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Posts posted by tri2sing

  1. I am a AFF student who has had a problem with spins. I have cleared level 5, but here is the problem. Took 2 jumps to clear level 3, 3 for level 4, and have already made 2 attempts at level 6 :(

    Every level that I have had to repeat has been because I went into a spin. Of the 5 times I have gone into a spin, 4 have been to the left. The fifth time the first spin was to the left, the JM stopped it, then the next one was to the right.

    Here is the clincher. On level 6 jumps I have been able to manage a stable exit. I have gone into the spin after doing the circle of awareness.

    We have figured out that it is my leg position that is causing the problem. It seems that I let a leg get pushed in too much. Is there someone who can advise me on this?

    Is there some way to build awareness about my leg position during the fall? If I am aware of my leg position, maybe then I can feel my leg getting pushed inward, then I can try and counter it.

    Thanks in advance

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