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Posts posted by JennyB

  1. We had a girl at our dz that had several hundred jumps and good at freeflying. However, she jumped out of the plane and hit the back of her head on the plane. It knocked her out. Her cypress fired and she landed in a tree. Please wear a helmet....

  2. You know this may be scary, but i had about 30 jumps and i had a wonderful jumpmaster spend about an hour teaching me to pack (or did he do it because of the short shorts?) anyhow,i couldn't get it in the bag because i bought a brand new canopy.
    (the experienced jumpers were trash packing my canopy- they could hardly get it in the d-bag) so i took it home and cussed and fought and got it in the bag.Next day i jumped it! and noone watched me pack it. What a freak i was! Me and another guy who was learning to pack was deciding what we were going to do after we cut away our main " do we chase it down or come back to the D.Z. then go get it?" Someone heard us and said " that has to be one of the craziest dirt dives i ever heard!" thank goodness both of our canopies opened. I figured i had a reserve.....crazy- i know better now....