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Posts posted by batbex

  1. I think both those guys were being way extreme, unreasonable and closeminded etc...:S

    As for Christians picketing gay pride parades that really is a subjective interpretation of a passage in the bible and by no means the only possible interpretation, even by a Christian.

    Coming from a really strict catholic upbringing and living in Ireland, I don't in any way condone fighting or extreme action in the name of religion, but I do understand the motives behind it.
    I also understand and sympathise with friends who might try to 'push' their religion on me - they are in fact engaging in a self-less act, they thoroughly believe that if I continue on in my beliefs(despite the upbringing, have always been an atheist, just took me longer to come out of the closest about it! :D) that I will be damned and rot in hell for all eternity! if you honestly believed that was the fate of someone you cared about - you'd try and save them from it too!

    Often people don't just fight about religion, it acts as a contributing factor and becomes a scapegoat for gratuitous violence.

  2. Quote

    A woman made the first ever freefall

    wow! now that is interesting :)
    em - onions are toxic to cats(a large enough quantity injested will kill them)

    In 1981 39.6% of the population of the Republic of Ireland claimed to be able to speak Irish

    The 15th century painter and monk Fra Filippo Lippi(master of Botticelli), renowned for his religious work - quit the monastry, shagged a nun, didnt marry her and had a kid :o

  3. I agree with everyone else - you are definitely not overreacting!

    That girl sounds like a cross between a 'pyschotic nasty horrible bitch from hell' and a 'vain insecure jealous and intimidated pathetic excuse for a female', add alcohol and a pretty, geniunely nice girl who's unwittingly and unintentionally just taken any hope of male attention away from said girl for the duration of the night and maybe indefinitely, on her own dz[which she probably percieves as her territory] and it would seem you get a nasty horrible situation in a bathroom :S

    I hope you're ok, and I hope she's woken up realising what an idiot she was and how horrible she was and regretting it lots :)

  4. Quote

    i think my pics cool guys, who agrees with me?
    [if you disagree feel free NOT to say]

    I disagree - I disagree - can I... can I ??
    Oh oops - must have misread that :P
    em you look like a 'cool' monkey - can see how that could be confusing Tom :S

    where did spoons come from!?! this is getting ridiculous - and when did you get your 100th? - CONGRATULATIONS :)
    what did you do? Anything exciting?

  5. Ahhhhh - totally couldn't work out what the bits at the side poking in were - fingers! there I was just thinking you were snarling at the camera for no apparent reason...

    oh and by the way Ally I usually get a T and a C - cos I'm em... 'Totally Cool' - yeah thats it - totally cool :D

  6. My roomates are both over 6ft, I reckon tall girls miss out though, besides sometimes intimidating small men they don't get to be lifted up and thrown about or firemanlifted or piggybacked all over the place. I've even lost arguments by being picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder until I was prepared to be quiet, it certainly shut me up :D

    (5ft 1, I'm a little person)

  7. 'Lover's and madmen have such seething brains' :D Midsummers Nights Dream

    'Who would fardels bear to grunt and sweat under a weary life, but that the dread of something after death, the undiscovered country, from who's bourne no traveller returns, puzzles the will and makes us rather bear those ills we have, than fly to others we know not of.
    Thus conscience does make cowards of us all and thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought and enterprises of great pitch a moment with this regard, their currents turn awry and lose the name of action.'

    Hamlet - the best part and least quoted bit of the 'to be or not to be' speech

    'like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore,
    so do our minutes hasten to their end, each changing place with that which goes before
    in sequent toil, all forwards do contend'

    'make me a willow cabinet at your gate, and call upon my soul within the house. Write loyal cantons of contemned love and sing them aloud, even in the dead of night. Holler your name to the reverberate hills and make the babbling gossip of the air cry out 'Olivia' Oh you should not rest between the elements of earth and air but you should pity me.'
    Twelfth Night or what you will - Cesario to Olivia,on behalf of Orsino

    first few that come to mind, apologies for any mistakes - its a while since I've had to quote off the top of my head. Shakespeare was one of the greatest geniuses(geniuii?) to have ever lived, happy birthday :)
    edit :spelling

  8. lol! :D
    I was including you in that Tom! - I already knew Ally(and Graeme and Gordy) had accounts - not you and Ewan though!

    and yes - freeflying is bad :P evidently Dr said he'd be up and jumping within a couple of weeks (being a nice girlfriend, I've chosen to believe this 'version' of what the Dr actually said!)

    nice save with the hypnotist bit by the way
    it was fab last year though - girl falling in love with a space hopper and getting all agro at another girl for hopping on it :D bring it on...

  9. Bloody hell - where did all these St.Andrew's dz.commers suddenly come from?
    and you do realise that's called thread-hijacking Ewan! :P

    Could likewise do with a good partay - as will have just handed in my dissertation on that friday - though my finals are a mere 2 weeks later :S

    Will see what the boyf's doing and if his shoulder's mended by then

  10. Dude - where can you possibley live that's nine hours away from St. Andrew's yet makes Strath your local dz?!?
    Even Skye's only about 6 hours away :S

    but fair enough - 9 hour drive = totally valid excuse

    there'll be no 'bigway record'ing, unless we get another plane and even then I've gotta presume the record's at more than a 10-way at the moment

    Enjoy the Northerns :)

  11. hey I said in the next post


    you might come up with one I don't already know

    see the admitting having heard them before :P

    Haven't heard the one about the woman in the car though

    is the other man still in the car with her (dead?) body?

  12. BSc Pure Math University of Edinburgh - hated it, after two years dropped out and carried on doing classics which I'd taken as an outised course/minor in my second year.
    Now in my final year of an MA in Classics and Art History at Edinburgh. (graduate in 2 months and counting...)

    I just did maths because I was good at it rather than because I enjoyed it. If you can - take lots of courses in your first and second years and get a taste for them - then maybe make more of an informed decision of what you actually want to do.