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Posts posted by FlailingJohn

  1. No very many Plf's in that video,

    It amazing to me as well seeing some of those landings with out PLF's wondering if there was any TBL's or two broken legs.

    "sailors of the sky floating down effortlessly to the earth and right on target"

    I grew up in the 80's -90's as a military brat and been to allot of airshows as a kid. My favorite thing was watching the diamond track or trying to spot the knights before they were under canopy.
    I threw my confidence out the airplane door years ago.........

  2. I did forget the logistics of it all. I will definitely set up a fund to support, fuel, maintenace, a year or two of prepaid insurance, etc. The plane would be paid off though and signed over in full to the owner of the dz which means no payments. I am not sure how the taxes would be handled on such a large gift like that.

    This is all just a pipe dream for now and was thinking about winning a big jackpot of over 50 million. if it was like 10 million or so I dont think go that deep....maybe buy a super cessna??

  3. If I won? Id hope to get an amount that would just pay off all my debts and i could just save a little back.....but if i did win a huge jackpot.

    1. Id learn to be scrooge and learn the power of the word "NO"
    2. I'd see if i could use an alias for the media report....if my said win was to be published.
    3. set up a p.o box for when i get sad sob letter from people asking for money.
    4. buy an incenerator to burn that mail bag.....not even gonna read it. If I'm gonna give money away ill give it to a legit charity
    5. pay off debts
    6. buy my own wind tunnel from skyventure. that would be 10 million or more but it would be business and not just a personal wind tunnel
    7. surprise a Cessna drop zone by buying a turbine aircraft for them maybe a pac 750. they would have to agree to free jumps for me until i died
    8. after all the fun.....find good financial advisor B|

    I threw my confidence out the airplane door years ago.........

  4. Zork the text based adventure game.

    When being sent to you room was an actually a punishment as a kid.

    A switch.....

    kid sports that were not fixed so little johnny wouldn't feel like a looser......."a ribbon for 10th place?"

    A cable box that had a tv knob-nothing remote or digital

    Television in a wooden cabinet

    Good movies like: Fandango
    I threw my confidence out the airplane door years ago.........

  5. hi....ive been guilty of lurking for years and post every now and then.
    I am a person who just sits quietly, day dreams and stares up at the sky-all day if i wanted too.
    I threw my confidence out the airplane door years ago.........

  6. Ralph: I bent my wookie....

    homer: But marge, everyone know trying is the first step towards failure.

    bart: Your dammed if you do and your dammed if you dont.

    Apu: silly customer! You cannot harm a twinkie!

    The episode that was a spoof of mary poppins....Sherry bobbins. At the end of that episode:
    bart: Will we ever see her again dad
    Homer: Will see son, Will see
    then as she flying away under her black umbrella she gets sucked into an engine of a jumbo jet.
    I threw my confidence out the airplane door years ago.........

  7. I thought this was funny..


    DUI suspect eats feces

    By CP

    TORONTO -- An accused drunk driver tried but failed to foil a police breathalyzer after stuffing his mouth full of feces. "I don't think alcohol alone would make you do something as disgusting as that," South Simcoe Police Insp. Tom McDonald said.

    "I've never heard of anything like this before," said the 28-year police veteran.

    Arrested Sunday after his Ford pickup was pulled over on a highway just outside of Barrie, the 59-year-old driver was loaded into a cruiser and taken to a police station for testing.

    En route, Sgt. James Buchanan said the prisoner vomited, urinated and defecated in the rear of the car.

    After arriving at the station, he said the man grabbed a handful of his own waste "and placed it in his mouth, attempting to trick the breathalyzer machine."

    It didn't work, Buchanan said.

    The motorist was charged with impaired driving, plus driving with more than 80 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of blood in his system.

    "This fellow was in dire need of help. It's bizarre, but the effects of alcohol can make people do strange things," McDonald said

    The cruiser took two hours to clean and "it's back on the road."

  8. someone told me that the fat kid in the movies is drew carey is that true?
    I have never have gotten a chance to watch the credits to see if it was true.

    I threw my confidence out the airplane door years ago.........

  9. Anything comparing or calling my beloved country to nazism just make me mad then hell.
    Thats all i will say my head hurts to much from being mad at this idealistic professor who is using his position as a professor to throw his views on too impressionable young college students.



    i apologize for the bad grammar, spelling and a half thought out speakers corners post.

  10. any classic movie that was remade.


    War of the world
    Charlie and the chocolate factory
    and a laundry list of others

    doubtfully sure
    I threw my confidence out the airplane door years ago.........

  11. Quote

    The sonic cruiser would have been subsonic, most airliners cruise at around 0.84-0.87 mach I think, so not nearly so much of an advantage.

    ah okay... So the 20 percent increase in speed would not have made much of a difference.
    Even so, I would like to see it happen but i know it isnt ever going to happen.

    doubtfully sure,
    I threw my confidence out the airplane door years ago.........

  12. Quote

    It would have cut down travel time a bit, especially for the really long flights of course. They thought it would be a hit, but not enough advantage from the airlines pespective of extra operating cost.

    I dont think they should give up on it just yet. the idea of a sonic cruiser imo is better than a double decker jumbo jet. Also enginers could make it allot more economical than the concord ever was.
    but then again what do i know.............

    I am bored
    I threw my confidence out the airplane door years ago.........

  13. ***You mean sonic ?? as close to the speed of sound ?? ***

    Yes that is what i really meant.

    Im bored and doubtful
    I threw my confidence out the airplane door years ago.........