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Posts posted by aprilcat

  1. Wow! I haven't been here in a couple of years and this is the first thing I see! CONGRATS!!

    Wishing Mom, Little Baby, and Dad the best of health and happiness always!
    (now back to the thread, there MAY be photos by now!)

    Edited to add: So wait..this is a birthday post? Me=confused as usual but it was nice to see good news first thing.

    So Lauren is 9 now and Conor is about 14. How's are they now? Hoping to see some of the latest photos on this thread!

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  2. I remember him @ WWF; I was driving a golf cart, and he was taking care of those 'at-risk' (bad-a$$ed) kids. He was very good to them and spent a lot of time talking to them. They liked him and were listening. A good guy.

    I don't come here a lot, but I came back to read what happened to Rev.Jim. Rest in peace, Rev. Shocked & sorry you're gone. Condolences to the family.~~April

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  3. You haven't been forgotten, Dan.
    Thought of you yesterday but wasn't up to coming in..but this morning 'Oh Danny Boy' was going through my head so loud, I just wanted to leave a post.

    If the family ever comes in, I'm leaving you a BIG hello and some love. I'll look for Mrs. McFadden's # and give her a call, I hope she's well. I'm sorry I haven't written in a while but believe me, Dan has not been forgotten. It's amazing how the years fly by. I can't believe how long he's been gone.

    One last thing, Dan. You're still a knucklehead in my book. (said with love). Always~~April

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  4. Quote

    1) Saddam
    2) Osama
    3) Gaddafi
    4) Kim jong il

    It's as if God is doing some housecleaning.

    Agree..this man was off the charts crazy and a serious threat. I guess God said "um..no"~~April

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  5. On OJ:
    I watched the 'high speed chase'. Faith in justice -5
    I watched NONE of the trial Faith in justice-23
    I saw the acquittal - Faith? right back up to zero.
    Invites to OJ parties. Faith in Media -55 (I wouldn't have gone anyway).

    Amanda Knox case: I knew she would get home on appeal.
    Faith in justice for the dead roomie - immeasurable.

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  6. Whatever. I can't believe you guys are still spending your days worrying about other ppls sexual preferences and Bachmann and her 'cured' gay husband.

    Lets just all be quiet and vote :)
    Gravity..I sent you an email to see if you're okay. I see you're okay ;) Alive & kicking. Now get out the closet and answer my mail, You don't have to be ashamed that I'm black and you know you LOVE me!

    Good to see Billvon, Masterrig and a whole bunch of other ppl I don't see on Facebook. Very nice to see you all.

    Have a great afternoon...Carry on~~April

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  7. Quote






    There's a huge, raw lady in my sushi!

    Waitor, waitor, I'm not paying for this dish!


    You must be a girl.:S

    Besides, women can be eaten raw.:)


    Loves me some Sushi, but that woman looks dead!!!~~April


    She sure doesn't look happy.

    Wouldn't you just LOVE to walk up to that display and say in your biggest voice:

    Miss? Miss...are you okay?

    ...just to see her blink and break character! You know I would do that in a heartbeat. For extra points...call in the paramedics if she doesn't blink.

    ~~~Women should not be used as Centerpieces~~April

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  8. Quote




    Are there going to be little Leprechauns involved?

    I like them, but they keep dropping peanut shells all over the place and the singing gets really loud at 2 am.~~April

    No; that is March 17th. Look up the 14th. :ph34r:

    Okay..I see there is a boogie in Spain (PLEASE tell me you're going to Spain!) and a safety meeting in Florida. You can't sprinkle confetti into the eyes of folks at a Safety Meeting.

    I read the calendar and I still don't have a clue. I'd like to buy a vowel, Pat...hmmmm...FOUR!
    so whats happening??~~April


    Okay..I clicked the link and read it. I don't t hink I should let Ivan in on this one. We already celebrate that day and call it 'Any Given Sunday' But I appreciate knowing its a REAL holiday and I only have to indulge once a year!

