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Posts posted by airborne_gary

  1. I just happened to catch the show. My mother and I got a kick out of the responses from the staff in the show because they were almost identical to the nurses and doctors that took care of me after my incident two months ago(femur and pelvic fracture). Something about skydiving, MEDEVAC and emergency room seems to make them expect the worse right away.


  2. Quote

    Early April is when I ordered mine too, it was originally scheduled to ship in early June but they were delayed by 2 weeks... yours should be coming any time now... check with the dealer.. BTW, you'll love it!

    I finally got mine on Saturday and put seven jumps on it this weekend. You are right I love the rig and the fact I don't have to pay rental fees anymore.


  3. Quote


    Paperboy. Having to chase people down for a buck fifty at the end of the week was HELL. The kid from "Better Off Dead" was no exaggeration.

    Was that the movie where the paperboy on his bike followed John Cusak around everywhere he went, even the ski slope, hollering; "I want my two dollahs!"?

    That was the movie I was thinking of.


  4. Paperboy. Having to chase people down for a buck fifty at the end of the week was HELL. The kid from "Better Off Dead" was no exaggeration. Trying to finish the route during those sub zero wintery nights that would put a mailman to shame. I guess it built character.


  5. One thing I usually do at the gym is hang from a pull up bar where my feet don't touch the ground and try to relax all my muscles except for the ones I need to hold on, obviously. It's amazing the stuff you'll feel cracking especially the older you get.

    When I'm at the dropzone I'll stand at the end of one of the picnic tables and hold myself up trying to let my feet dangle as much as possible and maybe arch a little. This usually allows for a nice stretch.


  6. I kind of like the Misfits. Before I went into the Army I worked at the machine shop that Jerry Only and Doyle's father owns, it's only a half mile from my house. They worked there also. I don't want to tell you about the ass whoopin they used to give us at the company football games we used to have. I still see them from time to time at the gym, especially when they were trying to bulk up for the WWE. Jerry is strong as hell and Doyle is shredded. All around they are a couple of easy going, very friendly guys.


  7. Having prior military jump experience (static line) I felt the same way about having to jump strapped to another person. May I suggest biting the bullet as I did and make the tandem at least for the sake of cutting down on travel time. It will definitely expand your choices as to where you may jump and cut the travel time to about an hour. There are many places close to NYC as I am sure you have already found. Especially with the questionable weather we have had in this area, you may drive all that distance and not even get into the air.
    In addition, tandems offer an excellent training opportunity, as more qualified jumpers could tell you, especially for someone who hasn't been in the air before. Good Luck either way.


  8. I came here to vent a little. I just watched his story on CNBC. If they are going to show his face then they should show the face of every soldier that has died over the past however many years. He is no different otherwise, he volunteered, he died and it's always a tragedy.
