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Posts posted by sum1mom

  1. You call me a biatch????

    It was you amongst others encouraging/instigating a Hot Viper prank on me, cause you didn't want to be the only gullible sucka!! Your encouragement accompanied by really BAAD acting kept me safe on this one!!

    I KNOW when you guys are up to something. So, what is a Hot Viper????? HUH??

    You are soooo PIED!!!

  2. WHERE'S THE BEER????? You Owe!!


    Now that I think of it...since you FORGOT beer.....I remembered PIE!!!!

    You owe 4 cases:

    1st Clear & Pull
    1st TEAM landing (head down swoop into the pond)
    1st time you've done that many jumps in a weekend.
    1st sit fly avatar

    You are hereby cited!

  3. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!

    Amongst other things>:(

    Seriously, that was a pretty narly little (er hum - big) shot you took!! What did you do to piss off your teammates?

    Airtight rox!

  4. Carrie is a very good/strong singer. I just feel like Bo represented a fresh change. The bubble-gummers won this – but, what should we REALLY expect?[:/]

  5. Constantine, undoubtedly, is a good singer - but hasan essence of cheeziness about him. I will admit that I was anti-Constantine until he performed Bohemian Rhapsody. It was impressive.

    For the longest time I thought Carrie was a shoe in. Now, I really believe it's all about Bo. He seems very tangible.

    I guess we all know what I do on Tuesday nights:D

  6. Kiss my )(

    You are a nasty boy and you suck.

    I know you are at home today and are watching General Hospital crying like a little girl, but Bo rox. You just don't know talent.

    Piss ant.


  7. Alas! Someone admits that they watch it!! My vote is for Bo.

    You are absolutely right about Karrie. She has an extremely strong voice, but just doesn't have that punch - something's missing. If she had Vonzelle's charisma...she'd take it.

    Nothing has impressed me since Kelly - well, until Bo came along.

    He brings that true Southern Rock Star Icon back to us!! He's very raw and pure. If Clive does his job, I'll buy his music.:)

  8. You are old enough to have seen them. Where's yo sabre papa???:P I hang my head in shame for you.

    I actally want to see it. Beerlight, if Bo wins next week, you have to take me to see that a dealio?