    ...whats in it for me?~~April

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  9. Quote




    There's a huge, raw lady in my sushi!

    Waitor, waitor, I'm not paying for this dish!


    You must be a girl.:S

    Besides, women can be eaten raw.:)


    Loves me some Sushi, but that woman looks dead!!!~~April

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  10. Quote


    Are there going to be little Leprechauns involved?

    I like them, but they keep dropping peanut shells all over the place and the singing gets really loud at 2 am.~~April

    No; that is March 17th. Look up the 14th. :ph34r:

    Okay..I see there is a boogie in Spain (PLEASE tell me you're going to Spain!) and a safety meeting in Florida. You can't sprinkle confetti into the eyes of folks at a Safety Meeting.

    I read the calendar and I still don't have a clue. I'd like to buy a vowel, Pat...hmmmm...FOUR!
    so whats happening??~~April

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  11. ...thats right...and I'm outting her.
    I get her cards and there's confetti in my eyes and when I write to thank her, she doesn't see me! Maybe she has confetti in her eyes too!

    Lisa--love the card..its still on the table waiting for a nosy-victim to open it up and I can bust them with little valenintes all in their hair.Thank you for thinking of me, but I'm on to you, and making this a tradition to my family/nosy neighbors. Gotta spread the joy, right?

    To everyone who gets cards from Lisa, open carefully and replace and put in within reaching distance of Nosy people and let the fun begn!

    Love ya, LIsaH~~~April

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  12. Quote




    What the heck are you women's problem with men?

    Shut up, thats what. Why can't you guys ever stop talking about things we don't want to hear about. Like who caught a puck in their teeth in 1945?

    Rant over.

    I cut off my hair. Most religious societys say that you must cut your hair to forget your past. I look like an Easter Chick but I feel good.

    Um, forget the religious part if you are Brittney Spears. Just DO it. :)~~April
    PS...photos to follow

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  13. You can try your local Universities for intellectual guidance, but if you just want books I recommend 'Buddhist Mahayana Texts' (E.B. Cowell) and 'The Lotus Sutra' (translated by Burton Watson).

    Very good books for your soul. I keep them near my Bible, my Quaran, my book of Mormon, etc. The Buddhists texts keep me calm because I know if I 'want', I'm going to have to come back and do it again and again till I don't 'want'.~~April the Hothead

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  14. Quote

    TruTV has a show "Smoking Gun presents America's dumbest Criminals"

    They had a very similar video from Canada. Three guys cuffed together, they take off running, 2 go on one side of the pole, 1 goes around the other.

    The cop who helped them up off the ground could be heard saying: "you have the right to be stupid".

    He should have done them a favor and _________ fill in the blank. I'm thinking LEAVE them there for and hour for all to see~~April

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  15. Quote

    I'm sorry that you're sad. If it makes you feel any better, most of us are happy.
    Happy that we have a President who was able to make it to the White House on his own merit, one who has succeeded at just about every endeavor he's undertaken.
    Happy that we have a President whose election is symbolic of the notion of the freedom, fairness and opportunity that we espouse and promote as the backbone of our nation.
    Happy to have a President who doesn't embrace torture or an "ends justifies the means" approach to absolutely everything.
    Happy to have a President who is satisfied with a 1/3 stake in our balance of government.
    Happy to have a President who has gained the respect of most of the world's leadership, his peers.
    And we're freakin' ECSTATIC that we have a President who doesn't make us wince and cringe every time he makes a public address.

    You left out 'happy that we can now PROVE to every child in America that they can succeed. Every single one if they mind their studies and service their communities.

    We know the past, we should be happy that every child has a chance and the children NOW know it!'.~~April

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  16. Quote


    All I can say is I'm extremely glad that guy isn't my doc. I expect a higher level of maturity from the people I trust my life to. :S

    Ha ha, dream on.... Doctors and lawyers are some of the most childish, irresponsible people in the world. they have an inflated opinion of themselves, based on the secular priesthoods to which they belong. Several years back, some doctor was hounding his ex-girlfriend, trying to FORCE her in court to abort the child she was carrying. He felt that as the sperm donor that he had some kind of right to demand she abort the baby, because HIS relationship with her was over. Never did hear how it turned out, only surprised he didn't persist and attempt to have the child euthanized....

