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Posts posted by Kittyblood

  1. Your kitten is adorable!!! All my cats were rescued off the streets not from shelters but it's a great feeling knowing they have a better life with you.
    Blue Skies, Land Soft

  2. Anyone who's owned a cat and not gotten up in time to feed them knows the drill. Mine also like to chew on my hair to get my attention. Wish there was a way to teach them about holidays and weekends.
    Blue Skies, Land Soft

  3. Glad everyone had a good time. There are photos(aka evidence) of the party.

    This weekend there will be a live band at the pond Saturday night.

    Following weekend will also be a theme party but not sure on theme yet. We are still conspiring on what the theme should be.

    Halloween party week after.

    Dawn (host of lasts weeks party) with help from teammate
    Blue Skies, Land Soft

  4. Lived in Utah most of my life and will be going home for Thanksgiving and again at Christmas.

    There is no night life in Utah except what you make. Might get a little in SLC or Park City. Drinking laws have been changed since the olympics so drinking in most places is allowed now.

    Big and Little cottonwood are some of the best resorts around and cheaper than the others for the most part.
    Blue Skies, Land Soft

  5. There will be night jumps this Friday at Spaceland and there will be a pot luck cook out Saturday down at the trailer park. Both events should encourage hanging out. Bringing beer always helps. People asks who's it is and can they have one. Then usually will stick around and chat with you. Hopefully I'll see you there this weekend.

    Oh yea, I'll jump with anyone.
    Blue Skies, Land Soft

  6. We miss UT too. Actually talking about coming back sometime in the fall(around the hunt). Thx on the rating. Now I can jump with the newbies even more! They are a blast to jump with.
    Blue Skies, Land Soft

  7. The people in Ogden are very cool. They will be nice when they pie you. I know, I've had it done to me several times and one of them was in Ogden. This is a skydiving tradition and some day you too will get to pie others. Oh yea, and now in during the summer months is much better than the fall and winter months.
    Blue Skies, Land Soft

  8. Possibly. I'm at Spaceland every weekend and was jumping with and meeting tons of people. Bad with names but good with faces.
    Blue Skies, Land Soft