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Dropzone Reviews posted by Bosveld

  1. The thing I like most about the place is the great attitudes at PSC. No where else will you find people with no stuck up ideas or Sky-God attitudes that is just in the sport to compliment their power trip ego's. No, the people at PSC has one common goal, skydive..skydive..skydive (ok , and then party). Some of the best coaches in the country in all disciplines jumps here. Free-flying, RW(flat-flying) and much more. And always very helpfull and willing to help. Most of the time the DZ is willing to operate in the week if loads can be organized and filled. And then besides all that, the place looks absolutely amazing all year round, with great facalities. I just can't help it, I find myself packing up every friday after work, and then coming back home Sunday evening late! all in all a home away from home.