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Posts posted by josheezammit

  1. first i would like to address the emotional vulture known as Brains......


    if it werent for you and kim I would be a little bit more reserved, and I would not be going, so you are going, as always in my heart.

    as for for this hot lady named, Olympia, Just go tickets are still on sale, and we can all stare at neon and black lights togetherB|

    Ahh, what a wonderful world.

  2. still scared but i have some of the best dz memories with those two

    puerto morlaes mexico
    driving in circle backwards around a round a bout in front of a resort pissing the guards off

    throwing me throught the manifest wall at the ole SSM

    ya i miss umB|

    Ahh, what a wonderful world.

  3. So four years come and go so quickly and i have seen friends come and go at this dz and today i find myself reflecting on why i have stayed for so long, i mean there have been many chances to leave. Despite the fact that we all can find any reason not to jump somewhere, I want to share with you my reasons for being here. Maybe you will care maybe you won't but hey if you listen that is all I ask. So here is it, my reason, and its simple its love.

    I heard once that love was like high explosives, when you have it nothing can get in your way, you are a force of nature and king of your own, but when it is tampered with its gonna blow up in your face.

    my love for jumping is like that and I am sure that you can relate to that as well. we all want to enjoy this and that sometimes can be tuff. Fortunately more then likely if you are reading this i owe you my thanks, cause you helped me find more love when all my love gots blown'd up. maybe you gave me hell and made me laugh on a day when i couldnt do anything right, maybe you told battered women jokes to tandem students with me in the loading area, maybe you gave me a kiss pass, got drunk and talked shit about how you could kick my ass even though you 140 pounds lighter and a foot shorter then me, drove across country with me so i could buy a car off ebay, threw me through a building wall, maybe you just sat with me and looked up adolf hitlers balls with me on the internet. no matter what you did, i cant say thank you enough.

    maybe just maybe you will dream with me and remember to show that love in all you say and do and places like dz's that end in a towns name, will prosper. Not because of money, or jump numbers, or safety records, because we as skydivers will be what we are infamous and famous for all at the same time......

    A family:)
    I love you all thank you for the jumps and the sweet memories;)

    Ahh, what a wonderful world.