    ...or if that guy was as twisted as the Kidney-Doc, he'd want the aborted fetus where he could see it at all times. Like I said...some people need the company :P~~April

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  17. Quote
    she 'allegedly' thought he was loveable. Somewhere things went wrong and two wrongs don't make a right.

    As you say, "allegedly". You are "alleging" that he
    is not loveable now? Somehow, you assume that
    she is a candidate for sainthood and couldn't possibly
    cheat on a great guy? Assumption.

    The most disgusting sexist argument:
    If a guy cheats, women immediately say that it is
    his fault because he is a pig.
    If a woman cheats, it is the mans fault because the
    man failed to make her happy and she went elsewhere
    to meet her "needs". What crap.

    I don't see how you come up with 'crap'. I never said it was alright to cheat. I said TWO WRONGS DON'T MAKE A RIGHT. She cheated on him...wrong. He wants to take back his kidney...wrong.

    ...and childish. Whats he going to DO with it?

    and when I said she thought he was lovable, that was pretty tongue in cheek. I'd be surprised if my ex demanded a kidney back no matter what I or he did, and I'd question who he (or I) was in the first place to come up with something THAT hurtful and childish.

    Now I'm thinking of fights I had with my sister when we were young. Mom told us there were NO take-backs once you gave someone something it was theirs and thats that.

    Guess I still have that train of thought. I hope she gives it back to him just so he can have some company and feel all is 'right' with the world.~~April
    PS he IS a prick. She's a cheater and he's a prick. The end.

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  18. She is going to get the house until the kids are 18,
    plus mega-child support. (Just the person of character
    that you want raising your kids.)

    Let us behave. What do you mean 'your kids' when he gave her 'his kidney'? That he cared about her and she cared enough to take it doesn't really say anything about 'yours, mine, and ours'. I offered my brother a kidney and he said no..he didn't want to compromise my life. I seriously doubt if I would have done something to break my brother's trust, he'd demand the kidney back or $$$...OR just even go public calling me a Jezabelle.

    Just a few of my own thoughts...I doubt that she'd ask a judge to shove his kids back up his shaft...or demand some sort of weird retroactive abortion process, nor a judge willing to sign on taking her life for an alleged affair. Its not a ring..its an organ. She gave organs to give him children and if you want to 'allege' things, she 'allegedly' thought he was loveable. Somewhere things went wrong and two wrongs don't make a right.

    I agree with most of the female posters here that he should have maintained a personal and professional dignity and STFU in public. What a CHUMP. What a lesson for their children. I'd let this one go privately, and in that I mean out of the public medium.

    I would like to hear a Judge try to enforce his request...Yeah...right. Half the population would have to live without a heart/liver/brain/anus, name, it..its gone and we'd all be tied up in court all the time.

    I think the bottom line is, if you're going to be an asshat at the end of the line and want to take back the most precious things, don't make vows..don't make children...and if you make kids are you willing to reclaim them at the end of a broken (???) vow?

    Kidneys are forever. You can sell the ring and split the $$$...I'm never going to give back an organ and I dare a Judge to make me do it cause my husband didn't like the way I stayed out (???) a few nights. Bleah~~April

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  19. I just found this on some 'best of the year' show...OMG...

    Sickeningly funny. Most hits of 2008 in youtube and I still wonder if she's okay....
    (psssssssssst...for extra laughs...watch the 'reaction' videos. Laughter is the best medicine. Maybe not for Scarlet, but.....)~~April

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

  20. Quote


    Fourteen Characteristics of a Serial Killer

    Are you suggesting that people who commit cruelty to animals should be prosecuted as if they are serial killers?

    ...don't know about that, but whomever put that puppy in the oven should be put down. That was just wrong. Take the stuff and leave!~~April

    Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!