed awful low to me.... you know there is no statute of limitations, right? rrrrrrright!

    Mandy, unfortunately I've been reminded this several times already! :)

  3. Ditto on the "ground hungry" Spectre. Even so, very fun canopy, and one I started using fairly early off student status. As always, watch your wing loading though.

  4. Quote

    Dude, are we going to cross paths? I'll be on the left side of the country 23 July - 1 August.

    Hey Carl, we'll end up crossing. I'm flying out on July 22, for a week's visit. Thanks for the tips though...haven't decided which dropzone to visit yet, but maybe that's just reason enough to visit all three! :)

  5. Hey gang, I'm going back home to visit the folks in western Massachusetts (Springfield) in a couple of weeks, and of course I've gotta go play in the sky! Wanted to get some advice on a good dropzone to visit for a day or so...any suggestions? I'm looking for a place that's welcoming to out of towners, since I won't no a soul. Maybe I could do a little RW with a fellow junkie? Also, not to be a jump-plane snob, but hopefully I can find a place with at least an Otter, or kinda get spoiled jumping at Elsinore!

  6. Dude, I'm there, but I gotta get my beauty sleep! Workday alarm settings of 5am means I gotta take advantage of these rare opportunities. I should be there by 9 though.

  7. Just wondering if anyone is having this problem with the Javelin Odyssey. I am having it regularly on my new rig, and another guy at my DZ had the same problem with his. No response yet from my e-mail to Sunpath, which is upsetting. My rigger, who is great, has adjusted the reserve several times, but still having a problem with this.

  8. Mandy, definitely hope you get it. If you do, ya gonna remember us "little people" at Elsinore as you become an international star? "I vant to be left alone!" But I gotta ask...who's the blonde you're talking about? Sounds like a Hottie! Actually, I've noticed in my limited skydiving experience that there are few homely chicks in the sport...wonder why? Anyway, keep us posted, and I'm SURE if the producers have any sense, you'll get it! Luv, Chaz

  9. Okay, since I've started skydiving, I've been inflicted with stomach flu, measles, mumps, malaria, and leprosy. I think work is getting worried about my well-being, especially since I seem to only get sick on clear, cloudless days... What else can I come down with?

  10. Hey Mandy, Congrats girl! And Shark, just like your namesake, I get the feeling that at Elsinore, when a diver hits a milestone like that, they smell blood and NEVER forget! Besides, I won't let them!

  11. My condolences to all involved as well. I recently (Feb.) came off student status, and one question I have is, Why isn't an intentional cutaway part of student training? It may not have helped this situation, because I don't belive it should be done until a few more jumps than an AFF level 7, but I've never understood why this shouldn't be a part of working toward your A liscense. If prior experience is everything, than we ALL should know how it feels to pull those handles in the air, before we really have to.

  12. I think that's what makes you a skydiver: you're broke all the time, and you DON'T CARE! All you can do is think about diving, and will make many sacrifices to do it! Way to go mountainman! Seriously though, I don't think tandems are whuffos, but they aren't skydivers either....yet. Remember, it's the journey that counts, and one of the great things about skydiving is that EVERY dive is amazing, even if you don't nail the exit, formation, manuever, etc. How many sports or activities can you have as much enjoyment as a novice, as someone who's a "master"? Usually the effort to get better in other sports is work, but in skydiving, every moment is bliss.

  13. Dude, speaking about going both ways, today I did my first three-way sit-fly with Jonathan and Janelle! We exited in a train, and I held my sit through the whole dive! WhooHoo! Backslided some though, that's my next task to work on. Pretty soon Mandy, I'll be ready to freefly with you and the gang! The rest of the day, I went back to RW, but it was all good! By the way Shark, I'm there for the CRW event in June!