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Posts posted by profallrate

  1. Wow, that was painful to watch. Hope the girls will be OK. I actually know someone that had that happen to them. A father and Daughter, but They landed un harmed in the water.
    I can see the operator trying to get "that one last load" in. Sure it is Florida, the weather can change quickly, but no excuse for this.
    As for the handrail on the balcony, it is aluminum, not iron. It gave more than iron would have, but painful none the less. Those rails are only meant to withstand 200 lbs of force at the top rail. Not much. Remember that the next time 4 or 5 or 10 of you are hanging off a balcony on a condo on the beach. I have repaired countless substandard or damaged rails.
    Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

  2. Does anyone see any irony in the fact that Hostess snacks cakes going out of business and they just voted to legalize pot in several states? :)
    Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

  3. Great weather & jumps on Sunday! Had some really good 8 - 9wys! Thanx to Jackie for, once again, putting on this great event! Thanx to Jack & Forts for the great organizing & Charlie for the great flying & spots! Great to jump w/our Tree People Family, TC, Steve & Doug! Special thanx to Regina for feeding us lunch Sunday! Hope to see & jump w/everyone again soon! Love ya'll! Mean it!
    Debi & Keith Brock
    Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

  4. Me-5"6" 190 lbs, my wife, 4'11" 100 lbs. Jumping together for 23 years, married for 20 yrs this October. I wear a bigger suit, she wears weights. No big deal, make adjustments, keep trying. That goes for jumping and relationships.
    Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

  5. Won't make opening weekend, but looking forward to it in the near fututre! 72 miles from the house, already mapped it out. Good luck with the DZ!
    Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

  6. I saw a panhandler at the street corner in Atlanta the other day. His sign said "I am doing this so I won't have to steal" His sign was not the cardboard /crayon variety, it was well a well made, perfectly lettered, puntuated sign. Did this make him a better or smarter panhandler? Hope I did not mis-spell anything here. :)
    Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

  7. in-a-godda-da-vida honey :)
    Give me my freedom for as long as I be, all I ask from livin is to have no chains on me; B,S & T
    Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

  8. LOL, yes they do make a mess, but ours have their own section of pasture they share with the goats, peacocks, and Llama.
    I feel the same about foxes as you do on geese, the only good one is a dead one.
    Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

  9. I thought it was cool when they first started showing upm here 5 years ago. Now, after losing about a dozen geese ,peacocks, pheasants, etc, not so cool. They are there because there is a food source, mice, rats, bugs, etc. When that runs out, they will get more bold. Household cats and small pets are not off limits, and they can get into most cages somehow.
    If they lose their fear of human, it could be due to rabies. My experience, it is just a matter of time before they cause you grief.
    Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

  10. Build him a house, before you know it, he will bring friends along. Put a litter box below to catch the droppings. :)
    Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

  11. You got Freak Nic going on this week. Good place to stay away from IMO. I am here now in a hotel, they said rooms are going fast for later in the week. We are bugging out Thursday morning. Our job site in Buckhead is shutting down till Monday.
    Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

  12. My wife still does. Her motto, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" Also, her malfuntion to jump ratio is much lower than mine :o

    Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

  13. I would have rather seen a video of them when they were at their best, than what I saw/heard last night. Rumor;; Daltry was wearing a wig? just rumored.
    Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

  14. Everyone has mentioned some good ones. Also,
    In the 70's there was a little spitfire named Ruby Starr. but like so many, burned herself out at an early age. She sang with Black Oak and had her own band too. Can be found on u tube I think
    Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

  15. My dogs beleive that I am the center of the universe.
    Our cat thinks my dogs are stupid, the universe revolves around him.
    Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

  16. No, you are not the only one. I too applaud your decision, If you do not want too, don't. Like Davjohns said, I don't like the taste, and don't care for the effects. I quit over 20 years ago, and have never rgeretted it. I got away from that lifestyle when I started jumping(really!)
    I have othe reasons, I have seen so many peoples lives ruined by alchohol, and am currently trying to get one of my oldest friends into rehab before he finishes killing himself.

    Maybe we will meet at a boogie and put together a non drinkers big way.....well, maybe we can scrape together a 4 way;)

    My skydiving friends almost all drink, but I have never felt any pressure from any of them about it, they know where I stand. I am the DD when we go to out of town events , but I don't mind, we all get there safely.

    Don't fret about it, be yourself.

    Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.