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Posts posted by SBS

  1. Quote

    3. Putting aside grievances and dealing with each other respectfully, even when you disagree, would be a great way to further our discipline. Not pointed at anyone in particular but this interent command attack stuff we see in multiple threads is not helping our discipline.

    I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

  2. I think Twitter has a lot of levels.

    I think there is definitely a "fad" level, where people are following celebrities and such, not really getting useful information. The celebrities will get tired of it and adopt the newest greatest method of reaching their fans, and the fans will die off when they realize that they are not really hearing from the people directly anymore and they have less and less to do with the actual posts.

    Seems to me that this big blowout where you hear about it everywhere you turn will die down, and the platform will evolve more into a tool or plugin for other things like it already has for Facebook and Firefox. And as you mentioned, a tool for industry, news, stocks, etc. They just need to have a clear roadmap of which paths they should choose to pursue hard before the buzz dies down. To me, this phase is more like market research for when reality hits and they run a real company for the long haul.

    Any thoughts on Loopt?

    I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

  3. I got your point, just thought it was an interesting question for discussion and I'm bored. :)

    And yes, I believe that if you are not actually making the subject understandable that you are, in fact, just talking. ;-p


    If you didn't enjoy yourself - is it still called sex?!!

    Well, there have been one or two that I would really like to deny the validation, but yes. :S:D

    I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

  4. I know you guys exist...

    I would be interested to hear from people who are highly skilled in Flash (with emphasis on action scripting), C++, 3D (Studio Max Preferably...don't ask why - well, I guess you can ask why, just don't bash it...not my fault). :)

    Send me a PM please!

    I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

  5. Submitted for your consideration:

    If someone is "making something understandable" to someone, they are explaining it. But, if what they are saying is not making the subject understandable, then are they still explaining it, or are they attempting to explain it? I guess I wonder (because I don't know the answer), does the true definition of "explain" lie in the process or the result?

    I think these subjects are fun for discussion, but it really only matters what someone thinks it means, because the true purpose of language is to communicate a thought from one person to another...if that is accomplished, then it really doesn't matter what the book says.

    I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

  6. I experienced both Rotary during high school, and AFS after for first year of college. Out of 20 of us, at least 3 or 4 went home early with AFS (to Costa Rica). We were miserable and a lot had problems with their host families. An ex-gf went to Argentina with AFS and had a similar experience. I would highly recommend steering clear of them.

    For high school I went with Rotary. I stayed with 5 different families, which added a bit of stress having to move around. Out of 5, only 1 was completely miserable. Everyone I spoke to seemed to have a very positive experience, and I don't know anyone from our group that went home early. I actually went last week to visit, and there are some great bonds that still last 12 years later.

    They do have middle of the summer programs. If they are interested in learning a culture though, the year is really the way to go if you think they can handle it...that's when you really get to "live" in a place and experience it.

    Also, for language it makes a HUGE difference. A few weeks is not enough to learn a language really well, regardless of how many classes someone has had. I get a kick out of people who say "I lived in xyz," and then say, "yeah for 5 weeks." That's an extended vacation. There is so much more to learn and opportunity to grow other than in the culture and language. Staying for a few weeks just doesn't do it. Someone I knew went to be a nanny in France last year. She came back after only a few months, after saying that she was going for a "minimum of a year" and really didn't know when she would come back. She came back saying that she had "lived there". I supported her after her decision, but as she was making it, all I could say was "you are leaving when you have just started to live there". Making it through those challenging times is part of the game.

    Anyway, assuming that I could find someone who would reproduce with me, I plan on sending a child on an exchange program. It's a huge learning experience and so valuable.

    I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

  7. Saw Keifer Sutherland at the airport the other day. On one hand, cool. On the other hand, of all the people I want to be at the airport with me or on my airplane, Jack Bauer is not one of them. Sure, he always gets the bad guy, but I just don't want to be part of the series finale. :-)
    I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

  8. I need some help tomorrow with something that is brain-dead simple in South Beach. Anyone who can get down there and wants to make a few dollars? let me know here or pm me. Basically just need someone to pass by 2 locations and tell me whether or not some videos are running.

    I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

  9. That's pretty cool.

    The content is great. It would be insanely expensive to develop any form of useful interface though.

    Interactivity and gestural interface is my life, I just started a company based on it.

    We are going to see some very, VERY cool developments in these technologies in the next couple of years.

    I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

  10. I had actually completely and totally forgotten that you went to the other coast. I am either a huge prick, or "your presence just never left"...hmmm...I wonder... :D

    I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

  11. The Fatty Crab - Malaysian-ish food (Pork and watermelon rind salad is great)

    The Spotted Pig - Different sort of I dont know what to call it food (known for hamburgers, but they have an eclectic menu)

    Tomoe - Sushi (south of the corner of Bleeker and Thompson) Fantastic...go every time I'm there.
    I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

  12. When this subject comes up, I always think back to when the fuselage ripped off on that Hawaii flight 20 years ago .

    "Excuse me, Mam, could you please find the most attractive, lightest young lady on the plane who wishes to leave you fuckers to your doom? Yeah, thanks!"


    I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

  13. Atlas Shrugged
    Hardy Men
    Tron 2
    Max Payne
    The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
    Buck Rogers
    Spaceballs 2
    Land of the Lost

    Now, here's to hoping half of them follow through and get made. :|

    I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

  14. Quote

    Why don't I remember you? Seriously, I'm not joking here. I remember the username in its other form and I do know you're some sort of legend here, but I'm honestly drawing a blank.

    Blame it on the brain injury and leave it at that. Wink

    Zactly! Embrace the void, and in this case, seek not the answers to your queries...for the images that you may find may not be able to be removed.

    I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

  15. I reckon'd we'd never see you round these parts again.

    State your business.


    I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...